Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 252: Investigation tasks (below)

【Task log】

【Investigate suspicious neighbors...】

[In this town called 'Antoine's Wine Cellar', Phil Pike often fought alone. But after so many years, he has long been accustomed to this situation, and used his strong will to fight against those "devils".

However, because of his age, even Phil Parker, who is still mentally "hard as steel", has been unable to do things himself as before, and occasionally needs some help from others. It's just that "solid as steel" will make Phil Pike not trust anyone in the town, he only trusts outsiders like you.

Assist Phil Pike in investigating suspicious neighbors living around his house until he is satisfied. 】

[Quest Reward: 100 Soul Energy]

[Note: There seems to be a muttering lunatic in every village and town. Occasionally stop and listen, you may gain something...]

"You're late, strong cat." Old Phil, who was thin but still tough, said to Barrett in a blunt tone. But his eyes were always fixed behind the barbarian.

Are you late? Although I lost a day in the drow village, the Nightmare was fast enough to make up for it. What's more, there is no clear time requirement for the task.

"Sorry," said Barrett perfunctorily. "My brass dragon mount has diarrhea, so I can only choose to ride. You know, that's the fastest ride."

"You lied, cat whose throat was ripped out by a hyena, you don't have a dragon at all."

"How do you know?" Barbarian asked curiously.

"I don't smell the dragon clan on you anymore."

you sure? My boots are made of dragon skin (pseudo-dragon)! However, Barrett did not know how many dragon bloodlines remained in the pseudo-dragon he killed.

Old Phil gently stroked the black cat in his arms, "Puss in boots, lies will bring you closer and closer to the abyss. When you slide helplessly into the darkness of the abyss, only onions can save you. Remember. Live, it must be raw onions!"

"Why raw onions?" Barrett asked. He pondered according to the old man's thoughts, "Is it because the devil is afraid of raw onions?" There is no such setting.

"No." The old man denied righteously, "Because raw onions will make people around you unwilling to listen to you, and the lie will lose its due effect."

"..." Don't try to speculate on a madman's thoughts, Barrett warned himself again in his heart. These mentally abnormal guys only have a common language with mages.

"Close the door, tattooed cat. Lock the lock again, and the bolt, don't miss any of them." Old Phil commanded in an unquestionable tone, "The blasphemous breath will come from those little by little. It seeps through the crevices and pollutes us into butterflies of every color. You'll be eating nectar for the rest of your life."

That's not bad, Barbarian shrugged. He turned around obediently, locked the seven locks and twelve bolts on the back door one by one according to the old man's request, and pushed hard at his own discretion.

"Hey, don't do that, **** with braids." Old Phil stopped, "Since the last time Steven had someone rashly knocked the door open, it's not as strong as it used to be. It's gone." The old man's tone carried a little regret, "I always worry that one day, this door will be shattered by a nightingale's feathers. In that case, I will have to replace it with a new door."

No, even if Nightingale slammed into it, she wouldn't be able to shake the door at all. Barrett omitted the strange content of the other party's words, "Why did your nephew ask someone to knock this door open?"

"That kid thought I was dead, huh, but I'm still alive and well. It's just that I passed out. It's a very common faint, just like breathing." Old Phil said as he turned to the room on his left. Go, "People need to pass out, or the brain doesn't get enough rest, and there are problems, all kinds of problems."

"..." Barrett followed behind the old man, "Can't you sleep?"

"Sleep? No, I don't need to sleep, in fact I haven't slept in a long time. Because the devil will lure you in your sleep and make you fall. But if you pass out, they can't do it."

What is the logic? Damn, I forgot again. Barrett said to himself in his heart, what logic to talk to a lunatic.

The old man entered the kitchen, put the black cat in his arms on the central round dining table, then reached out to open a cabinet on the wall with various small tin cans, and reached out to rummage, "When When you pass out, time freezes with your consciousness like a frozen river in winter. It only continues to flow when you open your eyes. Of course, there is no 'hourglass' in it, he Beyond the ice of time."


"The 'hourglass' is in front of you." Old Phil turned his head and pointed to the black cat on the dining table. "When you pass out, the 'hourglass' will lick your face to wake you up. Of course, if you wake up If you don't come, it will eat your nose, then lips, eyes, cheeks, and finally ears. Since 'Hourglass' likes crunchy ears best, it always saves the favorite for last. Like me."

Barrett sat at the dining table, frowning at the black cat on the dining table. He found that from the moment he entered the door, the guy in front of him had been staring at him with those emerald green eyes, without turning away for a moment, which made the barbarian feel very uncomfortable.

"Have you been bitten by him?" he asked.

"No, this is what 'Hourglass' told me, and I haven't tried it," said Phil, "because every time I wake up in time under his lick, I can feel as if I It's like being reborn. You can try it if you have a chance."

"No, forget it, my brain is well rested and I don't need this."

"Very good? Not necessarily, 'Isaac' was like you before. He didn't listen to my recommendation and always thought he was resting well enough, but he died when he was eighty-six years old." Lao Fei Er put his head out of the cabinet again, turned to look at Barrett seriously, "He used to be the same age as me, but I lived to ninety-seven."

He's not as tough as you. Listening to you, he might not even be able to reach 86. Barrett murmured in his heart, "Haha, I'm still young, let's talk about it later."

"Hmph, whatever you want, I'm afraid you'll be so hungry that you won't even have the strength to catch fish." The tough old man stuck his head into the cabinet by the wall and could only let himself be the prey Take it into the river and drink it to death. "

I, catch fish? Oh yes, I'm a cat. After hesitating for a few seconds between the strange death of drinking water and the normal suffocation and drowning, the barbarian chose not to catch fish.

Old Phil took out a tin can with a label of an unknown flower from the depths of the cabinet. He twisted the can open with both hands, took out a few thick dried green leaves from the inside, and put the dried thick leaves on the into the teapot.

Immediately afterwards, the old man walked to the fireplace made of volcanic rocks, added a few sticks of dry wood into it, and poked the flickering embers with a shovel. Add a few scoops of water to the wok.

It looks like this is making tea for me? "Don't be so troublesome." Barrett declined, "Actually, I don't really like tea."

"No, you have to drink it!" Old Phil said in a commanding tone, "The cactus water will protect you from the devil's blasphemous aura, allowing you to better complete the task I gave you."

Speaking of the mission, Barrett subconsciously became more serious, "Is it a mission to investigate the neighbors around you? Are they really suspicious?" After the barbarian finished speaking, he shook his head inwardly. Why am I still serious, this is basically just a farce, a crazy old man's nonsense.

The old man nodded, showing a rare smile, "Very good, see that you already know the situation, I will tell you all those strange behaviors, and then you will conduct a detailed investigation from house to house."


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