Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 373: only voice interrogation

Barrett has always considered himself a strong-willed man.

He is accustomed to lingering on the edge of life and death, his nerves are extremely tenacious, and he can remain calm no matter how bad the battle; he has also suffered many unimaginable fatal wounds, his throat was torn by sharp claws, his chest was pierced by a great sword, as for the muscles ripped open, the bones Breaking things happen from time to time.

The severe pain caused by those serious injuries made our barbarian adventurers succumb. However, this bone demon, who has only spent hundreds or even thousands of years studying the art of interrogation, is obviously more tortured than those deadly dramas. Pain is better.

Because the scene at the scene is too bloody, it may cause discomfort to many people, so let us retreat from the interrogation room, close the door, and put our ears outside the door to satisfy our curiosity with a small voice Heart.

Oh, forgot to remind you guys, watch out for those spikes on the door.

"Again, I'm a human, human! Get that thing out of the way!" Barrett sounded furious.

"Good, good! Seriously, I like tough guys, that makes the whole process a lot more fun. Cries and screams are nice, but I prefer after a series of warm-ups , hear them again." The bone demon's voice was like ice, which was incompatible with the fiery environment here.

In the fifth layer of hell, the cold and frozen country - Stygia, there is a blasphemous and ancient mire filled with water from the Styx, and many bone demons were born in that mire.

Afterwards, there was a strange sound in the interrogation room, as if there was some kind of machine stirring in the 'Kala Kala', "Interrogation to me is like a human being tasting a delicious meal, and I have to order it first. Appetizers, then some thick soup, some side dishes, and when the appetite is fully whetted, the main course begins." . . .

"This kind of program will give you, me, and us a better experience and more satisfaction, right? If you get to the point as soon as you come up, it will always make people feel that there is something missing." Bone Demon said slowly. , "So let's warm up with some trivial questions and get to know each other better. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you are a human, a troll, or something else, I just hope you can stick to it. longer."

"Grass you **!"

"If I'm not mistaken in Common, are you trying to have **** with my mother? Oh, that might disappoint you. Because we devils don't need to reproduce, we're generally made of soul shells that have been squeezed out of energy. Transformed from, or derived from some special circumstances of the nine hells. So strictly speaking, we do not have parents. Or it can be said that the nine hells themselves are our mothers. If you really think that way, I That is to say, if something happens with this plane, you can do whatever you want, I won't stop it anyway." The bone demon's tone was full of smiles.

"Ah!!" Barbarian shouted, sounding very painful.

"But then again, some devils do take pleasure in sexual (harmonious) behavior like humans or other creatures do, and these devils are generally closer to humanoids. When I was a reaper, I have really experienced it a few times, your breeding behavior, the process is really interesting, but compared to the current fun, it is nothing."

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you to shreds!" Barrett growled angrily.

"Kill me? Have you killed the devil before? If you do, we can have a good exchange of relevant skills and experience, because I have killed a lot of people. The same kind who died in my hands, don't There are fewer creatures than the main material plane." The bone demon's tone was quite indifferent, "I like to dissect those disobedient kinsmen little by little, you know, in our demons, there is a large amount of A mushy organ of scales, for which I like to use the lingua franca word 'oocyst'."

"If you killed a devil and found this organ in his body cavity, I suggest you can put your hand in it, there will be many interesting discoveries. Guess what you will find? If you got it right , I'll consider letting you rest for a while. To be honest, I really hope you can guess right, because I'm a little worried that you'll just die, and that would be so disappointing."

"Fuck you!" Barrett yelled.

"Oh, unfortunately, I guessed wrong. But the answer is a bit close! Let me tell you the correct answer. That organ is covered with many finger-sized sacs, and each sac contains a different The devil's fetus in the form. Well... Actually, I don't know if the word 'fetus' is accurate enough to describe it, but I really can't find a better and more appropriate word, but I think you should be able to learn from this word , understand that thing."

