The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Do you know that wild animals always walk alone, while cattle and sheep only travel in groups?"

With shackles on his hands and feet, and cold eyes under his messy long hair, Ashes calmly looked at the white figure.

"I seldom go out, and I have never seen what a group of cattle and sheep looks like, but I think a beast with its hands and feet chained should not be considered a beast."

With a pair of dead fish eyes and a listless look, Baiju's face was full of the words "I will go back to sleep after completing the task."

"With locked hands and feet, but the claws are not lost, of course it is considered a beast."

The white shadow reflected in Ashes' eyes turned into ashes bit by bit, just like the white reflection itself turned into ashes.

Baiju's clothes and body were moving towards the ash, starting from the lower body, as if they could fly all over the sky with a gust of wind.

First the feet, then the legs, then the torso and arms.

When the neck was about to burn and the head was completely turned into ashes, Baiju gently raised his eyelids.

"Time stop!"

The clock was paused, everything around was quiet, and even the scattered flying ashes were frozen in the air.

Some people use "white horses pass by in a crack, floating clouds and gray dogs" to illustrate that the time flowing between fingers cannot be retained, but the time at this moment is frozen.

The static time flow seems to be just the beginning, the flying ashes moved, it did not fly high or far, but returned to the direction it came from, just like a wanderer who always has to go home.

The invisible hand moved the hands of the clock, reversing the rule that it could only rotate clockwise.

The flying ashes returned to their original position in their own way, turning into Baiju's body and clothes, exactly the same as when he first came.

Baiju took a step and walked towards Huijin step by step.

The hands of the clock were moved again, this time in the forward direction, but it was no longer driven by the spring and gears, but by the invisible hand that moved the hands forward one by one.

In this pure black floor, pure black walls, pure black ceiling and even pure black space, there were only two moving figures.

It's just that Baiju was like a cat strolling by the fish pond, while Huijin was a sloth anxious to cross the road.

Huijin watched Baiju approaching, easily took away the shadow bead hidden in his sleeve, and then stretched out his finger. He could see the fingertips with a faint glow, approaching his eyes inch by inch, without the slightest doubt that this finger could pierce his eyeball like piercing an egg.

At this time, the hand that had been turning the clock was pressed down, and it pulled the hands back to a certain moment, which was even before the hand moved randomly.

"Rampant princess, underground ballads, come back, our angel~~ Marching beggars, thunder in the ears, play, knights walking~~ I swear here by the shadow in my heart, calling for the power of disorder~~ Time, reverse!"

The clear voice echoed in this silent space like thunder, as if to indicate something.

Baiju's fingertips stopped, and then retreated inch by inch.

Not only the fingertips, but everything he had done since coming here was retreating, and finally he returned to the starting point.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that the period when he turned into ashes and recovered did not retreat, because there was no need to reappear during that period.

"Disorder." Baiju whispered the name, and then looked at the shadow bead in the hands of the ashes.

The shadow bead, which originally only showed a four-pointed star, now turned into a dazzling seven-pointed star, and even the dark color of the shadow bead itself could not cover its brilliance.

"Seven-star Shadow Pearl, is this what that person left behind?" Baiju's eyes changed rarely, and his face was more serious than ever before.

"Seven-star Shadow Pearl? No! It shouldn't be called that. The king's authority is reflected in his crown and scepter. The crown represents dignity, and the scepter represents power. Only those who wear the crown and hold the scepter can sit on the king's throne. This energy core is the unique crown, the king's status, not just a star with an extra corner."

Ashes held the shadow pearl in both hands, his eyes were fanatical and solemn.

"I'm not borrowing the king's power, but representing the king's status. Just like you can easily erase the abilities of those below your rank, those of higher ranks can also erase your abilities, and Kasain can't suppress it. You didn't expect me to carry such an important energy core, so you gave me a chance. We should be imprisoned at the place where the king is under our feet, right?"

Baiju's face changed suddenly, and his body instantly shuttled through time and grabbed the shadow pearl.

Everything here was built by Kasain. It was the strongest fortress of mankind. Even if 10,000 Shadow Clan warriors were allowed to destroy it at will, there would be no need to worry. But now, because of the Shadow Pearl,

There is an extra flaw.

Ashes' eyes were completely blank, and he sang softly with one hand on the ground.

"Lonely lantern wheel, dissipated church, regret, decaying splendor~~ High-hanging palace, magnificent bell tower, erase, past prosperity~~ I swear here by the shadow in my heart, calling for the power of disorder~~"

Accompanied by the man-eating roar, the boundless tide of darkness gushed out, swallowing up the light, swallowing up every space.


