Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 184: village chief's clue

Although the old man's figure is thin, his waist is very straight. He was wearing a dark gray linen robe, tied around the waistband, and actually hung a rapier with a pair of snake-shaped guards.

Barrett took a careful look at the hilt of the rapier, which was tightly wound with hemp rope with a cotton core. He glanced at the cocoon on the opponent's right hand again, and judged that the rapier hidden in the sheath was not for decoration.

The one-eyed and thin cheeks made the old man look a little gloomy, but in the only remaining eye, the gaze was quite approachable.

"You are also here to find 'Asha's Tears'?" the old man asked the crowd.

The words of the old man in front of him surprised Barrett inexplicably. He still didn't say a word at this time, but the other party already knew all about the purpose of their visit.

"What's the matter? Why don't you speak? I don't want the strange visitors this time to be dumb."

A strange visitor "this time"? Barrett noticed the other's words, what did it mean? Has anyone else been there too?

"You guessed it right." He replied, "We are here for that thing called 'Asha's Tears'."

"Come in first." The village chief turned and walked into the house.

The furnishings in the house were simpler than Barrett had imagined. Although the entrance hall is quite small, it has multiple functions such as kitchen, meeting room, and storage room.

In the center of the hall is a rectangular dining table that can accommodate six people, but there are only three chairs on the sides of the dining table. As for the other three chairs, two of them were placed in a corner of the hall.

On the chairs are an oak wine barrel and a basket of stacked eggs, and some vegetables are piled on the wine barrel, including broccoli, tomatoes, kale, purple asparagus, etc.

The last chair was placed beside the fireplace, and above it was a wash basin. A row of iron nails was nailed to the wall beside the tub, and on it hung side by side a pick for the firewood, two smoked fish, and a worn cloak.

The fire in the fireplace had gone out, but the embers were still hot enough to make the soup churn softly in the soup pot. The fresh and alluring seafood smell came over him, and Barrett sniffed it subconsciously, and judged that it was mussel soup, and there should be winter melon and shiitake mushrooms in it.

Is this village still close to the sea? Barrett guessed wildly in his heart.

After leading everyone to the kitchen-like room, the village chief walked to the soup pot and stirred the soup with a spoon, "When did you come?" he asked.

Where are you from? In this enchantment, or in this village? "Today," Barrett replied.

The old man nodded and returned to the dining table, "Sit down and talk."

After looking at each other, Barrett and the gnome mage sat opposite each other, the parrot still stood on the shoulders of the barbarian, while the bard led Andy and the little ghost, ran outside the house and didn't know what to do, Barry inside the house. The special class can't take care of them at this time.

"Is there a map?" the village chief asked in a positive tone.

Does he even know this? Barrett took out the worn parchment map from the space ring and handed it to the somewhat mysterious village chief.

"Don't be suspicious, every batch of guys who come in will have a map." The village chief spread the map on the dining table and carefully searched it with one eye.

"Could it be that other people have been here besides us?" The dwarf mage stood on the chair and asked anxiously, "Who are they? Is there a mage in there? Is there a woman with silver hair? The descendants of Lena, as long as they are female, will all grow a strange silver hair, which is a unique genetic inheritance of their family." He said these last few words to Barrett.

The little mage was worried that someone had reached Mage Keen's magic tower before him, and then was also sent into this enchantment.

But what if it is the descendant of the female mage, anyway, no matter who you are, it seems impossible to get the main tower. And there are three sub-towers, one per person is redundant, so what are you nervous about?

Barrett gave the little mage a calm expression.

"Yes, do you think you are unique?" The old man looked disdainful, "I don't want to know why you got here, and I don't want to know how you guessed here. But I want to tell you one thing, this The world is much more complex and vast than you think."

The village chief's words once again surprised Barrett and the others. What does he mean by these? Are we trying to confuse our thoughts and judgments, or are our initial guesses really wrong?

"You mean..." Phyllis the parrot wanted to continue asking.

But he was interrupted by the village chief, "What do I mean? No, that doesn't matter. You need to successfully find 'Asha's Tears' and hold the choice in your hands, otherwise all the answers will be yours. It's meaningless."

What was his ambiguity trying to convey, or to hide? Barrett felt that his brain was not enough. What is an option? What to choose?

The village chief didn't mean to answer everyone's doubts. He put the palm of his right hand on the map, "And to find this artifact, you need to obtain four things first."

"Four?" Barrett repeated subconsciously. His mind is messed up now, thinking has never been something he is good at, let alone deciphering.

"Four things!" The village chief lifted his calloused right hand from the map, then spread out his and bent his thumb back.

"The first one is the sap flowing out of the tree of the Tree Man Rum." He stretched out his index finger and pointed on the map, in the blank space on the right side of the village. With his movements, a forest appeared in this blank area, and the name of the forest was also indicated on it - 'Berlan Forest'

"The second is the black hair of 'Mrs. Windsor'. It needs pure black hair that has not started to turn white at the root." The village chief moved his finger to another area, and the name that appeared in this area was—' Lady Windsor's Cottage'.

"The third item is the magma in the 'Pashi Volcano'. For this you need to go deep into the crater, because the volcano does not erupt, only the magma flows inside."

"And the last one is the blood of the black dragon 'Serelios'." The village chief moved his finger to a blank space far to the left of the village, where a swamp appeared impressively, "This evil black dragon Has been sleeping in the depths of the 'Kanda Marsh'."

dragon? Are you kidding me? Can our team slay dragons? "Are you sure we really need these inexplicable things?" Barrett asked, frowning.

"Sure! You can only know the location of "Asha's Tears" by finding all these four things. Of course, you can also choose not to believe me and go to other places to find clues." The village chief said calmly.

"To be honest, a few things here are very difficult for us." Barrett asked sincerely. "I want to know, do you have any advice on this?"

"I don't recommend it." The village chief touched his thin chin, "But if you are really feeling difficult, I can help you find one of them, as long as you agree to one request."


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