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Chapter 24: Night talk (Part 1)

During dinner.

The ogre loves the quail-sized tit, he says he can eat at least 10 of them, and he has even figured out how to cook them: three stewed, three charcoal grilled, three fried, and the last one. Only, use a lot of chili and salt for pickling.

"It would be better if there were more clams," said the ogre Moglock.

The ingredients that were sourced locally were not enough for everyone to eat, so it was estimated that the ogre could only eat half of it by himself. However, before entering the forest, Old Will and his party had already prepared enough food for about 2 weeks, and put it in the space ring, without worrying about it breaking.

As an old-fashioned adventurer team, "Dirty Novel" will not forget these essential preparations, especially when there is an ogre in the team.

Salted and spice-soaked sausages of venison; goat cheese in the shape of discs; cod and flounder, fresh and smoked; large chunks of raw beef, tender with fat and thin snowflakes Tempting; grilled pork chops smothered with black pepper and herbs; breads and treats of all types, with lemon crackers especially delicious; bags of potatoes, turnips, pickled olives and onions, and more. .....

The food in the space ring can be kept for a long time. Of course, most of it has to enter the ogre's belly like a small hill.

When Barrett expressed his surprise at the amount of food prepared by the lewd novel and his party, Old Will quipped: "To make the ogre not eat people? It's very simple, feed it!"

"Moglock never eats people!" The ogre chewed half a sausage in his mouth, expressing his dissatisfaction vaguely, "Moglock is a good ogre! Master Baron said, a good ogre does not Cannibals, Moglock wants to be a good ogre!"

"The High Mage Barron was the previous owner of Moglock," Old Will explained.

Barrett nodded inexplicably, but didn't ask any further questions.

There wasn't much to eat for dinner, except for ogres. Old Will ate only half a goat cheese, half-elf and gnome each had skewers of grilled mushrooms, and snacks made with chopped walnuts, almonds, and coconut, and Barrett ate a roasted frog, slices of bread, and a pork chop.

Everyone was full of praise for Barrett's stew, and even the dwarf who rarely spoke up said the word "good", which made our Nord barbarians feel a little complacent.

Barrett knew he was good at cooking, especially stewing and grilling. These cooking skills were inherited from his father, and then forced to carry forward by himself in his adventurous career.

After all, adventurers often rely on themselves for three meals during missions and adventures.

If I don't want to be an adventurer, it would be a good choice to be a chef instead, Barrett thought to himself. The battlefield is by the soup pot or grill, with shovels and spoons as weapons, and the enemies are turnips and peas, and jerky. The onion is the toughest, its attacks will make you cry. And spices are your adventure companions, and for the perfect adventure (to cook a good dish), you can't do without them.


After dinner, everyone decided on the order of night shift. Half-elf was on the first shift, Barrett was on the second shift, and the dwarf was on the last shift. Old Will and the Ogre don't take part in the night watch.

Barrett took the initiative to ask for the time at midnight, because he was the only one who was more familiar with the Misty Forest, and everyone else was here for the first time, so the most difficult time was handed over to him.

If possible, Barbarian even wants to spend the whole night alone, because he is not very worried about others. This kind of worry is not due to distrust of the strength of the other two, but that there are too many strange things happening in the foggy forest, and it is difficult for people who have never been in contact to take precautions.

Fortunately, Old Will also guarded a circle of magic traps and magic alarms around everyone's camp, which really gave Barrett a lot of peace of mind.

As an ordinary person who does not know how to use magic, Barrett believes in the power of magic very much, and like all ordinary people on the continent, he believes that most of the time, magic is better than humans.

"It seems that the first day of our journey went well, didn't it." Old Will sat outside the light of the bonfire, leaning against the fallen fir tree, his figure was a little blurry. The spark in his pipe suddenly lit up at night, reflecting the face hidden in the night.

The ogre's even snoring sounded, the big man wearing full body armor lay on the ground and fell asleep. There is no need to think about what kind of tasks to take, or where the team should go and what to do next. As long as he's full, Moglock doesn't seem to have any troubles.

Barrett fiddled with the bonfire with a branch to keep it from burning too fast. Although there is no shortage of trees in the forest at all, it is quite difficult to find some dry wood that does not emit smoke at this time of year. Fortunately, Barrett and the others have prepared a lot of firewood in advance, enough for a long time.

"Nothing big should happen in the first two days," he said. If not as unlucky as Jack and his party.

"How many days do you think we might find the mission target? Those frost worms." Old Will asked.

"If you're lucky, you should be able to find something after two to three days." Barrett replied in an uncertain tone, "The size of the frost worm will leave a lot of traces when it moves. As long as you find a few traces, the back things are simple.”

Is it simple? No, Barrett actually didn't think it would be easy to kill two large bugs that were nearly fourteen or five meters long, let alone capture them alive.

"I have to say, my colleagues can really have problems. What do they want 2 live frost worms for? Reproduction?" Old Will said helplessly.

"What if there are two males or two females?" the half-elf smiled. "The gender of the frost worms was not specified in the mission. How should the worms distinguish male and female? Besides, they Doesn't mating have to turn the whole forest upside down?"

It's a standard, adventurer-style topic, usually accompanied by a group of men giggling knowingly. But speaking in the mouth of a half-elf Estelle with long ears and delicate facial features, there is always an indescribable sense of strangeness.

Whenever Barret thinks he already knows something about half-elves, this long ear can always say something beyond the barbarian's impression. UU reading

The dwarf Mapra sat opposite Barritt, holding a peculiar-looking beetle in his hand, watching carefully by the firelight. The beetle's carapace is dark gray, while its head is a shiny orange-yellow, with no eyes or tentacles.

The poor little bug was bound free, and the four pairs of abdominal feet swiped in vain in the air. The bones in the chest and abdomen occasionally rubbed and vibrated due to the movement, making a crisp and light sound.

It was the sound that made the dwarf find it from the fallen fir tree.

"What's it called?" the dwarf asked suddenly, his voice low and hoarse.

Barrett raised his head to meet the dwarf's gaze, and found that the latter's eyes had an indescribable gloom in them.

The types of creatures in the misty forest are too complex. Although Barrett has been adventuring here for more than ten years, he thinks that he has never even seen 1% of the creatures in the forest, let alone understand it.

However, the beetle that the dwarf asked about, Barrett, happened to know him, or it could be said that most of the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs knew him.

"'Eyesless Nora,'" Barrett replied. "A very common beetle in the Misty Forest. It feeds on the sap of fir trees. It can be seen everywhere in the forest between spring and summer."

"'Eyeless Nora'? Why would a beetle have such a weird name?" The half-elf was a little curious.

"I don't know who originally named it, but the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs all call it that. And there is a legend related to it," Barrett said.

"A legend? What kind of legend?" the half-elf asked again.

"That's a legend about a girl named 'Nora'."


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