Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 404: The Departure of the Soul Merchant

Cooked meat does not form the body of a 'meat ball', as does frozen, rotting flesh.

But in any case, these inactive body tissues are not worthless, because the meat **** can supplement the energy necessary for activities by "feeding" like normal organisms. This alone proves that flesh and blood golems are much better "raised" than those metal construct golems. The latter needs to eat high-purity magic spar.

Barrett sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning on his chin in one hand, and holding a leftover four-fingered demon claw in the other hand, teasing the meat ball on the ground rather boringly.

Devil's claws are shaped like dewclaws, but have retractable membrane-like webs between the fingers. Some liquids, which are not known to be blood water or grease, kept gathering on the claws, and dropped drop by drop along the longest finger.

Under the fingers, the mouse-shaped meatball man stood up, and his two front paws kept flapping in the air to maintain the balance of the body. It opened its mouth wide and accurately caught every drop of liquid that fell.

But Meatball doesn't seem to like this slow, more and more hungry way of eating. It kept jumping up, trying to bite the half-cooked demon claws hanging in the air, but every time the meat ball jumped high, its owner - Barrett would raise his arms again maliciously and let it Throwing away fruitlessly.

"You said before that the paladin who fought with you in the arena doesn't seem to be doing his best?" The soul merchant's question came from next door.

"Yes." Barret nodded subconsciously, "Although his attacks are very sharp, there are several times that I would die directly under his hammer as long as I dodge for half a second, but I still feel that he seems to have something to do with it. Reserved. His attack method..." The barbarian thought about how to describe it, "It's like he doesn't want to win this gladiatorial fight."

As he spoke, the meat ball below seized the opportunity, jumped up like a spring, and threw directly onto the demon's claws. Immediately afterwards, its body turned into a gelatinous monster again, spreading rapidly on the food through fluid, and even the **** of Barritt's grasping the food were directly wrapped in it.

"Fuck!" Barbarian cursed in a low voice, and forcefully threw the meat ball wrapped around the food and his fingers aside. He looked at the little guy who was constantly wriggling on the ground. After watching it for a few seconds, he felt that this way of eating was really disgusting, so he turned his face away from observation.

"That paladin is very powerful?" the soul merchant asked again.

"Very powerful!" Barbarian replied in a positive tone, "He has a lot of combat experience, and he also uses some attack spells that can emit light. However, the damage of those spells is not too strong, and the light on the body really makes people feel It feels a little tingling, but after the tingling, it is inexplicably a little comfortable, and I don't know what the real effect is."

Barrett recalled, "But that guy can grow wings of light and fly into the air, and he can use some unknown healing spell like a priest. I pierced his knee directly in battle, but The guy just put his hands on his knees for a few seconds and then he can move freely again."

"You said his name was 'Darren'?"

"Yes, Darren! At least that's how the devil introduced it. Oh, I mean that annoying voice that's making a lot of noise over the arena. Who knows what the owner of that voice is," Barrett said. , "What's wrong? What's wrong with the name?"

"No, it's nothing, I just feel like I've heard it from somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while." The soul merchant replied, "You said, could he be the slaughter that year..., cough, I mean purification, purification The paladin in the desert village?"

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence." Barrett didn't quite believe it.

"Haha, I think so too." The soul merchant smiled and said nothing more.

The prison fell into silence for a while, except for the slight 'gurgling noise' made by the meatball as it devoured the food, and in another cell not far away, the new prisoner kept praying in a low voice.

In such a quiet and eerie atmosphere, Barrett couldn't help but fall into memories. He still remembers all the details of his battle with the paladin.

It was the most difficult battle since the barbarian fell into hell. After the old and broken plate armor on the opponent was covered with golden red light, it was as hard as a brand-new steel armor. The half-rusted double sword is not suitable for breaking armor, and even parrying the opponent's warhammer is extremely reluctant.

Not only that, even if he used his quick steps to injure the opponent from the gaps in the armor, the paladin could heal himself through spells, so the whole battle was like the one with the centaur. Constantly moving and dodging.

Did the paladin really keep his hand? He recalled the questionable details as if they were.

