Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 249: eat strawberries

The increasingly disobedient 'Carrot' returned to the shadow plane without authorization, and it now prefers to stay there more and more.

Barrett coughed and got up from the ground, brushed off the newly purchased three-layer cooked cowhide leather armor, shook the loose hair, and tied it back into a long barbarian-style braid.

He himself actually prefers shaved hair, at least he doesn't need to wash his hair often. But his bald-headed appearance, combined with the hideous scars on his throat and burly physique, made him look too ferocious and ferocious, which was not conducive to his mission in the Muya city-state and its surrounding area.

After all, even the trolls are polite here, and he doesn't want to look too rude.

Little Mage Kris still has nearly a year to come out of the ground, so Barrett plans to do tasks in this area in the center of the mainland, brush up his soul energy, and upgrade himself.

In fact, he was still a little uneasy about the indescribable things like [quest log], but the little mage had already told him clearly that many people in "history" had obtained similar things, and , and none of them had a problem.

The little mage also told him that this thing is actually a special piece of legendary equipment, and the effect it brings is to help the host become stronger step by step, that's all.

These words undoubtedly reassured Barret a lot.

At this time, it has entered autumn, the weather is cool and cool most of the time, and it is a good time to officially do the task. During the time he came out of the ground, he had already done three or four missions in the Muya city-state. The soul energy he had obtained was added to the leftover from the past, and he drank the 'magic spirit' through gritted teeth. Give him two new skill points.

At this time, his talent for 'Devil's Blade' has risen to the fourth level, and he once slashed an 'infuriated medium-sized fire element' with only three swords.

In terms of skills, because the corroded petrified cowhide leather armor has been completely broken under the baking and beating of the fire element, and he has not found a better one for a while, he can only use 'leather armor mastery' It has been upgraded to the intermediate level to ensure that the defense power is not too low. The attributes brought by [Intermediate Leather Armor Proficiency] have also become [+20% Physical Defense, +5% Magic Resistance, +2 Agility].

And the last time he got the skill point, there was no higher-level leather armor proficiency, nor any good skills that he liked, so Barrett kept the precious skill point useless.

In terms of soul energy, it has now become [20/300]. Every time a new skill point is obtained, the required soul energy will increase by 50, so Barrett plans to choose carefully in the future.


The task he has to do at this time is to send some supplies to the drow elf village named 'Rillent' in front of him. Although the reward for the task is not high, and the soul energy is only a pitiful 20 points, But it's not difficult, it's just an errand.

With the 'carrot' awakened to become a Nightmare Beast, this kind of task can be done quite quickly, so it is not low in terms of efficiency. If it's a quest by the way, it's even more of a no-brainer.

It's just that after the guy woke up, his temper became bigger and bigger, and he played tricks on him at every turn. Barrett decided to find a chance to beat it so hard that it would know who the master was.

Just as Barrett was secretly calculating, a female voice appeared to his left, "What's the matter with you here?"

Barrett turned his head to look, and in the shadow of the tulle curtains of a residential building, he found a female Drow who could not see her face clearly. He knew that the drow elves, like the gray dwarves, became nocturnal creatures when they came to the surface, so he chose to set out in the early morning and arrive in the early morning.

Of course, it is also possible at dusk. It's just that he doesn't plan to spend the night here...

"Oh, it's a quest publisher named 'Ereda', asking me to send something to your village." Barrett said to the female drow in the shadow.

The quest reward given by the quest publisher is really pitiful. If it weren't for the fact that his purpose for taking the quest was not money, he would definitely be lazy like other adventurers.

Generally, the transportation of such a lot of goods is handled by large and medium-sized caravans, just because the task issuer can't afford the price.

"It's Lord Mistress!" The female Drow said happily, "Come in, just leave your things to me, my name is Ellen."

"Okay." Anyway, it's given to everyone. The task issuer didn't specify it, and Barrett was happy too.

He walked towards the female drow's house and gently pushed the door in. From the shadows in the corner of the room, he saw the fair-faced, dark-skinned female drow.

"Hello." Barrett greeted politely.

"Hello." The other party responded, "Can you close the door, and by the way, help me pull the curtains tighter."

"...No problem." If the other party wasn't a drow who was afraid of the sun, Barret might have thought in a different direction. No, he's thinking crooked now.

The barbarian gently closed the door with a weird mind, and then walked slowly to the window. Behind the tulle curtains, there is also a rather thick layer of purple velvet curtains. If they were all drawn, the room would probably become pitch black.

He only closed the velvet curtain halfway, "Sorry, I can't see in complete darkness like your drow. So, in order not to mess up the supplies, is it okay to be in this state?"

The other party nodded and looked at him silently with those bright red eyes, "What's your name, human."

"You can call me 'Barritt'." The barbarian said and kept releasing the items in the space ring.

Strings of long pork sausages, liver and blood sausages, and Muya sausages, six barrels of fresh milk, ten plates of dry cheese, two barrels of red wine, three jars of honey, ten bags of barley, ten bags of wheat, ten Bags of oats, three barrels of olive oil, five bags of potatoes, five bags of onions, five bags of turnips…

These things were neatly packed in the room, but it still made the room small and crowded.

Are these drows here to escape? Barrett speculated in his mind. If it weren't for the large enough space in his space ring, he really couldn't hold so many items.

Even if you use a carriage to pull so many things, it would take three carriages to do it. The task issuer really earned it. he thought.

Barrett split many times before releasing all these things. After that, he was so tired that he sat down on the chair beside the dining table and kept rubbing his eyebrows, "Sorry, let me rest."

If it was before, Barrett would never have released so many things in a short period of time. This only shows that after the underground trip, his mental power seems to have improved a lot.

Could it be caused by the mind attacks of those mind flayers, or caused by the underground strange fish controlling itself, or caused by underground hallucinations? Barrett doesn't know why.

At this moment, he noticed that the female Drow silently walked in front of him. He looked sideways and found that the female Drow named Elleni slowly stretched out her hand and held a red fruit in front of him.

"Eat strawberries?" she asked softly.


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