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Chapter 187: The Treant of Belleland Forest (Part 1)

[The front is the dense 'Berlan Forest'. Legend has it that in this ancient forest, hundreds of treemen once lived. They are a more ancient intelligent race than elves, walking between the third and fourth eras, when goblins were still rising, elves were not noble, and humans were still ignorant.

The treant moves slowly but powerfully, and when communicating, it makes a roaring sound like a rolling tree. They are gentle and honest, they will let nightingales build their nests on their heads, and let the squirrels hide their nuts in their bodies; but they can also be furious at times, and any creature who wants to harm the forest and trees will face their wrath. And relentless thumping.

But now, in the entire Bellland Forest, there is only the Treeman Rum, who lives alone in the forest, waiting silently for the end of his tragic fate. 】

"Uncle big, why do I feel like we are bad people?" After listening to the introduction of the magnetic male voice in the sky, the little ghost floated to Barrett and asked.

"Like the bad guys? No." We were, "You can't look at it that way. In this multiverse, it's not just the bad guys who hurt the good guys, the good guys hurt each other more." "That tree man is like a bunny, you know, bunny is cute and delicious, so what should we do when we meet?"

"..." Little Gloomy Soul hesitated, "Eat it?"

Barrett nodded. "Correct answer, good guy. Don't feel sad or sad about it, it's just the fate it deserves."

"Oh, that's it." The little ghost nodded in understanding, then laughed happily, and went to listen to the story with the bard.

"Humph, you just use such a clumsy reason to fool a naive child?" The dwarf mage said with some contempt.

child? She's even older than your ancestors, "It's not fooling around, we all have our own destiny to face, that's what I think." As for right or wrong, sometimes it doesn't really matter.

"Even the gods can't see what their own destiny is. You are a Nord barbarian who doesn't understand anything..." The dwarf mage suddenly paused when he said this. After two heartbeats, he said again, " Phyllis told me that there was a creeper lurking in the bushes ahead, a bush of heather and coral trees on the left."

Since the gnome mage and the parrot Phyllis signed a temporary magic pet contract, the little mage can communicate directly with Phyllis through telepathy at a certain distance, and even share vision with the parrot.

Not only that, but having Phyllis the parrot as the pet of the little mage can greatly improve his singing speed in magic. Although this familiar bonus is quite tasteless for human mages (human mages generally only need a few short syllables to cast spells, and more often use silent hair), but for the master of magic - Theodore Shining Gold Still, it's a big improvement.

Barrett looked in the direction pointed by the gnome mage, and after some careful identification, he finally saw a creeping green shadow in the lush greenery dotted with white heather.

The creeper looks like an agglomeration of vines, and because of its stealth and camouflage techniques, it's hard to tell it apart from other ordinary plants when it's motionless.

However, this is a meat-eating plant. It grabs the prey with its sticky rope-like tentacles, wraps the prey into a ball, stores it in its body like fertilizer, and continuously absorbs nutrients.

"Go around?" the gnome mage asked.

"Fix it," said Barrett. "Otherwise, when we come out, we may not find out in time."

The barbarian simply moved his neck and shoulders, then pulled out the saber from his waist and handed the blade to the little mage, "It's too shy, let me help it become more enthusiastic."

"What do you mean?" Theodore Shining Jin looked up at the barbarian with doubts in his eyes.

"Flame!" Barrett said helplessly, "Help me attach the flame!"

If it was replaced by Mage Will, I would have understood the simple meaning immediately. No, he might throw a fireball technique at it and solve the problem directly, so I don't even need me to fight it myself!

"Then you can just say no." The gnome mage was a little dissatisfied with the barbarian's coolness.

As the spell continued, the icy 'Iron Bride' once again transformed into a 'Fire Beauty'. Its body gradually became hot, and it fluttered its orange-red hair charmingly, and occasionally glared at Barrett.

"Hey, let's have some fun." The Fire Beauty said to the barbarian in an ambiguous voice. (Barrett imagines)

"Okay, baby, let's go." The barbarian grinned, and danced a sword flower, ready to rush towards the lurking creeping monster.

"Are you calling me just now, big uncle?" The little ghost suddenly appeared in front of Barrett, she asked him with wide eyes and a smile on her face.

"...Uh, just pay attention to your surroundings, I'll deal with this guy alone." Barrett said embarrassedly.

Plant-type monsters like killer vines, creepers, or dryads aren't too afraid of Eve's Ghost Touch, so Barritt doesn't want the little ghosts to join the fight.

"Okay, the task is guaranteed to be completed." The little ghost floated into the air, guarding the surroundings with the parrot Phyllis.

Without his previous flamboyant momentum, Barrett could only embarrassedly walked towards the hiding place of the sprawling monster.

It has to be said that this is a very patient creeping monster. It did not rush to shoot because the prey was approaching, but waited quietly like a cluster of ordinary plants. When the distance between the two sides was only three or four meters, the sprawling monster suddenly shot two thick tentacles at Barrett.

The barbarian who had been prepared for a long time easily escaped the attack of one of the tentacles, and slashed the other one heavily with the 'fire beauty' in his hand. The vine-like tentacles are tough and elastic, and Barrett only cut in less than one-third of them, but was not able to cut them completely.

However, the magic flame attached to the weapon madly invaded along the blade, and burned violently on the tentacles.

The flames made the creeping monster let out a hoarse cry, and its nearly three-meter tall humanoid body suddenly stood up from the bushes, and then took the initiative to break the flaming Only left The tentacles also retracted into its body made of vines, and then the vines all over the body began to twist violently. After just one breath, a pair of human beings grew out of their original positions. Similar vine arms.

The creeping monster tried to grab the difficult prey in front of him with two thick vine arms. As long as it succeeds in grabbing Barret, the creeper will continue to stretch out more twisted vines from its body, strangling Barret tightly, immobilizing him, and sending him directly into its own in vivo.

And our barbarian adventurer will not give it such a chance. Relying on the advantage of his own attack, Barrett rushed forward, and when the two vine arms were about to catch him, he ignited them all with a horizontal slash of 'Fire Beauty'.

Then, when the creeping monster screamed and wanted to break the burning rattan arm again, Barrett charged with a fast speed and came to the creeping monster. He ignored the vines that were constantly wrapping around him, and stabbed the 'fire beauty' directly into the creeping monster's body.

After that, the sprawling monster, as Barrett had said before, was indeed much more "enthusiastic". Like a moving torch, it staggered forward two steps, as if not wanting the flames on its body to touch other plants, and then fell in front of Barrett.

The strange, slightly fishy smell emanating from the surrounding heather flowers became stronger under the steaming flames, making the whole desolate atmosphere a little dirty, and Barrit couldn't help but think of a story about 'Keren' Smell the 'heather' joke.

But, now is not the time to think about it. After the flames died down, Barrett saw an oval, nut-like seed from the ashes.


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