Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 998 I seem to have changed my mind! (add more)

Vivian can't stand Corky anymore, why didn't she die outside?

Looking at the grass on the top of Keji's head, for some reason, he had the urge to shave him off!

However, he resisted the urge!

After all, once this is done, Corky will definitely push his nose on his face, and the sun will shine brightly!

I saw Earring Wei raised her hand and swung, and a blood vine was thrown out from the palm and inserted into the earth!

The earth shook, the rock formation was lifted, and I saw a blood-colored vine with a diameter of seven or eighty meters and a red awn burst out of the ground!

Corky's eyes widened: "Mother vine root? How did it extend here?"

"Are you going to build a new blood bank here?"

Vivian said with a cold face: "Don't you have a brain? The blood bank is built on the border of China? Can't you find death?"

"Destroy my blood bank No. 7, kill my clone, naturally I will give 0

Keji's face was full of excitement: "Yes! Sister Weiwei's order is my destiny, the direction of my journey, the meaning of life, is..."

Vivian: (?°? Dish.°?) Tsk! Go to work! One more word and it'll break your dog's leg! "

Corky is so excited!

Sister Weiwei, are you shy? Must be!

Girls generally don't want to be seen when they are shy, so they cover it up in this way!

Koki is full of affection!

(?????) "Fortunately, you chose to break my leg. If it was a hand, I would not be able to hold your hand and grow old with your son!"

Vivian: (???Benefits??)? "Furious flames!"

His body suddenly burst into an extremely blazing flame, and it slashed straight at Keji!

The frightened Corky didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly went to work...

"Tsk~ I'm so annoying!"


On the concrete fence of 097, Jiang Nan sat casually on it, propped up his body with his hands, and swayed his legs, blowing the night wind!

Looking in the direction of the Brahma Kingdom, his eyes were deep.

Jiang Nan is thinking about how he will use to get the information of the mother vine!

Something went wrong, how did Brahma get such a perverted mother vine?

Intuitively, Jiang Nan sensed something was wrong!

But now because of the mutation, I can't get out of the foggy swamp restricted area!

You can only take one step at a time!

At the main base, Li Bing has been taken over.

The mother vine samples brought back were also cut in half and sent out together with the blood vine seeds obtained earlier.

Bring it to Li Bing for research and see if he can get any useful information!

In the dormitory building, Wu Liang seemed a little absent-minded lying on the bed!

Tie Niu got out of the bed with a puzzled look on his face!

A smile appeared on Wu Liang's face!

(??????) "Some are not in the state, you go to sleep first, I'll go out and blow dry!"

After saying that, he got up and put on his clothes and left the room, Tie Niu scratched his head, a little puzzled.


On the top of the wall, Wu Liang slowly walked to Jiangnan and sat down with a melancholy expression on his face!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Why are you hanging out at night? Spring night is worth a thousand dollars! You are a prodigal!"

Wu Liang hesitated, his face flushed, and then he said embarrassedly!

"Nan... Brother Nan! I seem to have changed my mind!"

Jiangnan immediately came to the spirit, if you want to talk about this, I will not be sleepy!

He patted his chest and said, "If you have any emotional problems, feel free to consult me. I am the best at Jiang Zhixin!"

Wu Liang looked embarrassed!

"I... I should be useless, I didn't even... I couldn't..."

Jiang Nan's eyes widened: "This... this can't be right? Aren't you a hydraulic pile driver?"

"Oh I see, are you in a hurry? This requires a process!"

"Girls usually eat soft and not hard, oh ~ my younger brother and sister shouldn't be the kind of soft and hard, right?"

Wu Liang: ? ? ?

God special meow eats soft and not hard, what kind of immortal-level wording is this?

"No... No! Every time I saw Miao Miao, I was emotionally overwhelmed. I knew she was my favorite!"

"But now Miaomiao is thin and bony, I no longer feel the way I used to, and I am not moved!"

"Even if I know she's my Miaomiao, but...why don't I love her anymore?"

Jiangnan was stunned!

You call your younger siblings skinny?

I bah!

People have become better-looking, aren't you rude?

What kind of ghost-level aesthetic is this?

Can't help but go up and give Wu Liang a shudder!

"You don't know how lucky you are in the midst of blessings. What a good girl Tie Niu is? Don't you only like her appearance?"

"Do you know that people can't be seen?"

Wu Liang was startled, is this what this sentence means?

Jiang Nan's face is serious and sincere!

"The girl entrusted you with the rest of her life, you have to be worthy of her!"

"You are so indifferent to her, what will your younger siblings think? She will feel uncomfortable in her heart too!"

"If my younger brother and sister ran away with others now, would you like it?"

