Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 200: Obtaining Tears of Asha

Little boy Andy's room.

Barrett briefly described this adventure to everyone, and then took out the bottle of magma collected and put it in front of everyone.

The dazzling red magma was constantly boiling in the bottle, but it was isolated from almost all of its heat by the alchemy bottle. It can only feel a little warm in the hand, not hot at all.

"This is the lady you rescued from the volcano?" Phyllis the parrot didn't care about the bottle of magma, but looked at Theresa curiously.

"Hello, my name is Theresa." The woman sat quietly beside Barret, covering her body with a cloak, looking gentle and dignified, like a girl from a big family. Compared with before, she is more well-behaved, and I don't know if she is worried that the little ghost will bite her.

cut, impossible. Barrett mentally rejected this absurd reason. He vaguely knew why she acted like this, but vaguely didn't want to admit it.

Is it because of me?

"Since you already know that we came from outside this space or this plane, what can you tell me about the information here?" Phyllis flew to Barrett's shoulder, her eyes tightly closed. Staring at the woman in front of him, "Of course, if you force it, forget it."

"This, this question can't be explained in one or two sentences." Theresa smiled apologetically, "If you choose to stay, you will naturally know everything; if you choose to leave, then you will know more. Meaningless."

The parrot nodded, not forced. Immediately afterwards, it used the zero-ring spell 'communication' to say to Barrett, "We have also made some inquiries in the village these two days. It seems that everyone who knows the inside story is this kind of rhetoric."

The zero-level spell 'communication' can whisper with other creatures and will not be heard by unrelated people. Although most familiars do not have the ability to cast spells independently, they can share a small number of spells that their masters know.

Barrett didn't know how to use the 'communication technique' to reply, so he could only nod his head slightly.

"Then change the question." Parrot flew to the opposite side of Theresa again and looked up at her, "Listen to Barrett, you also know the item 'Asha's Tears'? Then, why are they from here? , some people know this item like you, and some people don't?"

Barrett then remembered that Sean, the herbal master, had never heard of the name 'Asha's Tears'.

"Well..." Theresa pondered, "Actually, all those who know about this matter came in from outside like you." Her expression was rarely serious, "and most of them don't know anything. people, they belonged here in the first place."

"You mean, those people who don't know anything, they are actually the aborigines in this kingdom of gods?" The parrot asked another question with a trap.

But Theresa just smiled, not denying, but not affirming.

The gnome mage Theodore Shining Gold picked up the bottle of magma and shook it in his hand, "I want to know, after we get all four items, what should we do to get the Tears of Asha? "

"Oh? I told you who needed to get the four items, didn't I tell you in detail?" Theresa asked in confusion.

"That person is the village chief here, but he just asked us to collect four items at the beginning, and he didn't say the next steps." Parrot Phyllis explained. "Also, he's not in the village these days."

"Actually, the follow-up is very simple. Have you ever gotten a map?" Theresa asked.

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded.

"When all four items are collected, all you need to do is to tile the map, and then dump all the items except 'Mrs. Windsor's Black Hair' on the map in turn..."

"Does this also include this?" The little mage shook the magma in his hand again.

"Don't worry, that map will not be damaged by magma, it is stronger than you think." Teresa continued, "When the map is full of the other three items, you will put the black hair on the On the map. The black hair will slowly slide on it, find the direction, and then drill into the map like a needle and disappear. And where it drills, a golden teardrop will slowly overflow, and finally you need All you do is touch it..."

"Then we can leave?" Barrett asked. This way is quite whimsical, of course, the way they come in is even more incredible.

Theresa looked at Barrett with eyes like water, "'Asha's Tears' is just an option. It is up to each of you to decide whether to leave or stay."

"Hey, she seems to be interested in you." The parrot voice came over, "It's a bit rare."

"Cough cough," Barrett could only cough, and then he thought with some dissatisfaction in his heart, hey, why is it so rare? I was very popular in the tent of thorns!

At this moment, the herbal master Sean came in from the outside with two bowls of sticky herbs, "Didn't you say that someone was injured, don't worry, there will be no problem with me!" He was proud Say.

Then Xiao En pointed to one of the bowls of green herbs and said, "This bowl is for trauma, drink half of it, and apply the other half externally." Then he pointed to another bowl of green herbs, "This is for treating scald, only for burns. You can apply it if you need to.”

"Thank you." Theresa took two bowls of herbs, then turned to Barrett and asked, "Where do you live?"

where do i live? "Er..., the attic." Barrett replied blankly.

"Then you talk, I'll go up and wait for you, please help me apply the medicine later." She smiled and said to the barbarian.

"Oh, oh... ok." Barbarian watched the strange woman leave the room with an embarrassed expression, walked slowly towards the stairs, and went up to the attic where he lived.

"Can you tell me, what happened between you two?" Phyllis the parrot asked with bright eyes.

"I know, I know." The little ghost who was playing with the bard flew over excitedly and said, "The big uncle is in the volcano and ripped off that sister's clothes!"

"I did it to save her!" Barrett explained loudly in the eyes of everyone in, "The situation at that time was special..."

"Well, remember, we're leaving after all." The gnome mage came over and patted Barrett's knee.

What's wrong? I didn't do anything!

"Don't talk about that." The parrot changed the subject, "It's not that we have gained nothing in the village these two days." It said to Barret, "We have found a person here who is willing to help us besides the village chief. people, and the price to pay is not too high.”

"Anyone willing to help us obtain the blood of the black dragon?"

The parrot nodded, "Also, that person is actually a priest."


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