The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Lou Gao's brain was blank for a moment, and he couldn't speak for a while when he looked at Kuro.

After a long time, he took a breath. Kuro was the backbone of the Panlong Group! What was this equivalent to? It was equivalent to Tang Jin of the Axe Gang and Di Jia of the Black Tiger Gang. Such a person was actually an insider inserted by the Mafia. How terrifying would the Mafia be?

At the same time, his understanding of Hans was infinitely raised, and he felt that his layout was so deep that it was simply incomparable to ordinary people.

After a few seconds of silence, Kuro said, "The Panlong Group may have the support of the Black Throne. Hans asked me to join the Panlong Group to find out about this, but for some reason recently, Hans doesn't care whether there is a Black Throne or not."

Kuro shook his head, and without waiting for Lou Gao to ask, he continued, "Hans is already here, come with me to meet him."

"What?" Lou Gao's voice suddenly rose, and he couldn't stop being shocked.

What did he hear? Hans is here?

Where is this? This is the middle area of ​​District 86!

If they are discovered, the Panlong Group will declare war!

Lou Gao followed Kuro and walked carefully into a residential house. If he was not mistaken, this was still the territory of the Panlong Group. He was secretly frightened by Hans's boldness and walked into the door without stopping.

Hans was still wearing a black and white plaid shirt, a gray and black coat, and two cigars in his mouth. The smoke from the burning filled the room.

There is a shadow bead on the table opposite him. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a compass-shaped black star inside the shadow bead, which represents a two-star shadow bead, corresponding to the mental power of the "fog" level.

There are some reddish-brown lines around the shadow bead, and I don't know what it means.

After seeing Kuro coming in, Hans turned around and nodded to him, then looked past him and looked at Lou Gao.

After seeing Hans, Lou Gao hurriedly said: "Lord Hans, I am doing what you asked me to do, but there was an accident, and now the Night Watcher has arrived, it may be more troublesome."

Hans exhaled a puff of smoke lightly and said slowly: "I know all this, don't worry, I have a new task for you."

Hearing this, not only was Lou Gao surprised by Hans's magnanimity, but even Kuro next to him was surprised.

Obviously Lou Gao is just an ordinary person, why did he give him important tasks one after another?

Lou Gao hurriedly clasped his fists: "Thank you for your trust. If you have anything to say, just tell me. I will do my best to do it!"

Hans nodded and said in a deep voice: "I want you to spread a message that the leader of the Death Worship Cult wants to hold a meeting with all nearby forces and let them all attend!"

"Ah?" Lou Gao was stunned, but then he replied: "Okay. I will do it!"

Although he didn't understand why Hans did this and why he did it, it was not difficult for the news network he stationed here to accomplish this.

From this, it can be imagined that this is also the reason why Hans gave him the task.

Hans showed a satisfied look, and then turned his head to Kuro: "Someone will come to see me in a while. You wait for him outside and then bring him in."

Kuro bowed his head and promised: "Yes."

After Kuro left, Hans thought for a few seconds and then asked: "Is your shadow bead still there?"

Lou Gao's heart tightened, and he quickly touched his underwear pocket, and then his face suddenly stopped, and then quickly turned black and purple.

The shadow bead is gone!

He came out of the melee just now and was unconscious for a while. He didn't know what happened during that time, but what he could be sure of was that the shadow bead was lost during that time.

Seeing his expression, Hans had already guessed the result. He sighed and didn't blame him: "No problem, I'll give you another one. Remember to keep it well this time."

Lou Gao's forehead was sweating. He didn't dare to hesitate and said quickly: "Sure, sure."

Hans took out another one-star shadow bead, handed it to Lou Gao and said: "In order to communicate with you in time, this time I will teach you another paragraph of mumbling, which is about passing messages."

Ten minutes later.

Lou Gao came out of the house with great relief, sighing that today was really his lucky day.

Hans didn't blame him for messing up, and didn't scold him for losing the shadow bead. Instead, he gave him a new shadow bead and taught him a new mumbling.

This was something he didn't even dare to think about, and at the same time, he was convinced by Hans's magnanimity.

He secretly swore that he must not mess up this time, even if it cost him his life!

As he walked out the door,

He saw Kuro bringing in a tall man with long brown hair and a nearly perfect figure.

Without daring to look at him for a few more times, Lou Gao lowered his head and walked out the door.

Inside the house.

Hans looked at the person who came, motioned Kuro to wait outside, and then said with a smile: "You must be Singer, you've been traveling hard."

Singer glanced at him and said directly: "I'm looking for Yao Zhe."

Hans nodded and said: "The connection ceremony has been set up, you can talk to him directly."

Singer said "um", walked to the table where the shadow bead was placed familiarly, first recited a whisper to call for fantasy, and then recited another whisper to connect his mental power to the shadow bead.

The shadow bead flashed a black radiance, and then bursts of black mist emerged.

The black mist soon filled the entire room, and a somewhat gloomy figure appeared above the shadow bead.

"Are you Wei'er's men?"

Yao Zhe's voice sounded and echoed throughout the room.

Singer looked at Yao Zhe without a trace of fear: "Yes! I'm here to get the reward you promised to the leader."

Yao Zhe said "Oh", and then replied as Wei'er expected: "The things are not so easy to get. I remember that there was a mission issued to her, right? Have you got the news of that person?"

Singer said bluntly according to Wei'er's instructions: "Of course. The leader found out that Ye Tian is in District 86!"

The gloomy figure shook obviously, and then fell silent.

Singer glanced at him and said: "We only provide information, not responsible for helping you find people."

The atmosphere was still silent, as if judging the authenticity of the news. After a while, Yao Zhe's voice sounded again: "Okay, I know."

Hans then took out a small black box and opened it to reveal the five shadow beads inside.

Singer did not move, looking at Yao Zhe's figure and said: "The leader said that the round-trip journey is troublesome, and he wants you to advance two months' reward."

Yao Zhe's figure suddenly froze.

What he didn't say was that in order to encourage Wei'er to find out about Ye Tian and to make her gradually obey his orders, he had already given her nearly double the Shadow Pearl.

In this situation, he could only sigh helplessly: "Then take this one on the table as well."

Singer didn't care how many months' salary it was, and directly put the Shadow Pearl in his pocket.

According to the usual teachings of the team leader, raising the price is to make the other party bargain. If you don't bargain, just give the benefits directly, and then you can continue.

So, Singer said goodbye, took the black box from Hans and left.

Hans' mouth twitched as he watched Singer leave with half of the shadow hanging in his pocket, and he didn't say a word.


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