Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 456: plausible answer

If there was anything in this world that could make Barrett feel both normal and weird, then what was happening in front of him was definitely one.

The blue-eyed black cat with a mysterious origin jumped out of Old Phil's arms, transformed into a galloping shadow and rushed towards him. At that moment, Barrett felt an uncontrollable spasm in his throat, and the suffocation caused by the closure of the throat was like being torn apart by the four-armed ape 'Caesar'.

The barbarian stepped back half a step and subconsciously caught the black cat that flew over. The latter put his head towards his collar and opened his mouth to bite something fiercely.

Being bitten wasn't Barrett's fault. Although 'Hourglass' is a black cat with weird behavior, it's not so weird. Of course, this thing is not difficult to guess, because the hourglass is a "cat" (at least the appearance is). What a "cat" wants to capture is naturally a "mouse" (at least in appearance).

The attacked 'meat ball' escaped the bite of the 'hourglass', sprang from Barritt's collar, and flew all the way to the top of the barbarian's head.

"Come on, Joey is not afraid of you, you bad cat!" the mouse yelled. After speaking, it transformed its body into a gelatinous monster state, jumped off the barbarian's head, and directly covered the attacker.

There was a muffled sound of 'pop', and the gelatinous meat ball did not stick to the black cat's body, but was cut off by Barrett from the air. "What the **** is going on here, everyone has something to say, don't be impulsive!" He grabbed the black cat with one hand and the dough-like mouse with the other, and said suspiciously.

And what happened next made him even more elusive. The black cat, who was still angry just now, suddenly became quiet after seeing the appearance of the meat ball. It stared at the meatball for a few seconds with its green eyes, and after a few sniffs, it broke free from Barrett's hand. The black cat returned to Old Phil's arms with graceful steps, and lay on his stomach with a well-behaved face.

"Not only butterflies will hatch from the chrysalis, but moths, or beetles, or dough..." Old Phil touched the black cat and said, "People like dough, yes, very much! Because dough can be Change the shape according to the chef's idea, and more importantly, it can..." The old man suddenly paused.

"What else?" asked Barrett, holding the mouse.

"Baking bread, of course," old Phil said. "You don't know that, stupid cat. The most important function of dough is to become bread, to satisfy people's 'appetite' and to fill hungry stomachs. Of course, Sometimes the dough alone isn't enough to feed the hungry and that's when you need to add other kinds of toppings like apples to turn it into an apple pie. Or chicken, actually I prefer chicken pie, and I'm good at doing this. What about you, which one do you like?"

"It's okay, I'm not picky eaters." Barrett said blankly.

"Very good, cats who are not picky eaters will jump higher, or fall harder, if someone traps your limbs." After Old Phil finished speaking, he turned and walked upstairs.

What does he mean by this, what does it mean? Barrett froze at the door for a few seconds and then stepped to follow.

"What are you doing here? An increasingly smelly cat." Old Phil asked without looking back as he went upstairs.

In fact, Barrett didn't know why he came here. Is it thanks, thanks to the bowl of onion and cat hair soup that the other party gave him, so that he has not been contaminated with the slightest blasphemy in **** for such a long time? Or do you want to confide, confide some of your experiences and feelings during your trip to hell? Or after hearing the story Leslie the innkeeper told the other day, and wanted to come over to find out?

Barrett didn't know either. He just thought he should come over and see the grumpy old man and the solid black cat named 'Hourglass' in his hand, for whatever reason.

"Why don't you talk? Silent cat," Old Phil stopped and turned to look at Barrett. "You lost your tongue? Your throat? Or your heart?"

"I just don't know how to answer." The barbarian said the truth.

"It seems to be a brain." Old Phil turned around and continued upstairs.


"have you eaten yet?"

Breakfast was over, but it was noon, "not yet," said Barrett. how? Is this old man going to invite me to eat again?

The first time I came here, I had the delicious pan-fried squid whiskers, the second time I had a bowl of weird and unknown soup, what would I eat this third time? The barbarian was inexplicably looking forward to it.

"Well." Old Phil didn't say anything more.

Is it over with a "um"? Barrett couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Didn't you say you're good at meat pie? I wouldn't mind tasting it if I could.

Passing through the second floor and passing by the third floor non-stop, our barbarian adventurer followed the strange old man in front of him to the watchtower (modified attic) at the top of the castle.

The old man stretched out his hand on a window of the watchtower that was sealed with iron sheets and wooden boards, opened a small observation hole, and brought his bloodshot eyes to the observation hole to explore the world outside the house. He was so fascinated by it that he ignored the barbarians who were doing nothing for a long time.

After being left out, Barrett wandered around the watchtower for a few laps, and then said nothing, "Well, I went to **** a while ago, and I met a lot of devils there." He wanted to see Old Phil and listen. What will be the reaction later, this old man was very sensitive to the devil before.

"Devil? Devils in **** are nothing." Old Phil said lightly, "as long as they don't climb up. If the wolves have been living in the forest and searching for food in the forest with peace of mind, there won't be much more. Terrible. But if they end up in villages or sheepfolds, that's another thing."

The old man rarely said something normal, and Barrett agreed. "Do you remember that soup you gave me earlier? It probably did something I couldn't imagine when I was in hell. So I want to say, thank you so much!"

"Will those who wear armor become invincible?" Old Phil suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Of course not." Barrett replied with doubts, "I think the more important thing has to do with the man in the It seems that you understand this, confused cat."

After Barrett thought about the timing of his heartbeat a few times, his eyebrows stretched slightly. Then he asked another question in his heart, "How did you know that I was engraved? What method was used?" This was the first sentence he said when he met old Phil.

How did he know that I was marked by the devil? Did you hear it? Barrett still remembered that the old man in front of him seemed to have quite good hearing, and he could hear many sounds that were difficult for ordinary people to hear. The magic apprentice who colluded with the devil was the one the old man asked him to investigate.

"How do you know? It's not easy." Old Phil turned to look at our barbarian adventurer, "Anyone who is not blind can see your mark."


"Yes, anyone." After the old man finished speaking, he pointed at Manzi's forehead.


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