Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 162: the end of the battle

From a zombie to a skeleton, although the essence of the undead has not changed, it has reduced the more than 100 kilograms of carrion on his body. More importantly, after Ralph became the Skeleton Guard, he slowly regained some sense of reason, and his past memories were also recovered little by little.

In his view, this should also be regarded as a kind of rebirth.

Unfortunately, even if he was reborn, he was still a mutilated one-armed skeleton. When wielding the long sword, the body is always a little unstable and staggers. And because he lacked a hand, he couldn't use a polearm, let alone a shield, so he never lived to the end in those big battles that followed.

What led to his third death was a fierce battle, a battle between the dead and the dead.

One side of the battle was Viscount Fried and the town guards he led, while the other side was a three-faced skeleton master who emerged from the vortex, and the undead army it led.

At that time, in addition to the two death knights, Viscount Fried and Sir Irion, and their skeleton guards equipped with various weapons and armors, there were also many ghouls, frozen zombies and rotten wings that were conquered by the Viscount. Zombies, grumpy ghosts and some strange kinds of undead.

On the other hand, the types of undead on the other side are more abundant. In addition to all the types included on their side, there are also bone claws, an undead creature constructed using magic; flaming skeletons, a long-range attack skeleton that emits flaming balls; There are also demons, ghouls, vampires, and blood-sucking-derived blood hunters, etc...

The battle took place on a very open farm outside the town, in the cornfield that had been harvested, and the undead looked at each other quietly. Many of the corn stalks in the field have fallen down, but some are still standing tenaciously, but "they" have long since lost their vitality.

There are no words in the battle between the dead, only fighting each other to the death.

The Lord of the Three-Faced Bones is a powerful undead creature with three heads. It is tall, wearing a gray-black robe full of holes, and holds a bone staff with a skull in its hand. Each head on its neck has a golden crown of different shapes, and each head also has its own different power.

The Lord of Bones not only has a very sharp long-range attack method, but also uses various necromantic spells, and can continuously revive the fallen undead at a high speed, while Viscount Fried, as an equally powerful death knight, cannot do it. to this point.

The number of undead on the other side is several times that of Ralph and the others, and they can continue to resurrect and re-enter the battle. But this disadvantage did not make Ralph feel the slightest frustration and fear. Because he is a skeleton, and only knows skeletons that carry out orders.

The skeletons charged quietly and waved their weapons to each other; the ghouls collided with each other, biting into a ball on the ground; the ghosts and wraiths in the sky were also wailing, and the translucent and insubstantial bodies collided with each other , but passed through instantly, but this kind of attack is useless to the undead.

The scattered undead of one's own side are constantly being eliminated, but after the opponent falls, many can stand up again and enter the battle again.

However, skeleton guards like Ralph are not easy to fall. They were wearing standard chain armor and gray shabby sheep's head hoods. Although the armor was not well maintained, the opponent's weapons were also not sharp.

Not only that, but they also wear sturdy barrel helmets on their heads, and almost every skeleton guard retains their martial arts and cooperation more or less. Because Viscount Fried has engraved these in the depths of their souls through countless trainings.

Ralph, Blake and Benson were a group. They were not from the same patrol team before, but the silent cooperation between them was still a tacit understanding. After all, it is more convenient to communicate with the fire of the soul than words.

The enemy undead that rushed over were constantly destroyed, and Ralf and the others would most likely smash the enemy's skull to prevent them from being resurrected again.

Viscount Fried and Sir Irion rode their horses and charged directly towards the Lord of Bones. The two death knights directly crossed the battlefield. The rune swords in their hands were constantly slashing, and no hostile undead could stop them along the way. live in both.

But the guards around the Lord of Bones were not easy to break through. It is surrounded by tall, fat zombie giants, vampire nobles in luxurious dresses, skeleton shield guards with heavy tower shields, and even a death knight riding a bone dragon to guard its side.

Ralph did not pay too much attention to the battle between the higher undead, because he believed that his lord would win the final victory. Moreover, he also has his own battle, which cannot be called tragic, but it is also very lively.

Benson next to him, after smashing the skull of a hostile skeleton with a mace, was hit right in the face by a javelin thrown by a blood shooter in the distance. The spear pierced the barrel helmet directly, shattering Benson's head inside the helmet.

