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Chapter 265: Missions about aliens

The big difference between Muya city-state and other kingdoms and city-states is that it does not have an army, and even the number of ordinary patrolling guards is very small.

There was no one to urge them, everyone spontaneously obeyed the order here, and they were well-behaved like virgins waiting to get married. Even if some guys occasionally get too "excited" because of alcohol or other reasons, they will be "pacified" by the people around them in time. The patrol guards only need to carry the "pacified" people away. it is good.

According to the address given by Avery, Barret got on a carriage pulled by a kobold and came to the municipal district in the eastern part of Muya city-state. The first time he came here, the buildings he saw were all government agencies that he had never heard of - the Alien Resettlement Committee, MI7, the Civic Center, the Continental Resource Registry, and so on.

Following the guidance of the house number, Barrett found a building called the 'Guard Hall'. After explaining the reason to the guard at the door, Barbarian successfully met the contact person for the mission - Vindicator 'Julian Eisley', a middle-aged man with brown hair, unshaven beard, and slovenly.

A wide-bladed longsword, a long soft velvet cloth, and a whetstone lay on the man's table, as if preparing to maintain the sword.

"So, you are alone, without teammates?" This was the first sentence the Vindicator said after reading Avery's letter.

"Isn't that Zachley the Warsaur—if I didn't misspell his name—isn't he alone?" Barrett looked at the Vindicator. "Sometimes a lot of people isn't a good thing."

"That's true, but if you want to take on more difficult tasks in the future, if you are alone, it will eventually be a bit difficult." Julian put the letter down and looked at the barbarian up and down, "Forget it, then It's all a matter of the future, anyway, smart people can always choose a task that suits them."

"You agree with me on this mission?" Barrett asked.

"Why not?" The vigilante smiled. "Although I've been sitting in the office for so many years, my martial arts have regressed a little—actually, a big regress—but at least I'm not blind. You are a Great guy, Avery can see this, so can I, and anyone with a little experience can see it. And you're very confident, the kind of calm confidence that comes from skilled martial arts."

He pointed to Barrett, "I like confident people, really. Only people with this quality can easily do those seemingly impossible tasks. The truth is that the process is not always easy, But they can at least do it." Lord Vindicator stood up and took a few steps behind the table, "Do you know the difference between confidence and arrogance, Mr. Barrett?"

"Oh, know a little bit."

"Although confident people believe that they can accomplish their goals, they do not despise goals and possible opponents. But arrogant people never take their opponents seriously." He leaned towards Barrett.

Why is this guy telling me this? Barret was a little confused, "I never despise any enemy, even if it is a goblin." Barbarian said.

"That's good, I'm relieved." Vindicator Julian opened the drawer on the left and took out a picture of magic imaging, "Since you want to take this mission, let me tell you something about the mission. Simple information about the target."

The vigilante walked up to Barrett and handed him the photo of the magic image, "Zachley the War Lizard is a very powerful guy. Before he escaped, he was a cook in a tavern, but he was originally an assassin. .You know, assassins are mostly dangerous, and Zachary is the best among them. The scales on his body can change with the change of the environment, which makes Zachary's hiding and stealth skills more powerful. And he Although he has only four fingers—in fact, all Warsaurs have four—he is very proficient with the dagger. Approaching silently, then severing his throat, is his usual method."

Barrett looked at the paper in his hand. The War Lizard on it was wearing a gray-green leather armor, with scales the same color as the leather armor on the exposed skin. It is a little thin and thin, with a long dagger with a large arc around its waist. In those reptile-like vertical pupils, it unexpectedly gave people a feeling of indifference and peace. Of course, people with such eyes are sometimes more terrifying than those who are ferocious.

"Why did this dangerous guy come to Muya city-state?" he asked.

"Actually, most of the alien races in the city-state are very dangerous, but most of them have been changed." Julian Eisley returned to the back of the table and sat down again, "You know, when I say 'alien', I mean ogres, kobolds, trolls or whatever, not dwarves, elves, or gnomes."

Barry nodded in understanding.

"Almost every alien that enters the human society has the shadow of a mage behind it. Those aliens usually live in the mage tower or the floating city for a period of time to correct some bad things about them. Habits. As for the specific correction methods, we will not discuss in detail." The garrison gave a 'you know' look, "After this, the aliens will gain a certain degree of freedom, and can enter and leave the Muya city-state at will, or Some other places that don't resent them."

So, this guy was also "corrected" by the mage? Barrett looked at the photo in his hand. What happened after that?

