Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 262: Treasure Map

Barrett came out of the 'Put up your ears' hotel after lunch.

The sky was clear outside, and the dark clouds that had been in the past few days had dissipated. Barritt first stood in place, relieved the "nervous" emotion caused by the strange story, and then walked towards the Adventurer's Association in the distance, ready to find out what cost-effective tasks have been recently.

There were fewer pedestrians on the road than usual, and Barret knew that it was because a large gold mine was discovered in the territory of Falcon City, a human country very close to Muya City.

Thousands of adventurers, merchants, craftsmen, homeless people flock to the gold mines. Although the large gold mine belongs to the Falcon City-State, some merchants can also join forces and negotiate with the Falcon City-State to obtain the mining rights of some areas and make a profit from it. Adventurers or homeless people can, like moles, dig holes in other off-limits areas in the hopes of discovering some miracles.

For this kind of thing, Barrett doesn't want to participate. He thinks that the reward he gets for doing the task honestly is enough.

After passing a shop called 'Ass Knowing' that sold all kinds of chairs, and a shop called 'Lyre' that sold lyre, Manzi turned a corner and walked onto the spacious Lilac Avenue.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly stopped him, "Hey, Barrett, Barrett of Nord!" the voice shouted behind him, "It's really good to see you!"

The barbarian turned his head and found that they were actually the young men of the 'good helper' adventure team. At the head is the 'Fake Sir' Weimar, with his friends William and Gary the goblin behind him, but not Black the bowbearer.

"I knew you would be fine!" Weimar said excitedly, and was a little embarrassed at the end, "Sorry, Barrett, we didn't choose to save you at that time."

"It's alright." The barbarian waved his hand and didn't care about it. "With your strength, it is the right choice to leave. Otherwise, the whole team will be buried in the ground." He really thought so.

When Barrett, accompanied by the little mage Chris, went up to the surface to pull the 'carrot', he found that only his mount was still under the huge ginkgo tree. At that time, he already knew about the departure of these young people.

"How did you escape from that terrifying spider nest?" William asked curiously, "Although this hypocritical guy said you would be fine, at the time, we actually thought you had been engulfed by a huge number of spiders. already."

"The situation at the time was indeed dangerous, but it was nothing to me." Barrett said lightly. "I finally left the spider's nest through communication, or negotiation."

"If I'm not mistaken, what Mr. Barrett said was, negotiating with those spiders?" Goblin Gary asked a little puzzled.

"Yes." Barrett nodded, "brute force can't solve all the problems encountered in the adventure, sometimes you need to use your brain and use your intelligence and experience to find a better solution." Barbarian pointed to own brain. He likes to educate young people.

"Oh..." Weimar and the others replied blankly, as if they didn't quite understand it.

"Are you going to the guild to pick up the mission?" Barrett asked, "It's just the way, and I'm going too."

"No." Weimar shook his head, "After the mission of the spider egg sac failed, we just took a few simple missions to get by. And Blake also left, leaving only a letter and left silently. "He said he needed to find a quiet place to communicate with the black panther statue. We were actually a little worried about him, but we didn't know where to look for him."

"Then you are now..."

"We're going out of town, to the Falcon city-state," Weimar explained. "You've heard of that..."

"Large gold mine? Of course." Barrett said, "Even three-year-olds know about this, and the parrots in the pet store are constantly shouting 'gold', 'gold'."

"Mr. Barrett is interested in this?" the goblin asked. "It is said that more than one small or miniature gold ore branch has been discovered, and some people even picked up a large piece of gold ore in the grass."

Barbarian shook his head, "No, I'm not going to get involved. Do you guys have such a plan?"

"Yes, we are about to set off." Weimar said, "Now there are only three of us in the team, and we can only take on some relatively simple tasks. You know, the rewards of such tasks are not too high, it is better to go hunting. The Eagle City-State is trying its luck."

There are too many people who think this way, but who will luck favor? "Then, I wish you good luck." After a few simple greetings between Barrett and the 'good helper' adventure team they encountered, they said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways.

Lilac Avenue is one of several main roads in Muya city-state, and the famous 'Jeda Opera House' is located on it. The largest opera house in the entire Muya city-state has a performance every week, but Barrett has never heard it. The Adventurer's Guild is at the intersection of Lilac Avenue and Curse Street.

When Barrett passed an alley, an old troll suddenly came out of the alley and stopped in front of him.

"Human, come with me, I'll show you something good." The old troll said in a low voice, and looked around nervously.

Well acted, good expression. However, "Not interested." Barrett put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and the threat was self-evident.

"Hey, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I don't have any malicious intentions." The old troll took a half step back in fright, but he didn't give up, "It's like this, I have a genuine treasure map here, and I can find the destruction. The treasure of the 'Rutan Kingdom'." It said in a low voice.

"The Kingdom of Rutan? You've never heard of it, so can't you make up a kingdom or city-state that everyone is more familiar with?" "The old troll was stunned for a while, his expression did not seem to be fake, and he did not speak for a long time," Rutan Kingdom, the second human kingdom established after the Holy Arathor, unified the central and northern parts of the continent to the Marwela Desert. A large area of ​​​​the city was later destroyed in the dark age because it was unable to withstand the revenge of the alien race. You, haven't you heard of it? "

Barrett shook his head.

"Have you never heard of the proverb 'The serpent eats the king, the wolf protects the master'?" The old troll spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"Of course I've heard this sentence!" I'm not a fool.

"The Serpent Eater refers to the second king of the Rutan Kingdom. When he was in his prime, he was swallowed by the giant snake he raised since childhood, which paved the way for the kingdom's downfall."

"Oh, so what?" I'm not one of those old men who study history in the kingdom's court.

"What I mean is actually to say that the Rutan Kingdom really exists." The old troll sighed, "And the treasure map in my hand shows the three treasures buried after the kingdom's collapse. One's hidden spot. For 100 gold, it's yours."

"In fact, this treasure map is not something that anyone can buy. I won't sell it to someone who is not strong enough, because that's just hurting him. And I—the good troll of Muya city-state—Grivo Tower, never do anything harmful." The old troll said righteously, "I can see that you are a powerful adventurer, so I sold it to you with confidence. Believe me, this treasure map It will bring you innumerable wealth!"


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