Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 832 Qian Fugui presents armor

"What? Big brother is about to realize the invincible Taoist heart? No... I have to get the invincible Taoist heart before him."

Speaking of the eldest prince, Princess Ziling, her expression changed drastically, and her eyes were full of anxiety. There seemed to be some ulterior secrets in it.

"That's right. If you want to have an invincible Taoist heart, you must show this attitude."

The drunkard nodded with satisfaction, and handed the Zhuge Divine Crossbow he carried to Princess Ziling, "I will lend you this Zhuge Divine Crossbow first. When paired with your iron umbrella, it should have an unexpected and amazing effect." Effect."

This can't help but surprise Princess Ziling. After all, the drunkard was the one who fooled her with the iron bowl before. She couldn't believe that he suddenly wanted to be so generous. "Master, why are you so generous all of a sudden?"

Having said that, she still accepted the Zhuge Divine Crossbow sincerely. She had been coveting the Zhuge Divine Crossbow for a long time, but she had never been able to ask for it. Now, the drunk maniac took the initiative to lend the Zhuge Divine Crossbow to others. reason?

"You are always generous as a teacher, okay?"

The wine maniac rolled his eyes, knowing that Princess Ziling was still talking about the iron bowl thing last time, he couldn't help but secretly complained in his heart: Women are really narrow-minded.

"You must cooperate with each other tomorrow. Although Sixty-Eight Death Row Prisoners is difficult, it is not impossible to do it with your current strength."

"Mortal City Artifact Spirits have always valued fairness. Tomorrow's battle will inevitably involve victory or defeat, as well as life and death, so you have no way out, you know?"

The drunk maniac warned with extremely serious eyes.

Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling also nodded cautiously. Even if the drunk maniac didn't explain, they knew it in their hearts. If the temptation of the invincible Tao was not too great, they might not accept this challenge.

"Do you know why I didn't let you go to death row to see your opponent tomorrow?"

The drunk maniac suddenly asked.

Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling fell into deep thought. After a long time, Zhang Yi slowly said tentatively: "Is it possible that we are afraid that those prisoners on death row will affect our Taoist minds?"

The drunk madman nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Yes and no, if you want to have an invincible Taoist heart, you must have an invincible posture. If you go to death row, you will lose in terms of momentum. It should be them who are afraid. That’s right.”

"Thankfully you know how to let the weapon spirit teleport me here, otherwise you will miss this huge opportunity."

Thinking of this, the drunk maniac couldn't help but sigh.

"Speaking of which, you two little guys are very lucky. It happened that the weapon spirit took over the martial arts field, and these few battles made the weapon spirit bored, so that's why you proposed this condition."

"Well done, the skill is better than the skill."

The drunk maniac did not hesitate to praise the two of them, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Do you still remember that when I accepted you as my disciple, I promised you that I would lead you on an invincible path?"

The drunk maniac had a look of reminiscence on his face and asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Yi nodded. Of course he remembered this kind of thing. He probably thought that the drunk maniac had succeeded in deceiving him, but he didn't know that Zhang Yi only agreed to do it for the mission of the Destiny Map.

"If you had just embarked on the path of invincibility before, but if you can possess the heart of invincibility this time, you would have already been on that path of invincibility."

The drunk maniac said with great seriousness.

"What about me? Master... I also want to take the path of invincibility!"

Princess Ziling jumped up and raised her hands.

"If you can have an invincible heart, you can be considered as embarking on the path of invincibility. You also know the specialness of your senior brother. You can't compare to this."

"But there is one thing you are better than anyone else."

After finishing speaking, the alcoholic madman did not forget to add one sentence.

"Which point?"

Princess Ziling asked curiously.

"You have a good master and a good senior brother. No one can compare to you in this regard."

The alcoholic maniac pondered for a moment and said extremely seriously.

Hearing this, Princess Ziling curled her lips and muttered: "I accept that there is a good senior brother, but the good master needs to be investigated."

"I might as well say I have a good father."

Princess Ziling whispered softly.

A few people walked towards the fireworks building while talking and laughing. Of course, this could not avoid the hot eyes of the audience. Ever since Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling attracted the attention of Qi Ling, the way these people looked at them was obviously different. I have even begun to look forward to tomorrow’s epic battle.

"Master Qi Ling didn't announce the odds just now. Anyway, I will bet on whoever has the higher odds tomorrow."

"Does this need to be said? The odds must be higher between the Zhang Fan brother and sister. The two of them are fighting against the sixty-eight death row prisoners. Such a crazy thing has never happened in Mortal City, right?"

"I wonder if we can create a miracle this time?"

Now the entire Mortal City is talking about tomorrow's battle. This must be the hottest news in the past two days.

When they returned to the Fireworks Building, Qian Fugui was waiting at the door for their arrival as always.

"Mr. Zhang, Miss Jiu'er, why did you agree to fight tomorrow so hastily? Those are sixty-eight death row prisoners, and all of them are of extraordinary strength."

Qian Fugui said anxiously.

"Mainly, my ancestors have dealt with Lord Qi Ling. He will not do anything he is not sure about. No matter what conditions he puts forward, it is just a bait to lure you into the game."

"How about I find a way to beg Lord Weapon Spirit? Maybe he will change his mind for the sake of my ancestors."

Qian Fugui suggested.

"What do you know? Although the risk is huge, it also means huge rewards. As the saying goes, wealth can be gained through risk. As a businessman, don't you understand this?"

The drunken maniac pushed Qian Fugui away, how could he influence Zhang Yi and the others' Taoism.

"Senior Jiu, I know Mr. Zhang and his brothers and sisters are very strong, but you also know the terror and cruelty of death row inmates. If there are three to five, even ten, it's easy to say, sixty-eight death row inmates are simply invincible, okay?"

Qian Fugui kept shaking his head in persuasion. He knew that there must be a drunken madman nodding to all this. This also made him even more puzzled. He didn't know why the drunkard madman agreed. Could it be that he really didn't care about Zhang Yi and their lives?

"That's because you think you're invincible, but they don't think so."

The alcoholic madman retorted mercilessly.

"One fight is all that matters. We never fight for others."

Zhang Yi said softly with indifferent eyes.

"Yes! Aren't they just sixty-eight death row prisoners? What's there to be afraid of? They are the ones who deserve to die. We are just sending them on their way tomorrow."

Princess Ziling also nodded heavily and agreed.

At this moment, Qian Fugui felt a vague change in the temperament of the two of them, but he couldn't tell the details. However, seeing that their attitudes were so firm, he didn't have much to say, so he just took off a pair of clothes on his body. A piece of soft gold clothing was handed over, "This is soft gold armor. It is made of soft gold. It is invulnerable and will not affect your speed."

"I can't help you much, I can only use this to express my feelings. No matter what... you must survive to win tomorrow's battle!"

Qian Fugui said with extremely sincere eyes.

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