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Chapter 21: About sympathy

The weak depend on the strong, and the strong protect the weak. This seems to be a natural thing, but among adventurers, it does not make sense.

Most of them have a poor background and are basically used to life and death, which makes the profession of adventurer naturally lack of sympathy. If they cannot agree with each other and are forcibly kneaded together, the weak are not partners in the adventure, but more like bait, cannon fodder, and "food"...

However, "Dirty Novel" is fundamentally different from other adventurer teams. Its leader is not only an adventurer, but also a mage.

Do mages have sympathy? Barrett is unknown. There are only a handful of mages he has come into contact with, but compared with ordinary people, they are not too few. Barrett even saved the life of one of the wizards twice, and traded with another wizard for more than ten years (most of Barritt's harvest in the forest was sold to the wizard).

But even so, he still doesn't understand the behavior of these people with great power. In fact, even the mage himself will not try to guess the unpredictable thoughts of another colleague, which is meaningless.

Barrett felt a little amused when he saw Jack's flat nose. It turned out that the purpose of his words was to win a mage's approval and sympathy with his words.

He didn't know if this was a plan originally designed by Jack, or if it was a temporary idea. No, it couldn't be by design, Barrett shook his head inwardly. No one can predict the encounter in the foggy forest, so it can only be an idea, which can't help but make Barret take a high look at Jack.

He himself didn't really want the two teams to merge into one. Although he felt a little unbearable that these people came to the foggy forest as if they were "sending death", but that's all, there would be no more, and he would not carry these "burdens" on his back. It's just that he is not the leader of the team, and everything depends on what old Will, a more than 200-year-old mage, thinks.

"We have 27, um, 26 good guys! Handsome Jack is still pushing hard." 'Curly' was lost not long ago, I forgot. ' he sighed.

You will lose more. "Are you sure that 'good guys' refers to those guys behind you who can't even hold their weapons?" Barrett pointed.

"Can't hold their weapons? No, I gotta say, you don't know them!" Jack retorted. "They don't know how stable their weapons are! They hold them when they eat, sleep, and even shit. They don't even know how to hold their weapons. You can lose your life, but you won't lose your weapon!" Jack waved his hand and emphasized.

That's not something to be proud of, and Barrett was a little speechless about it.

"Including that young man named 'Sifter'?" He asked rhetorically.

"Including the 'sieve'! You don't see him shaking, but he will never throw the weapon away. Don't you believe it?"

Barrett shook his head.

"We were originally 30 people, but unfortunately we encountered a group of frost spiders, and the group of **** big-bellied reptiles dragged my three 'good boys' away." Jack sighed again, "You know what, They were dragged away with their weapons still in their hands, still in their hands!"

"But it didn't save their lives." Barrett frowned.

"Hey! You have to know that it was a group of more than ten frost spiders! There were fifteen or more, and the scene was too chaotic at the time. I didn't count it carefully." Jack said, "Even if it is like the foodie over there. A big man like a demon will have a hard time dealing with those spiders, not to mention that this is the first battle for these people."

Frost spiders are a group of gregarious creatures that only appear in winter and live underground. Their body size is larger than that of adult rams, they are agile, and their two front claws are sharp like ice blades. Although this spider is non-venomous, it will exhale a very cold frost, which can make people freeze instantly if they come into close contact with them.

Almost all magical beasts that can use spell-like abilities have one or more mutated organs on their bodies, and they use these mutated organs to store, guide, and release magic power. Entire groups like frost spiders use spell-like abilities and can be counted as a separate group of beasts.

A gland in the spider's abdomen is responsible for their ability to breathe frost, and it's highly valuable, but only if you kill them first.

Barrett knew that if the number of frost spiders was as true as Jack said, it would be nothing to lose three of them. Maybe that's one of the reasons why these people are so flustered.

"They got out of nowhere, and immediately surrounded us." Jack's expression was a little lingering, "'Shy Casper' rushed up first, that guy blushes even when he talks, never speaks. Dare to meet someone's eyes, but he was the first to rush up bravely! Don't you think he's a good guy?"

Jack seemed to be recalling, "Casper was holding a spear in his hand, which I heard was given to him by an adventurer. I must say it was a really good spear, sharp and sharp, like It's forged from stainless steel, not cast iron. The weight is just right, and if you shoot it well, you can definitely kill a big-bellied crawler in one shot. But that shot is so good, it gave Casper courage, and at the same time It made him reluctant to throw it out. He directly took it and rushed up, and fell down in the frost gas spit out by three or four big-bellied reptiles. I told you they held their weapons tight and Jack never lied!"

Newcomers are always like this. When faced with fear, they are either panicked or ashamed. Some of them will stand in the same place and be at a loss, while others will shout and rush up together, which are all manifestations of being dominated by fear.

However, after experiencing a lot, newcomers will eventually grow up. Fighting, surviving, being forced to grow, and continuing the cycle, this is the life of an adventurer.

Barrett didn't know if Jack said these things to continue to gain sympathy, and he didn't care much either. Because no matter what, the final decision is no longer on him.

Barbarian glanced at Old Will, who was still smoking a pipe, and several other people in the vulgar novel who didn't say a word. Obviously, no one was willing to comment on this for the time being.

"How did you escape them?" Barrett asked. He didn't use the word 'eliminate' because it was obviously impossible for this group of people to do.

"Before I came in, I brought a lot of kerosene, which was originally used to make a fire. After all, the forest is still too cold now, so I need to make a fire for heating every now and then. If you come to the foggy forest at this time, bring more kerosene after all. It can't be wrong." Jack made a smile that made his face even more distorted.

Barrett nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"I poured out all the kerosene, and the brownish-yellow liquid spread all over the ground. When they burned, those **** spiders could only stop and scream, but didn't dare to move forward. In fact, there was no flame. It's as big as you imagined. You know, if you are outside the forest, when the kerosene burns, the flames can violently jump into the air, but in the forest, you can't, no! We all know that this forest is very evil, The flames don't always burn too vigorously, otherwise some people will set fire to burn the forest and all the **** fog. But the flames at the time weren't too violent, but it was enough to stop those spiders."

Barry nodded, this is indeed a good way to deal with frost spiders. In fact, using fire to deal with most creatures in the foggy forest is relatively easy to use.

When a powerful force cannot be mastered, it will be deeply feared, and it is not only fire.


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