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Chapter 227: Nightmare Beyond Time (Part 2)

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Of all the races, the aboleths feared the most, not the mighty dragons, nor the humans who relied on mages to reach their prime.

Throughout the billions of years of recorded history in the multiverse, although creatures like dragons and human mages are indeed much more powerful than aboleths, aboleths are nightmares that transcend the river of time. , but recorded the entire process of the evolution of these races, understanding how they climbed and transformed from weak and low-level races step by step.

So these races are naked (harmonious) in the eyes of the aboleths. Just like Xiao Mo, she may feel nervous when facing the mage, but she is not really afraid of those spellcasters.

The only ones that really frightened the aboleths were the mind flayers.

Because the birth of this race of mind flayers is a missing part of the vast chain of memories of the aboleths, even looking through the oldest racial memories, it is impossible to find the process of the emergence of this race of mind flayers.

The mind flayers seemed to appear out of thin air in the multiverse, and then quickly established a unique underground civilization and a huge empire.

This lack of memory chain makes all the aboleths very uneasy, and will involuntarily generate a kind of fear from their innate characteristics.

Xiao Mo is no exception.

Back then, in her mother's (or father's) memory, she traced back to those imperial mages who wiped out the mind flayers in the Prime Material Plane. Xiao Mo was also happy about this for several days, and thought that in the entire seventh era dominated by humans, there should be no trace of mind flayers again.

But it's only been more than a thousand years, and those mind flayers have returned inexplicably, which is really annoying!

What the **** are those smart human mages doing? Can't they figure out a way to completely wipe out mind flayers from the multiverse? The chain of memory of their aboleths would be truly complete only if this race were to disappear completely from the universe.

If possible, Xiao Mo really wants to lay some eggs, then use the mucus released from the tail to instill (harmonize) the eggs himself, and send those eggs that have completed their forms to the mages, so that they can be excavated in the ancestral memory. , to develop an effective method.

It's a pity that it didn't do any good, the mind flayers were officially the missing link in their chain of memories.

Aboleths and mind flayers actually have some similarities. For example, they both have tentacles, are experts in psionic power, and both like to capture other species as their slaves...

At this time, Xiao Mo was suddenly in a bad mood, so he was going to use his innate spell-like ability - enslavement to catch a few of those humanoid creatures on the water.

She didn't catch those humanoids because she wanted them to be her servants, and while it was true that Xiao Mo could transform her servants into a form that could breathe underwater, she had absolutely no interest in doing so.

Xiaomo grabs them just to eat them. Although she can survive completely by relying on the microorganisms in the water, she still wants to eat something different often.

The crescent-shaped tail and four stout tentacles swayed violently in the water, and Xiao Mo's huge body left the range illuminated by the luminous stones, and jumped towards the water at a rapid speed.

Two fast-swimming humanoids were out of the water, but three remained in the water. Although they are getting closer and closer to the passage, Xiao Mo can still easily catch up with them.

Xiao Mo discovered that among these humanoid creatures, there was actually a small goblin. She has just traced the history of this race, they have completely declined, and they have been reduced to the bottom of many intelligent races.

She wants to devour the goblin in front of her now, and see how she can mix and adventure with those humans.

After less than ten meters away from the goblin, the three red eyes stacked on Xiao Mo's head suddenly lit up. She released the "slavery" on the goblins through her innate skills, and successfully controlled the other party.

"Stop, my slave!" Xiao Mo ordered telepathically.

The goblin stopped on the water very obediently, swinging his feet slowly to ensure that he would not sink directly. That is the survival instinct of living things.

And the sturdy human beside it suddenly roared, "What the **** are you doing? Hurry up!"

The long life and the memories of her ancestors can not only allow Xiaomo to understand the common language, she can even understand all the languages ​​that have ever appeared in the multiverse if she wants to.

Hey, don't worry, it's your turn next. Xiao Mo focused on this sturdy human again, and the three red oval eyes lit up again.

Dangdang, it succeeded again, and the human also stopped on the water. Xiao Mo has learned the skills of many ancestors to use the innate spell-like ability of 'servitude' through memory, so she is very good at this, and ordinary creatures can't save it at all.

I am amazing! She complimented herself in her heart.

"Barrett, Gary, what's wrong with you? Damn it, swim here!" The humans on the shore were shouting, and even threw stones at their companions, hoping to wake them up.

But this is of no use, unless these successfully controlled servants are one kilometer away from Xiaomo, or they are casted 'dissolution magic' to regain consciousness, otherwise, they can only enter Xiaomo obediently in the stomach.

The gigantic aboleth swam forward a few more times, ready to target the third human who was about to come ashore. But at this moment, Xiao Mo suddenly found that her second servant was in an abnormal state and seemed to be struggling desperately.

A powerful guy, but that's about it, Xiao Mo didn't panic about it.

There have also been many individuals in history with very strong souls or spirits who were able to break free from the control of the "slavery". However, according to the method in the memory of her ancestors, as long as she increases the control strength through telepathy, she can completely suppress the opponent's struggle.

That guy is not a dragon, nor is he a human mage with extremely powerful mental power, and Xiaomo is confident that he can control it.

Just when Xiaomo increased her control through telepathy, she suddenly noticed that the mental power of this human servant was a bit special. It seemed that there was something strange attached to it like a vine, and it was slowly transforming it.

Or, it can also be called - parasitism.

Xiao Mo was quite curious about this. Is that human being occupied by a powerful soul? Not quite like it. She carefully sensed it again, and the strange things attached to the spirit of human servants did not do this.

Is it 'symbiosis'? Xiao Mo found a more appropriate term.

Oh, what fun! Xiao Mo changed his plan, preparing to eat this human servant first, and then take a good look at his memory to see what it is that is attached to the strong human spirit.

At this moment, the mutation suddenly started again. Xiao Mo found that the strange thing seemed to be starting to change. It seems to be ready to spread directly following the telepathy between Xiao Mo and the human servants.

Humph, you want to pollute me? Or do you want to control me? Xiaomo expressed disdain for She is very confident in her psionic power. At the same time, she is also preparing to use her psionic power to try to touch this weird thing, understand it comprehensively, and then bury it in her memory and pass it on.

But just when she used her psionic power to contact this weird thing, she suddenly felt an unbearable pain that went straight to her brain.

"Ah, it hurts!!" The gill openings on both sides of Xiao Mo's body were fully opened, and a language that humans could only speak with the help of a variety of musical instruments was spit out from Xiao Mo's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that the 'slavery' she had placed on the human servants had failed. The sturdy human regained its freedom, grabbed her goblin servant with both hands, and threw it ashore.

Then he himself swam forward as if running for his life, and was out of the water in an instant.

"Run!" the human shouted, galloping down the corridor with its companion.

Xiao Mo recovered a little, she brought her huge body to the surface and stared at them with three red oval eyes.


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