Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 113: travelers (below)

The bonfire crackled and burned cheerfully, bringing a little warmth to the six people sitting in a circle.

The stomach was screaming, wave after wave, telling its owner its longing.

"Everyone, have you had dinner?" Barrett asked the people around him after settling the 'carrot' dinner.

"I've eaten it earlier," the coachman replied. "There's not much to pay attention to when you go out. Just take a bite and fill up your stomach." He said to Barrett, "If you haven't eaten, I have some bread and sausage here. The bread is white bread made of wheat, not rye. If the rye bread is not freshly baked, it should be If you eat it for the first half of the day, you're guaranteed to scratch your throat."

The coachman seems to be chatty, but then again, how can there be a coachman who is not chatty?

Oh, it's true, the takara machete-playing coachman in Hannah's team is not good at words.

"There's no such problem in soup," Barrett replied.

"There is no soup, I only have some smoked sausages." The coachman got up and was about to walk towards the carriage, "The smoked sausages are made by my wife, and the taste will definitely not disappoint you. Don't worry, the woman brought me a few sticks and mixed them. You two won't make me hungry."

"Betty has lemon cake, do you want to eat it?" the little girl hiding in her mother's arms said timidly. She seemed to be a little scared by Barrit's appearance, and whenever the barbarian looked at the little girl with self-friendly eyes, she would bury her face in her mother's arms.

Her mother, on the other hand, stroked the little girl's hair lightly without speaking, and seemed not to like talking to strangers.

"This..., I also have some sausages and a few pieces of cheese here." The fat middle-aged man smiled as if to please, but he didn't dare to look at Barrett, just like the little girl.

"Huh..., huh!!" The white-haired old man was sleeping soundly, and Barrett didn't know why he didn't lie down and have a good rest, instead of sitting and taking a nap.

"No, thank you, I brought my own food." Barrett stopped the driver's movements and said politely to the people around him, "However, if you can drink a little hot soup at night, it will be very helpful to relieve fatigue. "

"Who has such a free mind?" The coachman gave Barrett a strange look. "During the journey, hard work is nothing, safety is the most important thing. If you want to eat well, wait until you reach your destination. It's not too late to enjoy."

"Don't worry, if it's just a pot of soup, it won't take long." Barrett cut off a few branches of a nearby tree with the saber around his waist in the eyes of everyone's doubts, and then used these branches. He set up a stand on the bonfire, "Without a cup of tea, you can drink hot Mavilla parsnip soup." He made his tone as friendly as possible.

Barrett rode a horse for almost a whole day today, and was quite tired physically and mentally (he was still not used to riding a horse). If the cold water in the water bag eats those cold foods, it will be more uncomfortable for the barbarian than directly killing him.

Even in the foggy forest, facing all kinds of beasts and monsters, no one could stop Barrett from taking a sip of hot soup.

Yes, not at all!

As he was busy, he said to the crowd, "When I was on my way, I saw some marvel parsnips growing by the roadside. The roots of these plants are very similar to white carrots. Oh, no, go. , while you go, I didn't call you." He drove away the 'carrots' who came over, "Go eat your own dinner."

"What did I say?" He looked towards the coachman.

"Marvela parsnips, you said that the rhizomes of this thing are like white..., carrots?" the driver replied with a strange face.

"Yes, but the taste is completely different!" Barrett raised his hand towards his mount, and said to the crowd, "When I was in Nord, my dad used to make soup with Mavilla parsnips, this stuff It's also good to bake, it tastes very special, you'll know after you taste it."

"What do you use to cook the soup? I didn't see your horse carrying a soup pot." The coachman became more and more curious about the guest he invited, "Don't even think about borrowing it from me, my carriage never comes. No such thing."

"Soup pot, I always carry it with me." Barrett stretched out his hand to the bracket he just set up, and a dark and shiny soup pot suddenly appeared in his hand, and he hung it on the bracket easily.

