The second page.

[Book of Miracles - Eternal Night]

[Open: 1/7]

[Miracle Points Required: 1000]

Page 3.

[Book of Miracles - Truth]

[Open: 0/7]

[Miracle Points Required: 1000]

Looking back and forth at these two pages, Ye Tian fell into deep thought. Should I choose the second page of the Eternal Night? Or the newly appeared Truth?

Each time you open it, you need more miracle points, so the skills you get later should be stronger, so the second page of the same volume should be better than the first page. And from the name of the volume, it can be seen that these seven pages are probably a series of abilities. In other words, the second volume of Eternal Night should also be related to the night, and the quality will be much stronger than the first page. If he chooses the second page, he is likely to have a qualitative improvement.

The ability of the first volume of Eternal Night has already made him taste the sweetness. Just the five-fold increase in physical fitness has made him instantly become the prisoner with the highest force value from an ordinary person. Not to mention, with the increase in speed, it is simply like adding wings to a tiger. Even if it is restricted by the night, this ability is enough to be called a magical skill. If you get this series of stronger abilities, it is not unacceptable.

And the new volume means a new system. The ability he gets from here is likely not to have the restriction of the night. If you choose the truth, then he is likely to be able to use the ability regardless of day or night. However, the truth is only the first page, and the ability may not be too strong. According to the analogy of Eternal Night, it may also be a passive ability, rather than the kind of ability that can be released actively by Hu Dou and others. In this case, he is equivalent to having more passive abilities and less weapons such as main skills.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian still turned to the third page, the volume of truth.

In his current situation, the need for higher-level power is not so strong. On the contrary, some auxiliary abilities may bring him great miraculous effects. In addition, exploring a new volume will help him understand the Book of Miracles more. In order to satisfy his curiosity, he will also choose to open a new volume.

Ye Tian looked at the familiar prompt text, no longer hesitated, and pressed the light ball to the page.

[Book of Miracles-Truth Volume 1/7]


[Have a pair of eyes that see through everything and can easily see through the weak points of objects]

[Can notice the details that are easy to ignore and see the truth of things]

[Can see through the opponent's attack and slightly predict the opponent's next move]

[Get a small-scale action avoidance skill and can avoid attacks with the predicted results]

"Hiss~~~ So scary?"

Although the skills don't seem to be many, just seeing through the opponent's attack makes him feel that he has made a lot of money.

What is this? This is prediction!

There is nothing more cool than prediction. Moreover, this passive is not even limited. This also means that he has the ability to predict at all times. If someone wants to sneak attack him, he will probably find out before they do anything.

And the small-move movement avoidance skill, this is a direct skill, and it also comes with full-level experience. Ye Tian tried to twist his ankle and felt that his body was swinging with a very small amplitude. If he fought with Bramo again at this moment, he even felt that he could stand still and beat Bramo.

He was very satisfied with the prediction and small-move movement avoidance skills. As for the first two, he couldn't experience them directly, so he didn't think about them. After a long time, he would naturally notice the effects of those abilities.

In addition, there was an unexpected surprise. The airflow in his mind became a little thicker and the flow speed was faster. This also reminded him that every time he opened a page, his mental power would be improved. He didn't need to explore the cultivation methods of this world anymore. As long as he kept opening new pages, his mental power would continue to grow.

Another point is that when he opened the first page of the Eternal Night Scroll, he directly obtained the mental power of the 'qi' realm. If he opens the second page of a volume, can he be promoted to the ‘fog’ realm?

These are all things worth looking forward to.

Ye Tian smiled and turned the book to the back.

[Book of Miracles - Volume of Truth]

[Open: 1/7]

[Required Miracle Points: 10,000]

“Sure enough, as I expected, it has doubled 10 times. It seems that the difficulty of opening the pages in the future will be more difficult.

After opening the Eternal Night Scroll to the second page, it will take a long time to open a new page. "

He sighed and turned back.

