Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 132: The sudden appearance of Medusa

The reason why Barrett went to that remote corner of Sanye City and found the mage named 'Alvin' in front of him all depended on the guidance of the dwarf mage Theodore Shining Gold.

"I left my hometown thirty years ago, away from the fiery red currants outside the city. I embarked on a journey, traveled around, and went on this treasure hunt adventure." The gnome mage said at the time, "Only in Sanye I have lived in the city for several years. Let me think about it, at least five years, yes, at least. I have been to almost all the villages and towns around that city, and I must have heard of it if I have never been, but I have never been there. Haven't heard of a place called 'Geephorn Town'."

What the gnome mage said then surprised Barrett. When the barbarian adventurer asked whether there would be other locals who knew the specific situation of the town, Theodore Shining shook his head and recommended the Alvin mage to Barrett.

"You can try it, but I don't think it will work. If you do a lot of inquiries and still have no clue, you can go under the city wall of the third leaf before noon every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Look for a human mage named Alvin next to a three-story house that is badly damaged and looks like it's about to collapse."

The dwarf mage Theodore Shiningjin said the name with a serious face, "Trust me, you can easily find him, because there are many people who will go after him just like you. However, after you meet him Be careful." He urged, "Hmph, that mage is not as easy to talk as me..."

In a way, the gnome mage is right. Although this little mage is a little grumpy and impulsive, he is really good at talking. As long as you do a little routine, he will tell you everything he knows.

"He's got a very eccentric character, I tell you," the eccentric gnome mage said of his peers, "that guy made a pave out of nowhere. And you just have to offer something—what Either way—it is possible to realize a wish in his heart through him. Hmph, he regards himself as the demon in fairy tales who can fulfill people's wishes, but I want to tell you that this 'evil' acts in style It's even weirder than the story."

"I only need to give a simple example to illustrate." The gnome mage said, "He actually put the paving next to a dangerous house, and all those who want to find him to fulfill their wishes must be in that dangerous house. There was a long queue below, waiting in silence. You could sometimes even hear the overwhelmed 'squeak' of beams and pillars in that house, as if the house would collapse into rubble in the next second, and all the People will be buried under the rubble."

The dwarf mage stroked his beard, "Many people are willing to provide him with a better place, an open square, an empty theater, or even a spacious private house, many people are willing to provide, but he refuses. This The guy also said inexplicably, 'If there is no danger and twists and turns, why would a wish come true?' Humph, you say he is not weird."


At this time, Barrett, following the strange mage named Alvin, came to the magic tower in the center of Sanye City.

The mage's cuffs are embroidered with six golden magic seven-pointed stars, which means that he is a powerful sixth-level mage, and he can reach the seventh level and become a high-level mage by just a little bit.

Barrett was slightly reserved in his presence.

The appearance of the magic tower is like a towering and twisted obelisk. Although the body of the monument is bright silver, but for some reason, it gives people a dark and dark feeling. Some don't match up.

In fact, Barrett didn't know how they got into the tower.

He just followed the instructions of Mage Alvin, took the donkey who knew nothing about his own destiny, followed the Mage on the streets of Sanye City, and watched the Mage buy a bunch of hyacinths at the flower shop. , and then handed the bouquet of flowers to the donkey, and let the donkey eat all the flowers; and bought two large bizarre snacks called "fried chips" in a brown paper bag with a silver coin, and handed them to One of the packs of Barrett.

According to the Master, this kind of snack was invented in the dark and chaotic era. Deep fry again.

Underneath the flour is a secret that no one knows. You have no idea what you're going to eat in that bite until it's in your mouth. Barrett took one piece from the bag and bit it open, finding a small piece of cooked pork liver in the fried golden flour; he bit another one and found a marinated chicken breast in the flour, and bit again. One, found to be a ball of fried noodles...

After tasting a few pieces, Barrett tied the kraft paper bag again and followed the mage forward.

When he turned a corner, he saw a young couple leaning against the wall and chatting with each other, but then, Barrett suddenly felt a trance in the surrounding scene. The next second, the entangled couple in front of him suddenly disappeared, and instead, a young woman with snake hair appeared in front of him.

Snake hair? Medusa? Medusa! !

"damn it!!"

Barrett hurriedly turned his head away under the shock. He let go of the reins holding the donkey with his left hand, and threw the package of snacks on the ground with his right hand.

His series of actions were smooth, but just as he had just pulled out the weapon halfway, the voice of Mage Alvin rang in his ears.

"Welcome to this mage tower, Nord." The mage said in a relaxed tone. "Don't put on that terrified face, Goreth's gaze won't turn you into stone." His accent fell on on the 'stone', "If it wasn't for this, the first time you arrived here, you would become a statue of exquisite workmanship. Don't tell me you didn't notice her beautiful green eyes just now, I I believe that no man will ignore it!"

I don't have time to pay attention to that! ! Barrett cursed inwardly. His heart was still pounding nervously, and it happened so suddenly and without warning that he had no time to avoid it.

He lowered his head to recall, and found that he had indeed looked at this Medusa at that moment, but only for a brief moment.

"Really?" Barrett turned his head to look at the mage, and kept the terrifying creature next to him at the boundary of his peripheral Are you still standing here well? "

"Maybe I resisted the petrification effect." Barrett said in disbelief. After that, he moved his body slightly without a trace, but fortunately there was nothing serious.

"It's also possible. As long as your body and will are strong enough..." Mage Alvin shrugged, "Well, you are indeed a strong guy."

As the mage spoke, he walked in the direction of Medusa, while Barritt could only look away from the mage, staring strangely at the huge feathered snake skeleton specimen on the opposite wall.

"If you want to keep your eyes evasive like this, like an ignorant teenager facing your crush, then I can't help it." Barret could hear the evil taste in the mage's words, "but I I want to tell you that Grace will always be by my side during our subsequent conversation."

"You only need to use your mouth and ears to talk, Your Honor Mage Alvin." Barrett doesn't like being teased, "and the role of the eyes is irrelevant."

"That's really good!" The Master clapped his hands happily, "However, trust is the first step in getting along with others, isn't it. If you don't believe what I said at all, then what's the point of the conversation after that? What? You say so?"

This guy is blackmailing me!

Barrett could hear the hidden meaning in the mage's words. However, he also had to admit that what the Master said was not wrong. Trust is the first step in getting along with others. Sometimes, you have to trust each other because you have no choice.

Just like Barrett at this time, he either chooses to believe or chooses to leave. No, he didn't actually know how to leave.

After hesitating for a while, Barrett sighed inwardly and turned his head to look at the Medusa.


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