When he was accidentally hit in the chest by the opponent's warhammer, flew seven or eight meters away and fell to the ground, lying on the ground gasping for breath, the paladin did not rush over to kill him, but silently He stayed where he was, waiting for himself to get up.

Similar situations have happened more than once. If the opponent really seizes the opportunity to continue to attack, Barritt believes that although he will have follow-up measures to prevent him from dying, several serious injuries cannot be avoided.

And the final direction of the battle is likely to become another result because of these extra injuries.

Why did the paladin stay? Is it the special professional nature that does not allow him to pursue the victory in battle? Should be unlikely. Or maybe he didn't want to kill himself at all? It doesn't seem to make sense.

The meaningless speculation made the barbarian more puzzled, and no one could know what the paladin was thinking.

In the end, the long battle consumed the last bit of the old paladin's strength, and Barrett clearly remembered the elusive and mysterious expression on the paladin's face when he slit his opponent's neck.

Like guilt, but also like relief, as if there is still great satisfaction. The corners of his mouth were raised, his lips were slightly opened, his eyes were focused on nothingness, he seemed to be smiling, and he seemed to be calling for something.


At this moment, the iron door full of spikes in the compartment suddenly sounded an obscure and harsh "creak" sound.

In this period of time when the meal has just been delivered and not long after the gladiatorial fight, who will come over? Barrett was a little curious about this. Are there new prisoners?

He looked sideways in the direction of the iron gate, and saw a few barbed demon jailers, leading a familiar-looking guy in.

The guy was a little fat, and he was wearing a fine silk robe. The dark red robe was embellished with many exquisite ornaments and tassels, and the style was quite luxurious. A gemstone belt decorated with scales surrounded his bloated belly, and the three red, blue, and purple gems on the front of the belt were the size of eggs, revealing the person's wealth.

What made Barrett familiar was the guy's face. There are many bandages with words on his face, and only a pair of shrewd eyes are exposed, just like a soul merchant.

Soul Merchant? As soon as Barrett thought of this, he heard the caller shout, "Elvis, my friend, where are you?" His voice, like the soul merchant, had a strange hoarseness.

"Here, Bertram, my dear friend, here!" the Soul Merchant responded in the same high pitch, "Oh my God, you're finally here!"

The visitor passed Barrett and walked towards the next door. "Looking at your appearance, it seems that you are doing well." He joked.

"Not bad, but it's still fun." The soul merchant replied with a smile, "Since you're here, it should mean I can go out, haha."

"Of course, unless you want to stay here for a while." After the visitor finished joking, he changed his tone again, "You made a big mistake this time. In order to collect your expensive ransom, I will With the other guys in the chamber of commerce, they are all working hard during this time!"

"There must be compensation, there must be compensation!" The soul merchant's determined tone made the visitor quite In this warm and beautiful atmosphere of conversation, the barb demon jailer opened the door and sent the soul merchant released.

"Finally out!" Elvis said with emotion. When he walked past Barrett's cell, he turned to look at the barbarian, "Hey, Barrett, my friend, I'll do your business as soon as I get out, and no matter what the outcome is, I'll find a chance to let you know. of."

"Thank you!" The barbarian said sincerely. The soul merchant taught him a lot of things during this time, but he didn't give anything, just chatting with each other in his spare time, so the barbarian had a deep heart for this mysterious cellmate who was covered in bandages like a mummy. Very grateful.

"What our soul merchants say, we will try our best to do it. Reputation is our foundation!" The visitor named 'Bertlem' also helped.

After a simple farewell, the iron door of the compartment was locked again, and the cell fell into silence again. Even the prayers of the new prisoners and the grunting sound of the meatballs disappearing.

well! Barrett sighed. The dead silence made him feel a little lonely. He finally realized the kind of "boring" that soul merchants call it, and it really doesn't feel good to have no one talking, especially in such a claustrophobic environment.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something rubbing against his ankle, and he knew it was a meat ball without thinking. Barrett lowered his head and found that the appearance of the meatball had changed a little. This little thing had changed from a slender, somewhat odd-looking mouse to a chubby hamster with short limbs.


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