Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 198: who are you? (Down)

If God gave Barrett another chance, he would also choose to save this woman.

But after saving people, he will carefully search this woman all over his body, making sure that there is nothing sharp or dangerous on her body. Except for her teeth, but that doesn't help.

"Who are you, tell me quickly, or I will cut off the rope!" The woman asked weakly again, lying at the entrance of the hole.

Oh, can't you wake up when I go up? Barrett sighed. He found that he seemed to be sighing more and more recently, and he didn't know why.

"Cough..." He coughed and organized the language in his heart. Just when he was about to explain, the little ghost resting in the 'Land of Eternal Sleep' suddenly appeared in the air.

After getting away from the overflowing fire element energy in the cave, the little ghost can freely enter and exit from the accessories. "If you dare to hurt the big uncle, I will pounce on you and bite you!" Eve pinched her waist with both hands and said loudly in midair, "Don't underestimate me, I killed a big mole before. !"

The woman was startled by the sudden appearance of the ghost, and the sharp dagger in her hand slashed on the rope unconsciously.

Barrett and the magic rope trembled at the same time because of this extremely dangerous action. Fortunately, the woman's hands did not really exert any force, which prevented this glorious scene of redemption from turning into a heavy tragedy.

"Are you, an undead?" The woman stared blankly at the little ghost. Neither woman noticed the thrill of the previous scene.

"What's wrong with the undead, there are also good people in the undead!" The little ghost raised his cute little face and said arrogantly, "The undead also know how to be grateful, and they will not threaten their life-savers like you!"

"You mean, you saved me?" The woman's IQ was still online, and it seemed that her brain was not damaged by the short suffocation before.

"Of course! The big uncle killed a lot of big spiders before trying to save you! Moreover, in order to help you bandage your wounds, he even peeled off all your clothes..."

Barritt found that the woman was looking down at her clothes with the words of the little ghost, and quickly explained.

"Not all!!" He interrupted Little Gloomy Soul's statement at the right time, "I mean, your wound looks a little deep, I'm worried that it will bleed again, this is very likely to happen, so I have to do it. "

God, Miss Eve, can't we wait for me to go up and talk about this? This description can easily lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

The woman's face was slightly red, but she didn't make any drastic actions because of it. She looked suspiciously at the little ghost in mid-air, and then aimed at Barritt. After several heartbeats, she put away the dagger with her backhand and disappeared from the hole.

Huh... Barrit and the magic rope couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief at the same time, "Women, it's really more troublesome than the most dangerous monsters!" The barbarian whispered, and the end of the magic rope nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, the barbarian and the rope worked hard at the same time, and within five heartbeats, they all climbed up from the crater.

After coming out, Barrett saw the unknown woman leaning on a volcanic rock, and the little ghost was watching her with wide eyes.

"Are you all right, big uncle." Little Ghost asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry." Barrett touched Eve's head, making the latter laugh happily.

When the woman saw Barrit coming up, she said to him, "I'm sorry, I just..." She paused, "I'm just a little nervous, I just woke up and I'm a little confused."

"This is normal." The barbarian said while putting the magic rope into the space ring, "No matter who it is, it will be nervous when encountering such a situation. This is just a normal self-protection."

"Anyway, thank you very much." The woman gathered her messy long hair, "Thank you for saving me from those spider webs, otherwise..."

"It's nothing." Barrett waved his hand generously. "But, do you have any plans now?"

"What about you?" the woman asked.

She was still wary, but Manzi didn't care, as he said, this kind of wariness is normal.

"Go back to Greenwick." Barrett said honestly, "I came here because of a mission, and then I happened to meet those spiders." You can only say that you are really lucky, "Now the mission is completed. "People also came to the rescue, "Of course we should go back."

"Are you from Greenwick Village?"

It seems that you are not, "Well..." Barrett pondered, "It's kind of right now." He didn't know how to explain it.

The other party did not ask in detail, obviously knowing that it would be abrupt to do so, "Then, can I go back to Greenwick with you?" She looked at Barritt with her green eyes.

"Of course." The barbarian did not refuse. The current state of the other party cannot act alone. If she is left alone here, it would be better not to save her at the beginning.

"My name is Theresa." The woman clutched her wound and tried to stand up.

"Barritt, an ordinary adventurer." Barbarian walked over and picked him up.

"Thank you. I came here to find the egg of a blazing fire eagle, but unfortunately I didn't find the egg, but I almost left my life there." Theresa laughed at herself, "Oh, those Jhinnets The number of spiders is increasing and has spread to the vicinity of the Flame Mountains."

Flame Mountains? "You didn't descend from this crater?" Barrett asked.

"No." The woman shook her head with a strange expression, "Don't you know? There are several fire sources that can be reached by entrances, and Ngoro Crater is just one of them."

I see. Barrett nodded in his heart, and looked at the woman's wound subconsciously.

There was no blood coming out of the wound, and it didn't seem to be a big problem. But the other party's dress at this time made Barrett feel a little embarrassed. Theresa's black turtleneck dress, after being cut from the chest and abdomen by Barrett, the upper part of the clothes can only cover half of the chest, while the delicate and firm semicircle of the other half is still exposed to the air.

Further down the semicircle was Barritt's tightly bound bandage, and under the bandage there was a piece of snow-white skin and a small navel.

"Cough cough." Barrett reminded aloud, "This, do you need a dress..." He gestured with his eyes.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." The woman said with a blushing face, "You've seen it all anyway."


Wait, why is this scene so familiar? It seems that there are similar plots and dialogues in the classic autobiography "Wood Biography - 3064 'Other Sex' in Me and My Life" that he has read countless times.

Of course our barbarian adventurers still have some self-awareness. After this charming thought spins a circle in my heart, it returns to normal immediately.

He helped Theresa to get out of the circular depression on the top of the mountain, but because of the slight slope, it was very difficult for the woman to move.

"If you don't mind, I'll carry you up?" Barrett asked solemnly.

"Okay, thank you." The woman nodded generously and wrapped her arms around Barrett's neck naturally.

"Hmph, you haven't hugged me before." The little ghost muttered in mid-air with pursed lips.

In this way, Barrett led two thoughtful women on their way back to Greenwick Village.


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