Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 219: Home of the Mixed Race (Part 1)

The half-blood city 'Imlanders', the only home of half-elves.

In Elvish, 'Imlanders' means 'valley of the woods', and so is its geographic location. This elegant city is built in a valley surrounded by mountains and rivers, but it does not hide itself in a haughty way. Outside the city, there are several flat main roads leading to here, and there are clear signs on the road, so there is no need to worry that people will not find it.

This is the only city on the entire continent that the half-bloods have successfully built. Just like the elf holy land 'Los Lorin', all half-elves regard this city as their holy place.

In this multiverse dominated by chaos, there is no shortage of bizarre hybrid species. Reproductive isolation between organisms is almost a fictional form, but there are some inherent general laws.

In the case of humans, we can successfully produce offspring with giants, various goblins, mermen, ogres, orcs, sheepmen and many other races (if you want to), but we can't with gnomes, dwarves, and gnolls. , goblins and other races have produced offspring (no one wants to, anyway).

The same is true for other races, and there are some rules that can and cannot be mixed.

Among them, the genes of dragons and demons are undoubtedly the most powerful. Dragons are so terrifying that they can breed dragon-blood offspring with any race (yes, no race can be an exception), while demons can successfully create half-demons with all races except Celestial Races (half-demons, half-angels). Stuff is non-existent, of course, except for Devil May Cry 5).

However, the entire process from conception to birth is difficult for most hybrids, and they are generally not accepted by the races of both parents, so it is generally difficult to form a complete and independent race.

The half-elves are the only known independent mixed race. There are many reasons for this: the appearance of hybrids (whether they look good or not), racial strength (whether the next generation will remain stable), racial acceptance (what other races think of you, mainly humans), etc. .

As the ruler of the continent, human beings can accept half-elves, marry them, and help them build their own homes, but they obviously do not have such patience when dealing with half-ogres and the like. Even if those mixed-race children were successfully born, it is estimated that they could only stray in isolation, or live in a certain wizard's laboratory.

Most of the hybrids in ‘Imlanders’ are half-elves, and there are also a very small number of species such as half-goat, half-tree demon, and some special dragon-blood creatures.

Have you ever seen a kobold with thick, pure dragon blood? This is the one in front of Barrett.

"Seriously, it's not a good idea to go underground during this time. The situation below is too chaotic and abnormal." This kobold was much taller than its ordinary kin. It was dressed in a custom black dress, with a wrinkled face, one eye with a cold vertical pupil like a reptile, and the other normal.

It pulled off the collar of the dress and scratched the red scales on its neck, "Old Colin is a good man, but he won't be as irresponsible as the gray dwarf leader of Agmanche, and he won't let you adventurers go underground. To die." It said to Barrett and others. "But that gray dwarf leader has some conscience, and he knows that you should come to Imlanders to find me."

"Then, when will the underground return to normal?" Weimar asked worriedly.

"Return to normal? No, it should never be possible." The dragon-blooded kobold tapped lightly on the counter with his sharp claws with a ruby ​​ring, and stared at the questioning young man with his cold vertical pupil. Man, the latter was so frightened that he quickly looked away.

This guy actually inherited a bit of Longwei skills from his father, Barret can feel it. Although Longwei's breath is very light, if you don't pay attention, you can still be deterred.

"The underground will never return to the 'calm' it used to be." The dragon-blooded kobold continued, "Yes, calm. You have also heard me talk about the underground conditions in detail, and the current level of war. Compared to the previous ones, they can only be regarded as children's slapstick."

"Anyway, the war will eventually be decided, isn't it?" William put down his glass, "One side will eventually be unable to hold on, and then fall, or surrender. So, it can't be forever."

"Yes, you are right, young man, the war will eventually be decided, but you will definitely not see it in your lifetime, and maybe I will not see it either." The Dragon Breath Kobold sighed, "I want to do it again. Emphasize that this is not a small game. Neither the drow nor the mind flayer can admit defeat, because they are just pawns in this war, and the final result depends on who is behind them. people."

The Dragon's Breath kobold pointed upwards slightly with his gem-bearing paw.

"The drow elves have a rich heritage. There are countless large and small cities under their direct or indirect control, so it is impossible for them to be defeated in a short period of time. As for the mind flayers, they can only insist on Keep moving forward, otherwise it will be replaced by other chess pieces." The dragon blood kobold said vaguely, "So, the underground is unlikely to be calmed down in a short time. By the way, the short time I said, but according to the dragon clan standard to calculate.”

This weird kobold seems to know a Barrett looked at its vertical pupil, and more importantly, its bloodline seemed to provide it with a very good intelligence.

Mrs. Windsor in the unknown space seems to have a strange hobby of cultivating kobolds, but it seems that it has not been completely successful. Instead of trying to find other ways, it's better to go directly to the black dragon in Kandar Swamp and let him help get some dragon blood kobolds. Barrett thought wildly.

"So, your actions to go underground now are no different from sending you to death." said the dragon-blooded kobold, "Old Colin is soft-hearted, but he is the least likely to see others go to death."

"There are dangers in any adventure, but it's not the same as going to death, as long as you are fully prepared in advance." Barrett said, "The gray dwarf village chief has told us that you may know the items we need for our mission. Some information I would like you to give us. Seriously, that would definitely reduce a lot of the risk of our underground journey."

"Are you really going?" Kobold old Colin sighed helplessly.

"Anyway, there's no harm in listening," Barrett replied.

"Old Colin likes to help others, because there are many people who have helped old Colin." The Dragonblood Kobold said solemnly, "Since you have made up your mind to go, old Colin has no choice. By the way, What do you need for your mission? Mossrock spider eggs?"

"Yes," Barry nodded, and called up the [Mission Log] again to check. "Moreover, the mission also said that it is best to have spider silk on the spider eggs. Because the eggs with spider silk are the best to eat."

"It seems that the person who released the task was also an underground resident." Old Colin said with a smile, "because only pure underground residents would like this kind of food."

【Hometown's "food"】


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