Of course, Yuange guessed that the other party was coming to find him.

His bounty is so high all of a sudden, which is also unfounded.

Therefore, at this time, he was very vigilant.

Yuange has already made an orchid finger, he reserves the slow fruit, and when the green pheasant comes, he will kidnap this guy.

At this time, he was also very nervous in his heart.

He also knows that this Admiral Pheasant is powerful, and this is definitely a very difficult guy to deal with.

The green pheasant estimated that he was too tired to look for these people, and he also relaxed his vigilance against these guys.

Of course, mainly in the pheasant’s opinion, these guys are out of Ace, and the other people are not very threatening.

Although Yuange’s current bounty is very high, this guy’s strength is not very strong, this guy mainly relies on his peculiar devil fruit ability.

“Where did you get this golden ship? Could it be you…”

The green pheasant’s words were not finished, and at this time, the ability to activate the slow fruit.

“Also… True…… Target…… Go…… Empty…… Island…… Finish! ”

It took a lot of effort for the pheasant to finish what he wanted to say.

Seeing such a scene, others were also very surprised.

Because they didn’t expect that this Yuange was so bold that he would make a move on Admiral Qinghe.

Yuange knew that he had already made a move on the green pheasant, and he couldn’t miss the opportunity to come again.

Therefore, at this time, Yuange immediately said to the others: “Quickly arrest this guy!” ”

Hearing this, the other people were also very unkind.

Luffy directly punched the pheasant’s face.

Then Saab didn’t know where to take out a pair of handcuffs.

“This is Hailou Shi handcuffs, let’s quickly handcuff this guy!”

Saab is also very sharp.

Because he also knew that the duration of this devil fruit of Yuange was 30 seconds.

The green pheasant was a little confused about all this happening too quickly.

Of course, all this is not very fast, but this guy was used by Yuange with a slow fruit.

It was the reason why his own speed had slowed down.

After the ability of the green pheasant to slow the fruit disappeared, this guy had already been tied up by these guys.

“What are you guys doing?”

The green pheasant immediately became very unpolite at this time.

Because he came to negotiate this time, but he never expected that he would be arrested by these guys.

He was a senior admiral, and if this was known to others, he would be very humiliated.

It was not only his own face that was lost, but the face of the entire Navy.

You know, the admiral is the highest combat power of the navy, and now he has been caught by pirates, which is undoubtedly a disgrace for their navy.

Of course, after going back, there was also a sneer from the red dog.

“You’re an admiral, we’re pirates, we haven’t asked you what you’re here for?”

Yuange hinted at this time and said very unceremoniously.

“I am here to negotiate with you by the navy this time, and our navy will officially recognize you as His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!”

The green pheasant also said to these people at this time, he was very afraid of these guys messing around.

Because these guys really like to mess around.

Hearing this, Yuange also frowned slightly.

Because he did not expect that these navies would appoint themselves to our king Qiwu Sea.

However, at this time, Luffy was denied all of a sudden.

“We won’t be that His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas! I’m a man who became One Piece! ”

Hearing this, the green pheasant at this time was very speechless.

Because what he is looking for is Yuange, and it’s not you, the straw hat boy, you straw hat boy bounty is only a few bucks.

The green pheasant originally had a very good temper, but now that he was treated like this, he was naturally very angry in his heart.

He has a good temper, but it doesn’t mean that this guy is a person without a temper.

Seeing that Luffy and these guys were in a group, the green pheasant at this time did not angrily reprimand Luffy, and he said to Yuange and their group: “If you don’t agree, it’s not impossible, our world government feels that you have a very serious harm to our world government, so we will send cp9 to annihilate you guys at that time!” ”

Hearing this, Yuange’s face was not good-looking at this time.

He knows the plot, and he knows the Navy CP9.

However, for the strength of those guys in CP9, he is not worried at all.

Because in terms of the strength of those guys, they still want to catch themselves, and they are dreaming.

Those guys are not their strength at all, even if they eat the devil fruit, then those guys are only sending the devil fruit to the two of them.

Seeing Yuange like this, Qing Pheasant knew that the other party did not put the naval CP9 in his eyes at all.

“You can escape the pursuit of CP9, but you can’t escape the demon slaughter order launched by PC9!”

When this demon slaughter order came out.

Yuange, Robin, Ace and Saab looked very ugly at this time.

As for Luffy and the others, it was a look of confusion.

He didn’t know anything about this CP9 Hungry Demon.

Seeing these guys like this, Nami was very curious at this time and asked, “What’s wrong with you guys?” What exactly is that demon slaughter order? ”

“You guys now, that’s a huge threat, Nicole. Robin O’Hara remnant, who had a bounty of 79 million Baileys when he was a few years old, has a huge threat to the world government, and Metasong you can extract the Devil Fruit, then a special ability, if you do not cooperate with the Navy, is undoubtedly a huge threat, and Portcas. D. Ace, if I know correctly, you should be the son of One Piece Roger, with Roger’s bloodline, which is a huge threat! And you Luffy, your father is a dragon, although no one pays attention to your guy now, you are also a huge threat! ”

When they heard this, they were surprised one by one at this time, except for Yuange.

Because for all this, Yuange already knew. Therefore, he was not surprised in any way.

Nami and Usopp were surprised to close their mouths, because he didn’t expect that these guys still have these origins?

However, for that demon slaughter order, she also knew that it must be a very threatening thing.

“What is the Demon Slayer Order?”

Nami was still very curious about this demon slaughtering order.

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