"Very good, so I can get out."

Yao Zhe looked at the gradually sunken entrance of the barrier and breathed a sigh of relief. The bastard who suddenly broke in ruined his plan and almost trapped him in.

This time, the leakage of the throne's aura is probably more explosive than the rumor of the appearance of a dream? Besides, such a large barrier can't cover it up.

The judge is on the way, he must hurry up and escape from here.

The barrier finally broke a hole, and a strong white light shone in.

This is sunlight.

"It's already daybreak. Is it the breath of the eternal night that has turned the inside of the barrier into night? What a terrible power."


A loud roar made him turn his head instantly, and the light suddenly dimmed almost the moment he turned his head.

The sky, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly became gloomy, and the sky was as dark as a man-eating beast. There was no difference between the inside and outside of the barrier.


"What's wrong? Why is it dark?"

"It's so dark, I can't see anything, and it's not so dark at night."

"This... This scene feels so familiar, why is my body shaking?"

Countless people walked out of their homes, staring blankly at the sky and the opaque curtain.

Some people who seemed to have experienced a disaster began to tremble uncontrollably, and even the hugs of their children could not bring them comfort.


"Grandma Heiman, is there a power outage?"

Erin hugged the rabbit and rubbed its head. The rabbit seemed a little anxious.

There was still some light around, which was reflected by the crystal ball on the counter. These lights also dimmed quickly, and everything around went dark.

Behind the counter, a woman wearing a black veil and holding a cane with a crystal ball in her hand staggered up, looked at the sky outside the window and murmured in disbelief:

"No! This is impossible! This is impossible! The time has not come yet!"


In a room deep in the palace.

The man with golden hair and blue pupils looked out the window through the iron grille. He raised his hand, as if he wanted to pull the curtain in the sky.

For a long time.

Crazy laughter echoed in the room, corridor and even the entire palace. Countless servants were so frightened that they dared not move.


On top of countless corpses and broken bones, the man holding the Grim Reaper's scythe slowly turned his head and looked at the dark sky behind him for a long time without saying a word.

The originally noisy battlefield suddenly became audible, and the things in the dark stopped tacitly, smelling the silence all over the sky together.

Countless people in black capes and white masks looked back with the man, their eyes were confused or sad.


'He is the creator of the world, the god of all living beings. '

'He created everything, and at the same time, he split into everything. '

'His eyes turned into eternal night. '

'His brain turned into truth. '

'His ears turned into dreams. '

'His nose turned into the abyss. '

'His blood turned into...'

The devilish voice poured into the ears and the mind, like a tap flushing the bathtub, washing away all the dirt it thought.

Ye Tian felt an inexplicable restlessness in his heart. He wanted to keep listening, and wanted to hear what the voice described about the creator, but he didn't dare. He had learned the horror of this voice since the first day he got the Book of Miracles.

He forced himself to block himself from listening to the following content. The silver bracelet was also helping him to resist. He then glanced at the content of the page, although the ability described was already deeply rooted in his genes.

[Book of Miracles - Eternal Night Volume 3/7]

[Dark Night Thug]

[In the dark night, physical fitness is improved by 9 times, speed is increased by 5 times, and movements are more agile]

[Impact: Concentrate the power of the night and launch a dark energy impact]

[Rampage: The power that blooms in the night is improved for a short time, with a 5-fold increase in strength, 5-fold increase in speed, 5-fold increase in defense, 5-fold increase in endurance, and a significant reduction in pain. After the time limit expires, 4/5 injuries are offset (50 miracle points/second)]

[Gain stealth ability in a dark environment and can pass through small gaps]

[Enhance your own deterrence in the dark night, which can make creatures within a certain range feel fear]

Opening his eyes, it was like falling into a snake cave, with countless roots with fangs and snake tongues staring at him.

This scene was like

When Master Madara was fighting the Five Kage, he used the Tree World Advent. Although Master Madara could fight five without this, he used it purely to show the pressure of the mountain to the bugs.

Unfortunately, the opponent was not Master Madara, and Ye Tian was not the Five Kage who was beaten.

"Dark Energy Impact!"

The surging energy was like a tide caused by an earthquake, climbing the mountains against the water level and whipping the forests.


The black waves and the roots of the giant trees were entangled together, making a crisp sound like waves hitting the reefs.

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