Wu Liang glared: "Why not? I don't want to!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"You really like her, but you just haven't adapted to the changes in her appearance. If the muscles are gone, they can be retrained, but if the daughter-in-law is gone, they will be gone!"

For a moment, Wu Liang's face showed a suddenly bright expression!

It must be that my brother Nan knows a lot!

"I think I can do it again!"

Jiang Nan stuffed a bundle of leeks and a paralysis ring into Wu Liang, and patted his shoulder heavily!

Wu Liang was moved and was about to speak, but he saw Jiang Nan looking in the direction of the Brahma Kingdom with a solemn expression!

I saw that outside the border, the thick yellow fog was like a giant sandstorm, spreading silently towards 097!

The scale is not comparable to the previous yellow fog belt at all, and it is even impossible to see the edge at a glance!

And these are parasitic spores that are extremely rich, and there is a faint bloom of blood in the yellow mist, and the vine shadow dances wildly in it!

The siren sounded in the 097 post, and the Long Yuan Dark Nights dressed up in less than 30 seconds and came to their guard positions!

At this moment, there are still Long Yuan soldiers patrolling on the border. Facing Huang Wu, their expressions are hideous, and they will not retreat half a step!

Jiang Nan was anxious: "Mu Wan! Return 097 to Lao Tzu! Don't be stupid, are you waiting to be parasitized by spores?"

Guan Tai rushed to the top of the city and looked at the yellow mist that spread over the sky and covered the sky, his eyes were red!

"Damn it! Brahma will make a big move? Protect themselves first, they don't dare to cross the border at will!"

All Longyuan Dark Nights retreated to 097, and many wind-type and air-type abilities were blowing in the direction of Huang Wu!

Try to slow down the speed of the yellow fog!

And the three human body purifiers were also opened to the maximum gear, blowing violently against the yellow mist!

Yang Cheng said anxiously: "It's useless, once this concentration of spore dust covers it, it will definitely drown 097!"

"Three purifiers are simply not enough!"

It's like putting three air purifiers in a sandstorm, it's a drop in the bucket!

The scale of this yellow fog has completely overwhelmed the balance that was finally established!

I saw the sky above the yellow fog, and a figure surrounded by flames broke through the clouds!

The splendid flame wings fanned, it was Earring Wei!

At this moment, he is looking at Jiangnan above the city with a playful look on his face!

"Giggle~ I said we will meet again, this time I will fly, you can never fall on me!"

Jiangnan's pupils shrank!

Vivian? Isn't she dead? What I saw with my own eyes...

And this Vivian is a fire attribute ability? Wasn't the last one of the ice type?

Ice or fire?

Jiang Nan's brows are deeply wrinkled, it is absolutely impossible to be the same person, Leather Pants Wei is definitely dead and can't die again!

twin? wrong! Is it a clone?

And it is a clone of different attributes that can remember and share?

Jiangnan's hair is standing on end, what is the origin of this Vivian?

I saw Earring Wei giggling: "What's the matter? Are you still going back?"

"Do you want to feed the spores with your own body? Yo~ What a selfless dedication!"

"Guarding 097, being swallowed by the yellow mist, and then dying here? What's the point of this?"

"If you can't get along with anyone, don't get along with your own life? Exit! This foggy swamp restricted area is no longer your territory!"

Guan Tai stood at the head of the city, his eyes blood red: "Don't think about it!"

"Even if I die! I will die on the border!"

Seeing that Huang Wu is about to devour 097, it is really Huang Yun pressing the city to destroy it!

At this moment, Long Yuan has already started to eat biscuits wildly, but after a while, he has only eaten 7 of them!

In the face of the yellow mist coming from the cover, it seems that he can only grit his teeth and resist!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's head was running fast, thinking about all the resources available to him!

If it is really covered by the yellow fog, the number of casualties will be more than one star!

At this moment, Jiang Nan suddenly noticed Vivian flying in the sky!

Although the scale of the yellow fog this time is grand, it does not pervade the sky like the previous yellow fog belt!

The yellow fog is only five thousand meters high!


Jiangnan's eyes brightened, and he turned around and roared: "All Longyuan Dark Nights! Earth-type abilities, solidify the underground soil and rocks of the 097 outpost!"

"Spread out of the base, how much can be fixed, the more the better! Hurry up! There's no time!"

Jiangnan gave an order, and suddenly thousands of Long Yuan dark night pressed his hands on the ground, and his body glowed with a mysterious yellow light!

Injected into the earth, the underground of the 097 outpost is as hard as fine iron!

It even spreads around!

Seeing that Huang Wu had already hit the fence of the post!

Guan Tai said anxiously: "What is this for? To prevent the blood vine from attacking from the ground?"

Jiang Nan shook his head and smiled brightly!


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