Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 204: Blood of the Black Dragon Cyrelios (Part 1)

In dreams, Cyrelios always soars in the sky.

Clouds were shattered by his boundless wings, and rivers and mountains were shrouded in his terrifying shadow. The tiny humans on the ground cried out in fear and ran in all directions. The cows and sheep were so frightened that they fell to the ground, and he was allowed to eat freely.

How majestic he was at that time, although he was still very young, he had only been a young dragon, but he had already made a considerable reputation in the main material plane. The creatures on the land called him - 'The Corruptor of All Things' Cyrilios.

At that time, the number of black dragons was not small. Except for some deformed ones, every black dragon would definitely spit acid. But of these, only Cyrelios is called the "corruptor of all things" by those who fear him.

Because he is special.

The acid sprayed from his mouth is more corrosive than other older black dragons, and it is several times stronger. This is a powerful talent that Cerrillios has had since birth.

The steel armor worn by those little people on the land, like cotton wool in the rain, quickly melted under the attack of his acid, and would not play any role at all.

Even those shields and armors with protective magic will be pierced by him.

Cerrillios likes to watch the little people slowly corrode in his acid, and let out a miserable wailing. Then, when the little people had only one breath left, he would connect them to the rotten armor on their bodies and swallow them whole.

Although Cerrillios' favorite food is actually live sheep, those little people with acid smell, crunchy chewing, and occasional wriggling, always make his appetite.

Cerrillios is still a smart black dragon, and he looks down on those stupid fellows who only rely on the powerful flesh of the dragon family to carry out positive and reckless actions.

Although we are the same five-colored dragon, we are different, he always thinks so.

The 'Corruptor of All Things' is sinister and cunning, and usually hides itself in water, mud, or shadows, and then suddenly attacks when those prey approach.

Longwei is the first skill he uses during sneak attacks, which will make most of those prey lose their fighting spirit and will only tremble in place or flee in fear. This will be followed by a torrential spit of acid, after which the fight is usually over.

If there are a few exceptionally powerful individuals among the prey, he will also release a dark cloud (at that time he will not be strong acid dark realm), surround the prey, and then wait for the opportunity to destroy it.

But most of the time that last trick doesn't work at all. Sneak attack, dragon might, and acid spitting. Once the three moves are over, the enemy will be left alone, and they will be ravaged by them. Life is so beautiful.


Unfortunately, that is all in the past.

Cyrilios in human form was sitting on a giant rock, looking at the ugly murlocs and lizards with a gloomy expression and serving him a huge amount of food.

Swamp anaconda, wetland giant crocodile, quagmire duck, mountain turtle dove... Wait a minute, there are actually a few voles and big water spiders inside.

"You idiots!! Do you think I'm a goblin who eats everything?" Serelis instantly transformed into a dragon, his long neck and two wings raised high, and an angry dragon roared. The chain on his neck also changed, accompanied by a crisp clattering sound. Although the chain became a little bigger than before, it still tightly bound him.

The dragon's prestige was fully open and spread wantonly, causing the surrounding creatures to shiver and kneel into one piece, and even many murlocs fainted directly in the water, bubbling.

"The noble Lord Corruptor of All Things, please calm your anger and forgive the ignorance of your servants..." A hag in the lead said tremblingly, "I don't know how your faithful servant has disobeyed your holy majesty."

They're all idiots! Cerrelios wanted to pour out his wrath on these stupid and disgusting creatures, wiping them all out with a breath of acid, but the wise black dragon knew he couldn't.

The chains around his neck limited the black dragon's range of movement, and he needed these stupid servants to find food for him. Although the types of creatures in the swamp are very rich, his subordinates are really too stupid. They often find it and turn themselves into food for other creatures.

"If you let me see mice and spiders in the food you're serving, I'll eat you all!" He jumped off the giant rock, stretched his mighty body, and strolled to the hill-like food before.

Cerrillios lowered his head and picked up the giant boa snake more than ten meters long, swallowing nearly a third of it in one bite. Many murlocs and lizards with broken limbs fell out from the crack of the anaconda snake, but the black dragon ignored it and swallowed his servants and the anaconda snake together...

All the food was swept away by him, and the satisfaction brought by his full stomach calmed Black Dragon's irritable mood a little. He reverted back to his human form, dragged his chains back on the rock in disgust, and stared at the sky bored.

The consumption of food and energy in the dragon form is huge, so the black dragon Cyrelios mostly stays in human form except for sleeping.

If he hadn't met that terrifying mage back then, maybe everything would have been very different, Serelis thought to himself, bored.

At that time, he had just ambushed a caravan, and after eating some delicious 'small snacks', he also collected a lot of shiny gold coins. Cerrillios loves gold coins and the dazzling light that the orange-yellow metal gives off. But then again, there is no dragon that doesn't like it.

On the way back to the nest, the returned black dragon accidentally encountered a human hovering in the air. The human seemed to be waiting for him specifically, blocking his way home.

The black dragon judged that the human was probably a mage, and mage was always not easy to mess with.

I am full today, spare your life! Cerrillios was planning to move in a detour, but accidentally saw the human being daringly rushing towards him.

The clever Cyrelios judged from the opponent's actions that he must have something. Heilong didn't say a word at that time, turned his head and left, but it was still a step too late.

A huge palm formed by a force field suddenly appeared in the air. The palm precisely grabbed the black dragon's neck and pressed him straight towards the ground.

With a huge bang, the trees collapsed and the ground cracked, and the black dragon was directly pressed to the ground from the air by the palm of the huge force field.

He was stupefied by the fall, his mind went blank, and he slowly recovered after a few heartbeats.

But when Cyrilios recovered, he suddenly found that his body was completely buried under the ground, leaving only the head pressed by the giant palm exposed, and the surrounding land became extremely dense and tightly packed. The shackles of him, no matter how hard he struggled, would be of no avail.

Although Cyrelios could distinguish this supposedly powerful nine-ring magic—‘imprisonment’, he didn’t have any effective means of resolving it.

The next moment, the palm of the force field suddenly moved away from his head, turned it into a fist, and slammed it down violently. Immediately afterwards, Cyrelios's eyes went black and he lost consciousness again.

When he woke up again, he found himself inexplicably in this lush swamp with a strong chain around his neck.

The other end of the chain went deep into the ground beneath the water's surface, and it was unknown where the end was attached.

In the long boring years, he had tried to dig deep down the chain. At that time, he had already dug deep, but as the distance he vaguely felt that there was a very powerful existence buried deep in the ground.

The guy's breath made Cerrillios panic, and he also noticed that the other end of the chain seemed to be connected to that powerful being. At that time, he only hesitated for a heartbeat, and decided to backfill the deep hole he dug. He also asked his servant to bring a giant rock from a distance and compacted the nearby ground heavily. A trace of peace of mind.

Maybe I should stay asleep, the black dragon thought. In dreams, he is always free.

But at this moment, a few murlocs ran over not far away. They carefully ran to the hag and said something.

Immediately afterwards, the hag opened his eyes wide, bent over and came in front of him, and said in awe, "The noble Lord Corruptor of All Things, a group of human beings are coming here!"


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