The old man was so angry, but he was still very angry.

Under the stage, Xie Huo opened his mouth wide and looked at the tall figure, muttering: "Uncle, I seem to know where your confidence comes from."

"Ah?" Huo Chuan also opened his mouth wide, but he was not shocked by Xie Huo, but by Ye Tian.

He never thought that the devil would use him to gamble, let alone that the devil would advertise himself.

My God, if you put this here, I'm afraid those who are not ready to fight with you will have to come down and fight.

To be honest, can you stand it?

If Ye Tian could hear it, he would probably say a classic "I can stand it".

Although he couldn't hear it, he was arrogant enough, and you could tell by looking at his opponent's face.

Fei Xiong's face was already dark, and now it was even darker... What do you mean I'm still alive, but I'm dead? Is there anyone who curses people like you? And you're still threatening him face to face.

Fei Xiong couldn't bear it anymore, and ran towards Ye Tian quickly, punching him hard.

Ye Tian's mouth curled up slowly, and he took a step lightly, easily avoiding Fei Xiong. Then he grabbed Fei Xiong's fist with his right hand, squatted down, turned around, and exerted force with his arms, and threw him over his shoulder perfectly.


Fei Xiong was thrown out like a sandbag, and hit the fence heavily.

Now, not only the lay audience was stunned, but Xie Huo, who knew a little bit, was also surprised: "This... Although Fei Xiong is an ordinary member of the Black Tiger Gang, he is also an upper-middle-level player in the ring. How could he be suppressed in one encounter?"

"Hey! You don't understand this, Fei Xiong is good at fighting, but he is far behind in skills." Huo Chuan laughed proudly. The devil is a person who can compete with Xie Jiang.

Compared with Xie Jiang, what are these people on the stage?

The situation was not beyond his expectations. Fei Xiong only lasted less than three rounds before being thrown off the ring.

Since there were only two people betting on Ye Tian, ​​the odds reached a rare 1.69, which means that Ye Tian earned nearly 7 Fair Silver in this game.

As for why the odds were not raised to the maximum, it was because Ye Tian's Fair Gold played a role and offset most of the chips.

So even though he knew Ye Tian would win, Huo Chuan didn't dare to bet his own money, for fear of taking away part of the profits and making the devil unhappy.

Fortunately, after Ye Tian showed his strength, more people bet on him, and he could also make a fortune.

Next was the second game, and the one who came on the field was Walker from the Black Tiger Gang. I don't know what kind of luck it was that allowed two members of the Black Tiger Gang to come on the field one after another to challenge this mysterious masked man.

Huo Chuan didn't think about it, and bet Ye Tian's money with interest, and he also bet all his wealth.

Xie Huo next to him also became interested and followed suit and bet 5 Fair Silver.

Seeing this, other spectators also put their chips into the red area.

This scene was seen by the operator of the ring, and he found a staff member to tell Richie to choose a stronger player in the next game.

It's not that he had to do something shady, but these spectators who followed the betting were too ruthless. They bet so much without thinking when they saw that there was money to be made. If they kept betting like this, the ring would be closed down in a few rounds.

The second game ended without any suspense. What was puzzling was that the thin Walker lasted longer on the field than Fei Xiong, as if the masked man was unwilling to let him go.

But no matter what, the audience made money. They danced happily and continued to bet a lot of chips on Ye Tian, ​​regardless of who the next opponent was.

As a result, the next opponent was Luo Sheng, who was known for his flowery boxing. The audience was not happy.

But there was a small episode here. Xie Huo asked Huo Chuan who he was optimistic about. Huo Chuan pointed to the pile of coins in the red area with disdain. Xie Huo immediately winked at Luo Sheng. Luo Sheng was from their Axe Gang, so he had to give some hints anyway. It was better not to play such a losing game.

Luo Sheng was also a sly guy. After receiving Xie Huo's signal, he found a ridiculous reason to stop the competition without saying anything. When he left the arena, he also invested his own money into the red area.

