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Chapter 120: Battle in the Cave (Part 1)

'Cow Peak' is a very inconspicuous small mountain with a gentle terrain and gentle slope. There were no eerie woods and rugged rocks on the mountain, but only low pygmy shrubs and weeds that couldn't cover the ankles.

The climber seems to be a little careless, and with a single sneeze, the entire mountain will be climbed over.

The hill is located next to a small town called 'Gandros'. The mountain is an ordinary mountain that can no longer be ordinary, and the town is also an ordinary town that can no longer be ordinary.

The lord of the town, the Coles family, almost followed the rise of the Griffin Kingdom, a hereditary noble that has been passed down for hundreds of years. But even so, this family has been separated from the orthodox nobles for hundreds of years, and has been despised by other nobles around since ancient times.

This is because the family's first baron of Coles, in the war between the two kingdoms of Tommy and Griffin, played a not very glorious role - a guide.

Relying on this role, the ancestors of the Coles family jumped from an ordinary farmer to one of the many nobles in the Griffin Kingdom.

After the aristocrats have been hereditary for many generations, many of them have gradually become corrupted, drunk and dreamed, and they have done a lot of hurtful things, but this does not prevent them from doing despicable things at the same time. Relying on the glory of the ancestors, to laugh at those who made a fortune in the aristocracy who are not very famous.

And the Coles family is precisely because of the ancestor's not too glorious family history, so the descendants have always lived cautiously and tremblingly, fearing that they will be caught by other laughingstocks. Although being a lord can't be called good, it's not bad either.


At this time, the contemporary head of the Coles family, Baron Karpas Coles, was leading the chief (and only) knight he had just conferred last year, as well as five or six militiamen armed with spears, hiding in the 'Cow'. At the foot of the peak's mountain, behind a large rock more than half a person high, he secretly looked into a cave not far away.

These people behind the stone are the entire "armed force" of the town of 'Gandros'. Oh no, that's not accurate. In fact, Baron Coles also raised two ferocious highland roca hounds. The hounds are usually the most high-end fighting force in the town, shocking all the outlaws inside and outside the town.

But at this time, the baron did not take his two most capable officers with him, because no matter how powerful the hound was, once he smelled the slightest smell of the monster in the cave, he would pinch his tail in fright and curl up on the ground. , kept whimpering.

Crouching behind the stone, Baron Capas Coles wore only half-worn chainmail and a barrel helmet on his head. Two strangely shaped wings were embedded on the sides of the helmet, but the top of the helmet was not shaped like the heroic griffin head. But even so, let's call it "Griffin helmet" for the time being, or what else can it be called?

At this moment, the baron raised the visor of the "Griffin Helmet" in half, rubbed the upper edge of the big stone with his hands, and stuck out two eyes and half an iron head.

"Hey, Rodney, you say, how long has that man been in there?" the baron asked his chief knight.

"He, it's time for him to go in for a cup of tea, my lord," replied the chief knight named Rodney. "Ten minutes, maybe fifteen minutes, but certainly not half an hour."

As the only knight under the Baron, the helmet and armor worn by Rodney are quite normal - standard knight armor and griffin helmet, but his position at this time is a bit special.

The chief knight hid behind the baron, with his hands on the baron's shoulders, his body shrunk lower than the baron's, his voice came out from the observation hole of his visor, and the urn was indistinct.

As for the militiamen armed with spears and dressed in leather armor, they lined up in twos and threes, hiding behind the chief knight, leaning their heads sideways and peeking ahead. Their formation, coupled with the spears slung over their shoulders, made the procession seem like a weird caterpillar, absurd and comical.

As one of the few armed forces in the town, these people have no sense of being an armed force at all...

"Then you say, why is there no sound at all?" The baron felt a little strange.

"Maybe, maybe that monster is not in the cave." The chief knight guessed.

"Impossible, Crayford saw it come back, didn't he?" asked the baron to a militiaman behind the knight.

"I swear by my only eye, I absolutely see that monster back in the cave." The one-eyed militiaman patted his chest and assured, "Your Excellency, you know, my only remaining eye is comparable. Other people's eyes are much better! I can even see the 'dick' of a mosquito from two kilometers away, if it has one."

The militiaman smiled and continued, "When the monster returned to the cave, it still had a, no, half a wild deer in its mouth, like that, tsk tsk, sir, didn't you see it? , that monster looks really ferocious and terrifying!" The militiaman exaggeratedly described, "After seeing it returning to the cave, I asked Little Carter to quietly inform you, but I heroically chose to stay where it was. Sir, You know, it's definitely a dangerous thing to do..."

"Okay, don't talk too much, it's not too dangerous to be two thousand meters away." The baron interrupted the one-eyed militia's boasting, "I will reward you with ten silver coins when you go back.

"Hehe, thank you sir." The one-eyed militia smiled happily, "The point is, it must still be in the cave, trust me, sir, it is definitely inside."

The baron nodded, "In that case, let's wait slowly."


Next to the big stone that is more than half a person high, there are clusters of dense bushes growing. There are many residents from the town of 'Gandros' hidden in the bushes. Most of these people are young or adult males, who dare not approach the cave, but don't seem to want to miss anything, so they have found the perfect balance between guts and curiosity - hiding here and quietly observing.

"Hey, Andrew, how long has that person been in there?" a young boy in the bushes with a stone in his hand asked softly to his companion, "Why is there no sound inside?"

"Don't look at the 'Cow Mountain' is very small, but this cave is quite deep." The young man named Andrew replied with the same lightness, "I used to go in before the monster settled here. many times."

"My God, have you really been in?" The young boy who asked the question was a little surprised, his voice subconsciously increased, and then he lowered it again, "The adults in the town always say that a lot of people died in that cave, full of homeless people. Returning undead!"

"It's just a trick to scare children. I'm not as timid as you and Feige, so I won't be frightened by such unwarranted rumors." Andrew said contentedly.

He beckoned to the little friend beside him and motioned him to get closer, "I tell you, it's wet there, water drips from the cracks in the stones, and the ground is covered with moss and various mushrooms that can't be named. The colder it gets, the colder it gets, and the cold makes people’s back chills, and sometimes I hear some strange There must be undead in there!" The little friend said with some fear.

"No undead! There is nothing at the end of the cave, empty, no undead, no bones, only some broken stones and small gray mushrooms." Andrew said, "I thought the cave would lead to the ground, but it's a pity , it's just an ordinary cave that is slightly deeper, and there is no secret at the top." There was a faint disappointment in his tone.

"Whatever was in it, but now it is occupied by a winged lion. If you dare to go in again, you will be eaten by that lion."

"It's a manticore, not a lion with wings." Andrew corrected in a low voice, "a griffin still has wings, but it's very different from a manticore."

"But the head of a griffin is not that of a lion!" his companion argued in disapproval.

"But its body is that of a lion! Griffons have feathered wings like eagles, while manticores have wings like bats and dragons. You should at least distinguish these two points!"

"Shh, don't be noisy, be quiet!" an adult man not far from the two young boys whispered.

At this time, whether it was the "armed forces" behind the big stone or the residents in the bushes, all of them looked at the cave not far away with anticipation.

After a while, a deep beast roar suddenly came from the depths of the cave. The roar was low at first, and seemed to carry some warning and temptation.

But then, the terrifying cry grew louder, more angry, and more ferocious. The roar turned into a roar like a huge rock rolling in the mountain through the echoes in the cave. The entire 'Dairy Cow Mountain' seemed to tremble slightly under the rumbling sound.


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