Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 275: best result

This was a rather unusual meeting, which took place in a small clearing between the farm and the maple forest.

One side of the meeting was the human farm side, and they sent everyone on the farm—the old Samuel couple and his three daughters; the other side was the goblins in the maple forest, who also sent five representatives, In addition to Peer and the other three pixies, there were also two griffins—some kind of goblins with a human-like head, body, and arms, but a pair of cricket hind legs and wings.

The two Gurleys were wearing light green vests, and the buttons on the vests were several small pebbles, one of which was actually a small and delicate gem. Although they also have wings behind them, they cannot always fly in the air like Peer. They can only glide for a short time, but they can also jump a long distance with this.

Barrett once asked Peer how many kinds of goblins and how many goblins lived in this dense maple forest, but Peer wisely did not tell him.

"Anyway, there are some, no more, no less." This is Pei'er's original words, "Don't think about calling a lot of bad people to surround us, it's definitely not enough for you, it will not be worth the loss!" She said solemnly "But you don't want to bully us casually, my friends still have some."

Barrett understood, meaning don't find anyone to arrest us, and don't underestimate us. Anyway, the barbarian had no such plans at all, so he ignored this issue.

Out of self-protection, the two sides of the talks actually carried "weapons" around them. The human side only brought three "terrifying" shepherd dogs because of their physical advantage; on the goblin side, it was Pique with a small bow and arrow, Gurley with a short dagger, and three ferocious rabbits. Side swept array.

As for our barbarian adventurer, his identity is more important, the middleman and organizer of this meeting.

There is a large picnic cloth on the clearing between the farm and the maple forest, and there are small desserts (lemon biscuits, hot muffins with maple syrup and butter), a plate of seasonal berries, and a jug Black tea with milk.

Barrett picked up a still slightly warm muffin and took a hard bite. The muffins are sweet and delicious, but not greasy at all, and the taste is even more wonderful when paired with black tea.

As for the outcome of this meeting, the barbarians are actually not worried at all. Although the contact was short-lived, he found that the old Samuel family was also a principled person, and the goblin was inherently kinder, and he believed that the two parties could find a suitable way to get along.

"I always thought that goblins only existed in folklore." The farm owner looked at his little neighbors in disbelief, "I didn't expect it to be real!"

"Hey, are there any strange creatures in our world? Even giant dragons exist, what's the big deal with a few goblins." Barrett said casually.

However, the goblins are petite in size and are naturally invisible, so that humans cannot find them like other monsters. In addition, the information in this world is relatively occluded, so many people still doubt their existence.

The muffins were delicious, and Barrett took another bite, politely complimenting Mrs. Samuel's craftsmanship.

But this virtuous and gentle woman ignored Barrett's compliments, and even ignored him directly. The lady and her daughters were all staring at the goblins with gleaming eyes, and their faces were uniformly filled with expressions that barbarians didn't quite understand. Even the second daughter Karen, who has a stable personality and always has a peaceful face, is the same.

That expression contained maternal care, the desire to touch, and other inexplicable things, with a hint of possessiveness mixed in, which was quite complicated. In Barrett's view, it was similar to the red-haired girl's expression when she looked at gold coins, but it was slightly different.

Pei Er and her friends were sitting together, eating the same maple syrup muffin, "What do you want to do, why are you looking at us like this?" She raised her head and looked at the ladies with some caution, but then He shouted, "Ah, Lulu, you bit my hand!"

She pushed the little friend next to her, whose mouth was full of muffins, but after a silly smile, she continued to fight over the food. Most of a muffin went into Lulu's stomach, but the little guy's stomach didn't see any drums, and Barrett didn't know where it put all the food.

"Don't worry, eat slowly, there are many more." Mrs. Samuel put another muffin for the little guys. "Do you like to eat torte? I'll make it for you later."

"I like it!" Lulu said happily.

"Don't think that if you bribe us with something, we will not ask for it." Pei'er stood up, pinched her waist, and said, "Tell you, there will be no less than one request!"

"Peer..." Ruiqi reached out and tugged at the corner of the little guy's clothes, signaling him not to get angry.

The two Grizzlies also babbled something, but Barrett didn't understand. They should speak some kind of goblin language, but Peer and a few other pixies prefer to speak common language.

"Don't worry, little guy, we will satisfy all your requests." Mrs. Samuel said dotingly, "After all, that maple forest is your homeland, and you should be in charge."

"Really?" Peer showed his signature expression again - not very trusting.

"Of course it's true!" Hetty said. "I'll take down all the traps in a while! Not a single one!"

"If you don't allow us to enter Fenglin, we won't even step in." Karen's eyes were full of smiles, "Oh my God, you are cuter than little lambs."

"However, I hope you can come to our farm often." Emma stretched out her right hand slightly, "Well, can I touch you?" Peer gave a negative answer, and asked the others The lady was disappointed.

And our farmer just gave Barrett a wry smile, but didn't say a word.

"Fenglin still allows you to enter." Pei'er's expression improved a lot, "but I hope you can drill a smaller hole when collecting the sap of the maple trees, and also, it is best that each tree is separated by a Gather once a year to give them a good rest; you can pick berries and mushrooms too, but keep some for us and other creatures in the woods; and, I hope you can provide us with some food for the winter every year..."

Peer made a lot of demands, and to Barry's surprise, those demands were all very reasonable, in stark contrast to the little guy's unruly character.

Mrs. Samuel agreed, not giving old Samuel a chance to interject at all. She even promised a specific amount of food on the spot, which made the goblins quite happy. Later, the ladies and the goblins chatted very harmoniously, and even if Emma made another request to touch them, Peer reluctantly agreed.

Several ladies carefully touched the faces and hair of the goblins, and then shouted in Barbarian suddenly felt that he was not compatible with the harmonious and friendly painting style in front of him. Picking up a muffin and walking towards the distance, the farmer followed him and handed over the task reward to the barbarian.

"One time, my wife told me that she found me sleeping directly in the corral, with some cow dung sticking to my face. Another time, Hetty found me lying on the edge of the maple forest, still in my mouth. There was a pebble. They were all worried about my health at the time, and I was the same, because I didn't have the slightest impression of those things, and I didn't expect it to be like this." He smiled at Barrett, "I think , this should be the best result."

"I don't know if it's 'best', but at least it's not too bad," Barrett responded. He was a little relieved that the goblin was not a creature to kill, otherwise...

He thought about Zachary the Reptilian.

Barrit paused for a while, and then said to the farmer, "If you need anything in the future, you can go to a hotel called 'Put up your ears' in Muya city-state to find me, or you can leave a message to the boss there. ." He whistled and summoned the Nightmare Warhorse from the Plane of Shadows.

"Are you ready to leave?" Old Samuel was a little surprised. "You didn't rest much last night, so it would be great to stay for another day. Eat mince pies and potato omelettes tonight, trust me, you will absolutely love it!"

"No, I have other tasks." Barrett glanced at the [task log], and after confirming that the task was completed, he stepped on the war horse and ran away.



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