This made the arena operator very angry. He once thought that this was a conspiracy by the Axe Gang to cheat the Black Tiger Gang.

Yes, he was a member of the Black Tiger Gang. It was their turn to take charge recently. All profits and losses here were linked to the dividends at the end of the month. No gang dared not pay attention to it.

The Axe Gang did this

, which is equivalent to taking their money away directly in a bag.

In desperation, the operator began to look for suitable players from the Black Tiger Gang.

After all, he was from the Panlong Group, and he didn't dare to find someone to scapegoat casually.

So, Wiggins, who had lost two games in a row recently, stepped onto the ring again, but he took the initiative the first two times, and this time he was pushed up.

There were not many masters in the Black Tiger Gang, and he was the only one that the operator could send.

Wiggins walked onto the ring with a helpless look on his face, looking at the masked man looking around on the stage, and felt sad for some reason.

He, won't fail again?

He is a little scared now, afraid of those so-called newcomers, the so-called unknown people.

These guys are really scary, and they make him fail more and more severely.

Ye Tian was also happy when he saw his opponent: "Brother, what a coincidence, are you here to make extra money too?"

Hearing the other party's tone, Wiggins' heart was already half cold, what a frivolous rival, my life is over!!!

"Brother, this time you should be more normal, don't hit people with your head all the time, it's very dangerous, I'm afraid that the money you earn is not enough for your own medical treatment."

Ye Tian's unintentional words fell into Wiggins' ears, making his heart a quarter colder.

"By the way, how many times have you played? Otherwise, you can suppress me a little, make some money and go home quickly. You are so old, you can't run around every day for a living."

Wiggins seemed to see a golden sword, heavily inserted into his chest.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Wiggins suddenly jumped up and posed a tiger landing style, but it was not his limbs that landed first, but his head.

With a loud bang, Ye Tian couldn't bear to look directly.

After the staff carried the dead away to rescue the injured, Ye Tian had won three games in a row, and the 15 Fair Silvers were enough for him to spend some time.

It was still early, and he was not ready to leave.

And with that declaration in front of him, he believed that there would be no shortage of people who wanted to knock him off the stage.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated.

After waiting for a full ten minutes, no one else came on stage.

For the face of the arena, the Panlong Group and the Black Tiger Gang sent people up one after another, pretending to fight a few times and then left the stage, allowing Ye Tian to make two more profits while giving Ye Tian enough steps to hope that he could end the game.

Ye Tian was not a fool, so he could see it naturally. Seeing that the host spoke nicely, he clapped his hands and said, "I am ill today, I will come again another day."

These words scared the operator so much that he almost went to find Mu Xiu to block him.

With one Fergold and 20 Fergolds in his pocket, Ye Tian happily walked into the toilet.

Coincidentally, the middle-aged man in a suit who met him last time was also there, and he came in earlier than Ye Tian.

With the joy of winning money, Ye Tian walked to the middle-aged man with a proud look and looked down.

Well, the paper box is still there, just in time to cover up his previous misunderstanding.

He first quickly drew two and found that there were no ads on them.

Speechless, he opened the all-knowing vision and looked directly. Damn! There are no ads in this box, so unprofessional!

Noticing that the middle-aged man's eyes were shifted, Ye Tian nervously scanned the blind box in front of the middle-aged man again.

Oh, this one has it.

There is an ad on the third piece of toilet paper.

Ye Tian was overjoyed and said with a nasal hum: "Do you know why I am invincible on the stage?"

The middle-aged man's eyes twitched slightly, thinking that he would start from when he was three years old.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Tian only "swish" and pulled out three pieces of paper in front of him, and then snorted proudly: "Nothing special, just practiced!"

After saying that, he ignored the shocked look of the middle-aged man and walked past him leisurely.

After walking out of the toilet door for a long time with his face tilted up, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked at the toilet paper advertisement in his hand with a look of horror: Oh no! I forgot to show him the advertisement on the toilet paper. He wouldn't know that I pulled out paper for this?

It shouldn't be, right?

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