[Book of Miracles - Dream Scroll]

[Open: 0/7]

[Required Miracle Points: 10,000]

"After opening the first page of the last scroll, a new scroll will appear. It looks pretty good, but I don't know how many scrolls there are in total. And these miracle points, hey, I can only accumulate them slowly. "

Ye Tian shook his head, collected the Book of Miracles, and walked back to Hu Dou.

Hu Dou noticed Ye Tian coming, but didn't pay much attention. In his opinion, Ye Tian probably couldn't stand such boring things, so he went to relax far away.

As for Shi Changsong and the others, they were digging the soil with sweat on their heads, and they had no time to pay attention to Ye Tian.

Bramo was digging the soil with great effort. Suddenly, the blade poked into the soil wall and didn't come out smoothly. He was a little surprised, and stabbed hard, and the blade suddenly bent and bounced out.

"Huh? I still don't believe it, how could my blood python not even poke the soil?", Bramo snorted, picked up the blade and was about to chop it down heavily.

"Wait! "

Ye Tian, ​​who was walking over, found something wrong and quickly called for a stop.

Bramo was stunned for a moment after hearing the sound. Although he didn't know the reason, he still obeyed and didn't move.

Ye Tian looked at the earth wall and gradually found something that made him feel strange. The vision of the night elves, coupled with the eyes of the seer, enabled him to see some details clearly.

The structure of the earth wall was obviously different from the surrounding ones. The surrounding earth walls looked very solid. The structure was that soil particles of similar soil were gathered together to form rows of strips of soil layers of different colors. Because of this, as long as you dig in the direction of its arrangement, you can actually dig out the soil easily. But the arrangement of the earth wall is circular, and it looks like the surrounding soil and rocks are arranged around a spherical object.

He felt a little strange, walked forward, and took the blade from Bramo. Just as he was about to push away the surrounding soil and rocks bit by bit to see what was inside, the blade suddenly disappeared.

Bramo scratched his hair and said awkwardly: "Well, the essence of my blade is also mental power. So, it disappeared quickly after leaving my hand. "

What he didn't say was that the reason why Ye Tian was able to chop him with his blade was because Ye Tian's speed was too fast, so fast that the blade didn't have time to disappear. However, if he said that, he would lose all his face.

Although everyone would understand this kind of thing if he said the beginning. But he was embarrassed to say it out loud.

Ye Tian's mouth twitched, and he said unhappily: "You take the blade and scrape it open little by little. I will give you instructions, and you scrape it according to the position I said."

Bramo responded and hurriedly walked over with the blade. Although he didn't know why Ye Tian asked him to do this, he didn't need to think too much, just did it.

The earth wall was broken little by little, and there seemed to be a bulging thing inside. In order to see more clearly, he increased his mental power output to make the light on the blade brighter.

Under the illumination of the red light, a dark, spherical object came into view.

"Black jellyfish bomb?" Shi Changsong couldn't help but exclaimed after taking a look.

"What is that? ", Ye Tian asked blankly.

He knew about bombs, but the black jellyfish bomb. Such a weird name, it should be a specialty of this world.

Bramo looked at the black ball with a pale face, and explained with a trembling voice: "This is a weapon used to deal with the beast tide in the early days. Because it is inconspicuous, it will only be discovered when it is triggered, so it is called "black jellyfish". Its lethality is extremely terrifying, and one can threaten the creatures within a range of ten kilometers. Even the strong men in Youchuan Realm have been crippled by it. "

He now knew why Ye Tian had stopped him. If he had really chopped them down, they would probably be buried now. Anyone who comes here will be doomed if this thing explodes in the face.

Shi Changsong was also thankful. Fortunately, Ye Tian was here. He didn't realize how important he had overlooked. If it weren't for Ye Tian's reminder, their jailbreak team would have ended before it even started.

Only Hu Dou raised his chin with pride.

Humph! You didn't want Ye Tian to join at the beginning? If it weren't for my brother, you would have been finished long ago!

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