This move startled everyone around, and the little girl gently "ah" came out, and then covered her mouth with her little hand, but her face was full of incredible.

"Are you a mage?" the little girl asked Barrett softly, the fear on her face turned into excitement and curiosity.

"No, I'm just an ordinary adventurer." Barrett replied, "Adventurer, you know what?"

The little girl nodded obediently, but the excitement on her face turned into a deep disappointment that could not be concealed, which made Barrett feel a little embarrassed.

how? Isn't the adventurer not the hero and prince in your heart? He thought with some resentment, there are far more poems and books praising adventurers than mages!

"Space Ring?" the fat middle-aged man asked with wide eyes.

"You're right." Barrett nodded at him, added some water to the soup pot with a water bag, added half a bag of milk, then threw in a few pieces of dry cheese, and prepared to use a dagger to smash those white carrots Peel the same parsnips.

He is as proficient at this as he is at hunting monsters.

The look of the fat man wearing the scarf's flinch disappeared completely. The man stared at Barrett's left hand with envy in his eyes, "I've always wanted a ring like this, I've always wanted it! It'll make it extra easy every time I stock up. By the way, I have a small bag, There is also an extra space inside, but it is too small and can hold very few things." Speaking of this, the fat man suddenly changed his face, "This..., um..., I didn't put it out this time. Bring it with you, haha, no, I'm going to Vanilla City to visit relatives." He smiled shyly.

Barrett didn't care about the obese man's clumsy cover-up. It was understandable to do so in the face of strangers, but it would make him seem a little unsmart.

"How many gold coins did you buy for your ring? Four thousand, or five thousand, is there a lot of space in it? How many bags of wheat can it hold?" The man asked reluctantly.

"My God, a ring actually needs so much money!" The coachman looked at Barrett in surprise, "Are all the adventurers now so rich? Well, I actually wanted to be an adventurer before. Yes, it's just that Martha happened to be pregnant, and you know, as a man, you're ultimately responsible."

The wooden stick in the driver's hand swiped unconsciously on the ground, "You can go far away and abandon a woman who loves you, and you can also abandon your troublesome little cubs. However, abandoning a person who not only loves you, but also abandons you. A woman who is still pregnant with your flesh and blood, I don’t think anyone can do it, not even a goblin.” He sighed, “If it weren’t for this, maybe I would also be wielding a sharp sword instead of a horsewhip. , earning a lot of gold coins like you." The coachman looked at the sword on Barrett's waist, "not like now, working hard for several days, but only getting two or three silver coins to make a living~www. I didn't buy this, it was given by someone else. Besides, I can't afford it either." Barrett said casually to everyone while busy with his work. After he peeled the parsnips, he simply roasted the plant on the fire until the white rhizome gave off a faint vanilla and slightly sour taste, before throwing it into the soup pot middle.

The water and milk in the pot blended together, slowly murmured, the cheese had also melted, and the rich milk fragrance slowly diffused into the air.

"It smells so good!" The little girl sniffed hard, her big round eyes staring at the soup pot, and the disappointment on her face turned into anticipation.

"It was given by someone else? Ha, I don't believe it." The driver shook his head. "You might as well say that you robbed it when you were a robber, which is more reliable."

The fat man also had a suspicious look on his face, as if he was telling Barrett that the reason you're looking for is worse than the one I used before.

"The robbing and the giving are actually similar, except that one is forced and the other is voluntary, but they all have one thing in common - they don't need to spend their own money." Barrett smiled and "changed" two more An onion, walking away from the campfire, ready to start peeling the onion.

Let’s be honest, peeling onions is not a good job. This job brings Barrett to tears every time, but no way, it always feels like something is missing in terms of taste without the onions in the bisque.

Barrett has always been very strict with himself when it comes to food.

Just when he was about to slowly peel the onion with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard a very light, rustling sound in the grass not far away, as if something was in the grass. Walk through and approach slowly.

Barret threw the onion and pulled the sword 'Iron Bride' from his waist again.


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