Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 277: Cave Roaming (Part 1)

The crystal-scale lizard is a dark yellow, six-legged large lizard. It is somewhat similar in appearance to the petrified lizard. It is estimated that the two should have the same ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although the crystal-scale lizard is much worse than the petrified lizard in size, it is nearly two meters long from the beginning to the end.

The scales on its body are smooth and shiny, and it can stand up slightly at a certain angle, and there are sky-blue crystal clusters growing on the joints of its head and six legs. When this monster uses the innate spell-like ability 'Crystal Shine', the eyes and the crystal clusters on its body burst into a flash of intense light at the same time.

After the light is reflected by the scales on the body, it will become more dazzling, and all enemies in front of the crystal-scale lizard will be blinded for a certain period of time and briefly stunned.

However, with the obsidian monocle blocking, this rather powerful skill is no longer a big problem.

Barrit opened his right eye, which had been tightly closed, after the crystal-scale lizard in front of him had used his skills. The barbarian found that the big lizard was rushing towards him at a very fast speed, and it seemed that he wanted to throw him to the ground in one fell swoop, and then bite his throat to achieve a fatal effect.

This Jingyao Lizard is quite experienced, and it is very skilled in using a combination of attacks after using the stun skill.

After seeing such a situation, Barrett moved forward instead of retreating, and collided with the opponent directly. He used the small round shield in his right hand to easily fend off the fierce attack of the crystal-scale lizard, and the long dagger in his left hand accurately pierced the opponent's eye, and stirred it vigorously inside...

The third one, get it! Barrett wiped the sweat from his face and counted silently in his heart.

Sufficient preparation coupled with the barbarian's extremely sophisticated fighting skills made the hunting process quite easy. However, the sultry and closed environment here made him feel quite uncomfortable.

How great would it be to bring a magic accessory or leather armor with a constant "endurance environment"! Barrett remembered his wish list again.

More on that later.

Helping the corpse of the big lizard turn over, the barbarian used a long steel dagger to pierce the lizard's lower jaw, and then slashed along the softer abdomen to the tip of the tail, and began to peel.

Although the whole body can be put into the space ring, but this mission requires the skins of thirteen crystal-scale lizards, which are slightly larger, and Barrett is worried that his mental power may be exhausted.

And if you just stack the peeled lizard scales and put them into the space ring, the volume and weight of the item will be reduced by a large part, and the consumption of mental power will be much smaller.

The underground adventure cannot be relaxed, and the barbarian needs to retain enough mental power to prevent accidents from happening.

Barrett was quite satisfied with the proficiency of his skinning skills after taking the perfectly peeled scale skin that even cut the crystal clusters at the joints on the head and legs of the Crystal Flare Lizard into the bag.

He flushed his blood-stained hands and daggers with a water bag, drank a sip of cool well water (from the deep well in the inn in Jingyao Town), picked up the glowing stones thrown on the ground during the battle, and continued along the abandoned mine. The track inside the cave goes forward.

Occasionally, one or two branch tunnels can be seen in the mine, but those tunnels are not really formed, and they stop after only a short section.

In one of the branch tunnels, Barrett encountered the first crystallized lizard, and found a mining **** and a miner's lamp at the end of the tunnel. The miner's lamp has been broken, and the lamp oil inside has already seeped into the ground, leaving a dark brown mimeograph.

In another branch tunnel, there was a reticulated python nearly ten meters long. The thick and long reticulated python was entrenched on the ground, its belly bulging, as if it was full and was taking a nap.

Our barbarian adventurer hesitated for a while, then turned around and left, preparing to wait for the situation to decide whether to clean it up when he returned after completing the mission. The main reason is that this guy's body is really big. After killing it, it will be more difficult to retract it into the space ring, and its value is not too high, only leather will be worth a little money.

The reticulated python is ultimately an ordinary beast. Compared with the Titan python in the misty forest, it is far worse in size, attack speed and destructive power, as well as the toughness of the leather.

In fact, Barrett really wanted a leather armor suit made of titan python skin, but that thing is not easy to come across, and it is not easy to kill after encountering it...

The empty giant crystal cave is at the end of the track. The interior space is quite spacious, the area can catch up with a small human village, and the vertical height is more than 20 meters.

The bottom of the crystal cave and the end of the track had a drop of nearly 20 meters. Barrit threw the luminous stone in his hand and looked down.

The light point went all the way, illuminating the two vertical rails and ziplines for transporting mine carts on the rock wall. There was an old ladder next to the vertical rails, and several boards on it had been broken. Broken.

The luminous stone fell to the ground and bounced a few times, revealing a small area at the bottom, and it seemed that there was no danger.

Barrett tried the old wooden ladder with his feet. The ladder was made of hard and flexible ash wood. Although several boards on the wooden ladder were broken, the feeling of stepping on it was better than what the barbarians imagined. Much sturdier, looks like it should still be usable.

Since the young people's companions can go down the ladder, it means that the problem with this thing is not too big. Barrett carefully stepped on the ladder and slowly came to the bottom of the cave step by step.

He picked up the luminous stone and looked around briefly. There are many traces of excavation on the rock wall closest to him. Even now, many extremely small white crystals, black ink crystals, brown smoky crystals, and rainbow crystals containing bubbles can still be seen. Light on glowing stones.

These bits and pieces of remnant crystals are all leftovers after excavating the giant crystal Most of the surface and interior have some ice cracks due to the excavation process, and the value is already very low. But even so, there are only some residues left in the middle and upper part of the tall rock wall, and the lower part is already pitch-black, which has long been dug up by some idle people who try their luck, and there is no trace of crystal.

Barrett imagined those crystal pillars that were more than ten meters long, like a sharp sword, crisscrossing the entire cave and growing crazily from all sides to the center. The scene should be very shocking.

Just as he was hesitating about where to go, he suddenly heard the faint sound of very subtle footsteps in the darkness in the distance. Immediately afterwards, the footsteps became louder and louder, mixed with some fighting and shouting.

Barrett put the long dagger on his waist, pressed the luminous stone into a hole on the side of the rock wall, stretched out his two knives, the fangs of Unoyun, and stood there and waited quietly.

After a dozen heartbeats, a dim light appeared in the darkness in the distance. The light was at the corner of a corridor that connected to the cave, and the brightness was getting louder and louder as the footsteps ran.

The next moment, three humans and a dwarf ran out of the corner. They found Barritt before they took two steps after the turn, and then they were collectively stunned.

The human at the back of the team was the first to react. He glanced at the other side of the corner of the corridor, and then shouted loudly, "Don't be stunned, run!"

After that, all of them rushed in the direction of Barrett.


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