The man shrank back in fear when he heard the strange voice. What frightened him even more was that his body seemed to be out of his control, and even a simple action like moving his fingers did not respond. Then, the cold voice continued to ring in his ears: "There are 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, and a day and night cycle every 12 hours. "Whenever the day fades and night falls, monsters will breed in the darkness. "When people's hearts are occupied by fear, they become monsters without knowing it. They grow hair, their fingers become claws, and they can't help but want to roar to the sky on the night of the full moon.

"And every night they have to kill someone, either someone else or themselves.

"If the monster doesn't want to commit suicide, then it can only drag someone to die for it. Who will this person be?"

As the voice continued to fall, the man's originally calm mind was hammered by the hammer. He could even feel the coolness on his neck, which really felt like the claws of a monster.

"No, I don't want to be killed! Please, let me do anything."

The man's mind was broken and he shouted loudly. Then he suddenly saw things. A group of dark people around him stared at him without looking away, and there were two people in front of him with a sly smile.

"Are you sure what you said just now is true? If I give you a chance to join them, will you think of running away?" Ye Tian's face was cold and he smiled meaningfully.

"Of course not, I guarantee with my character... no, with my life, I will never betray you." The man raised his hands and said.

"Oh? How can I believe you?" Ye Tian asked back.

The man looked at Hu Dou and others and said, "Are you from a gang? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. I just want to say that people who don't have a bit of vision in the gang-free area can't stay there for a long time. If you are willing to recruit me, no matter how tough the means are, I will definitely not refuse, and I have no right to refuse. As long as you provide food, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

These words really made Ye Tian unable to do anything. In order to show his ability to deceive people, he specially called Youyan to help. Unexpectedly, he didn't have to say anything, and this person said all the good and bad things.

Ye Tian thought about it, and replied expressionlessly: "Then it depends on your performance. If you don't do what you said, what I said before was not to scare you."

The man hurriedly nodded repeatedly, looking timid.

"Is that all?", Jaylen next to him said blankly. He had thought it was difficult to subdue these people, but he didn't expect that Ye Tian would solve it so easily.

"Of course, don't you look at who I am?" Ye Tian flicked his hair and gave Jaylen a handsome and compelling electric eye.

Next, Hu Dou imitated Ye Tian's operation in a very realistic way.

Although he couldn't imitate Ye Tian's ability, he could fight with real knives and guns.

The first passerby who raised the white flag was pulled over as a vivid teaching material, and he would gesture with a knife from time to time. Even when he met the stubborn Ye Tian, ​​he would help create an inhumane massacre scene, which scared those who had surrendered and those who had not yet surrendered.

Then it was much smoother. Every passerby who came was given a dark and closed-eye operation, and then more than a dozen people showed up to preach, and it was taken down without much effort.

Later, as the business matured, it was no longer limited to passers-by, but took the initiative to go to people's homes to solicit opinions.

In a low voice, this is not some kind of illegal and criminal evil act. Not only did they cooperate in various ways, but they also personally stated that they were not coerced and joined voluntarily.

When it was almost time, Ye Tian turned around and disappeared.


"Boss, many of those people are pretending to surrender and waiting for an opportunity to escape. If you hadn't ordered us to keep an eye on them, some of them would have already run away."

Lou Gao narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded gently and said, "It's normal. If it were me, I wouldn't easily hand over my fate to others. Kill all those who ran away, let those who wanted to run but didn't run do it, and kill those who didn't dare to do it."


The men left in a hurry and acted according to Lou Gao's instructions.

Lou Gao stopped for a while, then turned into another road, not knowing what he was going to do.

After a while, Bramo walked out of a corner where Lou Gao was first, muttering to himself, "Is the spy of the Night Sect Leader so terrifying? Even such a secret action can be predicted in advance."


Then he shook his head, trying to shake off the swallow, but gave up after a few tries, and let the swallow point the way above his head.


"Cousin, what do you think of my clothes?" Xie Huo picked up a brand new suit and gestured in front of him.

The suit is black, just like the uniform of the Axe Gang. The long linear arcs on both sides make it look dignified and energetic, and the cuffs have reflective silver-gray classical patterns.

For this gang gathering, Xie Huo went to the inner ring to make clothes. It is no exaggeration to say that this piece of clothing is harder to get than some guns and weapons.

Xie Jiang took a look and smiled, "Very handsome, why don't you try it on?"

Xie Huo hung up the suit carefully, then pouted and said, "It needs to be air-dried outside for a while, so that it looks more natural, instead of being seen as a piece of clothing that has never been worn."

Xie Jiang smiled and said, "Then you must remember to put it on before the party, don't forget."

Xie Huo pouted and was about to say that he would not forget, when he heard a noise outside.

"Ah? What's going on?"

Xie Jiang looked into the distance, picked up the knife and walked out: "I'll go see."

"Hey, wait for me." Xie Huo panicked, picked up the suit and ran to the balcony.


"Run! They are from the Black Tiger Gang. I can recognize them even if their faces are covered."

"Why did they suddenly attack us? Is the Black Tiger Gang preparing for a fight?"

"I, I don't know either. Let's run first. Our territory is ahead. I don't believe he dares to chase us like this."

Just as several Axe Gang members were running away in a panic, a broadsword suddenly flew from behind, spinning and stabbing at the back of the Axe Gang member in front.

At this critical moment, a black scabbard blocked the broadsword.


The broadsword lost its stability after the collision and fell to the ground, while the scabbard flew backwards and was firmly caught by a hand.

Xie Jiang looked coldly at the black-clad masked man who was following behind him, and his voice was chilling: "Tell those who are in charge to come here. If no one comes, you will die!"


"The plan started here, right? Why is there no movement?"

Mu Xiu raised his eyes and asked in confusion. After observing carefully, he was even more confused after confirming that it was correct.

"With Jaylen and Zhou Sheng here, even if those two people didn't understand the plan, they wouldn't deviate too much. How could there be no movement at all?"

Mu Xiu raised his legs and hurried to the agreed location. This plan almost mobilized all members, and there could be no mistakes.

Just as he passed an inconspicuous intersection, more than a dozen people suddenly jumped out from both sides.

Before he could react, a huge sack was put on his head.

"Please close your eyes when it's dark!"

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