Benson's soul fire flickered weakly a few times, then went out. Ralph and Black continued to fight without caring. Because they are skeletons, they don't feel sad.

Immediately after, Ralph stumbled unsteadily after cutting off the claws of a ghoul. Without Benson on the flanks to protect him this time, Ralph was knocked to the ground with the other paw.

The one-armed ghoul, like Ralph, jumped on top of him, scratching his helmet with the only remaining claw. After realizing that the attack was ineffective, the ghoul ripped through his chainmail and shattered several of his ribs.

The attacker Ralph's ghoul was eliminated by Black. When he just stood up and was about to join the fight again, a vampire who suddenly approached grabbed the barrel helmet on his head with both hands, and was directly killed. Broken neck.

Ralph's head was thrown into the air by the vampire. As his consciousness plunged into darkness again, he saw that the battle between the higher undead in the distance continued.

The guards around the Lord of Bones were down a lot. Ser Irion was fighting with the death knight who was riding a dragon on the ground of bones. The ice blue runed greatsword and the dark green runed battle axe were helpless. And Viscount Fried alone dealt with a giant zombie taller than an ogre, and the skeleton master himself with a staff.

At that time, there were only two of the three heads with golden crowns of the Master of Bones, and if you want to completely destroy the Master of Bones, you must destroy all three of its heads, otherwise at the end of the battle After that, its damaged heads can rely on dark energy to restore them all.

But this is not what Ralph needs to worry about, because the fire of his soul has been flickering and is about to go out, and the next moment, darkness will cover him again.


The negative energy overflowing in the space was constantly looking for the carrier. After an unknown time, when Ralph woke up again, the battle was over.

The Lord of Bones and his undead were gone, as were Viscount Fried and the town's guards.

The cold moonlight shines on this farm full of broken corpses and bones, and the sporadic undead stand in the fields like cornstalks, wandering in a daze, at a loss.

Ralph summoned his former body through the rekindled soul fire, a one-armed headless bone slowly sat up from the wreckage everywhere, then groped to stand again, staggered to the head, and His head rested on his neck again.

On his way back to the town, he picked up a very good left hand with bones. The wrist of this left hand is tightly hooped with a mottled stainless steel wristband. The wristband is printed with a delicate griffin pattern, but the pattern has been cut with many new or old broken gaps.

Ralph took the left hand he accidentally picked up and walked to the town step by step. When he came to the gate on the east side of the town, he saw the strange undead half lying beside the gate again.

This undead was bloated and ugly, with a fat body like a hill leaning halfway against the wall, with no head on his shoulders. Ralph didn't know who killed this weird undead, but it had been here for a long time anyway. And this guy's meat is so stinky that even the least picky ghouls won't eat it, so it's been with the town and has always existed.

Ralph walked to the closed door, and the fire of the soul began to stir slowly and faintly. This ordinary move made Ralph, who was still in a weak state, almost fall into darkness again. The fire of his soul was like a candle in the wind, swaying non-stop, almost dissipating, but he still managed to survive.

Immediately afterwards, the door that had been repaired several times was slowly opened from the inside.


The door of the church was opened, and a figure walked out from the inside. Ralph didn't have to look back to know that the man was not his lord, but the living man. And this person is still alive after the battle with the lord.

Ralph didn't hate the living, in fact he didn't hate any creatures, unless the Lord needed him to do so.

The figure of Viscount Fried stayed in the church and did not come out. Ralph could feel that the fire of the Lord's soul was still strong, but he did not issue any orders to the undead waiting outside the church, such as Ralph.

Therefore, our loyal skeleton guard just stood there motionless, and subconsciously moved his left hand, which was always uncomfortable, and watched the living man slowly pass by.

When the man completely walked out of the church, he turned around and said, "Thank you for your Lord Viscount."

"Just take it as your reward, Adventurer Barrett." The Viscount's low voice echoed in the church, "I have a hunch that we will meet again."

"I hope your hunch isn't right," Ralph heard the man mutter in a low voice.

After that, the living man named 'Barritt' walked through Ralph and the ghoul who wanted to attack but didn't dare to move forward, staggering forward.

When he walked past a female zombie standing under a withered plane tree, he suddenly stopped and took out a small purple cotton flower from his hand.

The living man hesitated for a few seconds, shook his head again, and sighed in a self-deprecating manner, but in the end he pinned the little purple flower behind her ear and continued to walk into the distance.


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