"You don't need to know which Mage Zachary the War Lizard belonged to before." The Vindicator continued to introduce, "Anyway, these alien races were either brought back by the Mage on a whim and felt interesting, or they were brought back by someone else. Survivors of experiments. Or for some purpose that we can't comprehend. Whatever it is, mages generally don't care too much after giving them freedom. In other words, let them be Self-inflicted."

"It's normal," said Barret. "No one cares about who for the rest of their lives." He thought of the drow in the drow village, who were still on the brink of starvation.

"Yes!" The vigilante agreed, "I was kicked out of the house by my father when I was fourteen years old to be self-reliant, isn't it good now. So, everything has to be on my own, and aliens are no exception."

"Then, what did this war lizard do that we need to hunt it down?" Barrett asked.

"Uh..., out of respect, generally when we deal with some free aliens, it's better to use 'he' instead of 'it'." Vindicator Julian Eisley said, spreading his hands, "they It's still very different from their savage counterparts."

"No problem," Barrett said lightly, "but in my opinion, it's actually pretty much the same."

The Vindicator didn't bother too much about the title, "As for why we are chasing Zachary, the reason is very simple. He killed people." He said in a relaxed tone, "I introduced it before, Zachary used to be a An assassin, then a cook. Then, two days ago, this guy killed a group of adventurers who came to eat. Two humans, a kobold, one of his saurok kind, and a giant Demon. Oh yeah, the troll isn't dead. Although the guy's entire throat was cut open and blood was sprayed on the roof, he's still alive. What can we say about that? , after all, a troll."

"Are you sure you're killing, not arresting?" Barrett asked casually. In fact, he prefers to kill, "Don't you need to ask him the reason for the murder?"

"No need." The vigilante shook his head. "Actually, we already have a certain understanding of the specific reasons for his murder. And you, just kill him and bring his head back."

He put his hands on the table and said, "I originally planned to let the guys from MI7 do this. After all, they are all assassins and know each other's methods. But since Avery recommended you to come, I will leave it to you. Even better, the guys in the seven places always say that our guards can only deal with some drunken alcoholics. In fact, we can only do this." The guard said with a self-deprecating laugh.

"Has any clues left by Zachary the War Lizard?" Barrett collected the paper, "I need some clues to follow." The barbarian is also very confident in his tracking skills, which he trained in the foggy forest. of.

"Don't be so troublesome." The vigilante stepped out from behind the table again, "Wait for me first." He pushed the door out and left Barrett alone in the room.

After about half a cup of tea, Vindicator Julian Eisley returned with a black raven in his hand. To be precise, it should be a black construct raven.

"Well, this is for you." Julian handed the construct raven into the hands of Barret, and answered in the latter's puzzled eyes, "This thing can help you find Zachley. Moreover, It can chat with you if you get bored on the road."

"Give it to me? What is this?" Barrett looked at the metal raven in his hand curiously. He has always dreamed of having a Construct Golem of his own, but this one is too small.

"Of course, it belongs to you now, and you may still use it when you do quests in the future." The vigilante smiled, "The mages call this a 'construct tracker', I'll take a look at it number." Julian Eisley lifted the metal wing on the raven's left side, and one of the feathers was engraved with the number '1024', "Well, 'Construct Tracker 1024', this is Its current name, of course, you can always rename it, whatever you want."

"Well, how should this thing be used?"

"I'll give you a scale from Zachary the You feed it to this iron bird and it'll help you find him. Oh yes, let it be beforehand Move first, do you have a magic spar?" The vigilante asked, "It doesn't need to be too big, just as big as a fingernail."

"Oh, how big is it?" Barret obediently took out a broken magic crystal from the space ring.

"The space ring? You are rich enough. Fortunately, I was worried that you couldn't support this little guy." Yes, that's it. That is, it needs to be fed for the first time, and the little guy can eat it by himself later."

"This thing will eat magic spar in the future?" Barrett was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, you don't need to eat it often. A broken magic spar as big as just now can let it move freely for a week. Of course, a larger magic spar will definitely last longer. If it is bigger, it will I can't eat anymore."

Barrett felt that the construct raven in his hand vibrated slightly after eating the magic spar, as if something was moving. Then the bird suddenly opened its eyes and tilted its head to look at Barrett, and then looked around. Immediately afterwards, it flew into the air with those metal wings.

The Constructed Raven circled twice in the air, then returned to Barrett's hands, staring straight at the barbarian with those obsidian eyes.

"Corn, corn!" Raven suddenly shouted loudly.

Very good, I will call you 'corn' from now on!


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