"When a devil gets a promotion opportunity, the sac in the new form corresponding to its promotion will draw enough **** power from the promotion ceremony. It will continue to grow, expand, and then tear the old Some forms appear from the pile of broken pieces of meat. Therefore, some devils believe that the promotion ceremony is actually killing the original self, and then based on this, a stronger new body with all our memories is born. Devil." After the bone demon finished speaking, he turned to purgatory and asked, "What do you think? Jebot?"

Another devil replied in the voice characteristic of the Needle Devil, "[Purgatory] I don't know, Lord Inquisitor. But I don't think any devil will care, no matter what the truth is. Promotion is the only way out of our transformation. , no devil wants to stay at the bottom all the time, we all aspire to be stronger, to climb higher, to gain more power."

"Well said, Jebot, everyone wants more rights, so have you ever thought about replacing me one day?"

"Don't dare, Lord Inquisitor." The acupuncture demon's voice became very frightened.

"Look, let me get it right. But you are still just a low-level devil. If you want to replace me, you have to cross the seventh level and work hard to become a high-level devil. Only then will it be possible. The bone demon said, "By the way, there is one more thing you need to know, that is, don't let other devils discover your ambitions, especially your boss. So, as your boss, I intend to punish you a little. You. Please take the initiative to stand on top of this, and our..." The bone demon said this, and then switched back to the common language and asked, "What's your name?"

"Fuck you!" Barrett's voice was much weaker.

"Oh, that's a really special name," said the bone demon, "[Purgatory] standing side by side with our 'fuck you' friend, I wanted to see how this new invention would work on the devil. ."

"My lord, I..." The voice of the needle-thorn demon changed from panic to panic.

"Go up by yourself, or let me do it?" The bone demon's icy tone lowered again, and then returned to normal, "Yes, that's right, stand there, don't be nervous, you won't die. Now, let me increase Just a little bit, just a little bit, and see who of you has the better ability to bear."

Then, there were two terrifying screams in the interrogation room. The cry continued for a long time, and slowly became hoarse. One of the calls came to an abrupt end, and the other became very weak.

"What the **** do you want to ask?" Barrett's voice sounded dying.

"Wait for your business first." The bone demon said, "Let me see how Jebot is..." After a little silence, the bone devil's voice sounded again, "My God, Jebot is dead! He can't be reborn if he dies in hell. What a poor fellow, so naive, I don't even know how he got promoted from the bad demon. Politics in **** is an extremely dangerous game, and some things are not known to everyone. I know, but don't say it, do you understand?"

Then there was another 'squeaky squeak' in the interrogation room, as if the hand was digging something in a sticky place, "I found it, this is Jebot's 'oocyst', if he is lucky enough If so, at some point in the future, this sac representing the barb demon may have a chance to grow. But unfortunately, they are all dead now and will never have a chance to grow. Take this guy out , sent to the kitchen, can not be wasted."

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and the two barbed demons walked out with a torn acupuncture demon and disappeared into the long corridor. At the moment when the door was opened, we saw that Barrett was tied to a strange torture device, and the tall bone demon was swiping back and forth on the barbarian's body with its **** scorpion-like tail. .

"Sorry, a little episode of UU reading interrupted our progress." The voice of the bone demon came from behind the door again, "Where did we go just now?"

"What do you want, huhu..., ask what, huhu, just ask!" Barrett said intermittently.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're in a hurry, it's not good." Bone Demon said, "You are a tough guy, both in terms of body and will. As I said before, I like this kind of interrogation object. , So, the process behind us is still long. However, you can't completely ignore the content of the work for the sake of fun, after all, there are a lot of nasty guys coveting my position. Now, let me think about what questions to ask you, My 'fuck you' friend."

"I think, become, gladiator..." Barbarian gasped.

"Oh? That's really good. I'm looking forward to the day you show up at the Diss Arena, trust me, I'll definitely bet on you, hope you'll help me win more souls. But now, here In the second interrogation, you are still under my control. Oh! I suddenly thought of a good question." The bone demon paused for a moment and asked the question.

"Tell me, who is your lover?"

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