Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 980 Going deep into the restricted area

There were about 10,000 Long Yuan who came to help, all of them were reinforcements!

At this moment, the team has been lined up neatly!

In front of the foggy restricted area, a battlefield command battalion was stationed!

Responsible for suppressing the expansion of the foggy restricted area, and also responsible for receiving the news from 097 and returning to the main base!

After all, in the restricted area, all the radios and all communication equipment are disabled!

If you want to receive the news from inside, you can only stay here!

Wait for the 097 soldiers to signal the lights, or signal the semaphore across the distance!

Hearing the air explosion above, everyone in the command camp looked up at the sky!

That touch of red is so familiar!

"Is it Nanshen's spiritual pet? Nanshen is here too?"

The discussion suddenly erupted, and Jiang Nan also saw a familiar figure in Long Yuan who came to help!

Mu Wan!

I haven't seen her for a long time, her sunburn is even darker, and her wheat-colored skin is particularly eye-catching in the crowd!

When Jiangnan went to destroy Dracula Island, Mu Wan served as the operation captain and cooperated with Jiangnan operation!

I didn't expect to be called to support this time!

At this moment, I am waving towards Jiangnan non-stop!

"South God! Here!"

With the strong wind pressure, the small dimple landed!

Jiang Nan stepped forward and shook hands with Mu Wan!

"Haixing is so far away from here, why did you transfer you here?"

Mu Wan wiped her nose: "We were recruited from major bases!"

"The family who came to support this time is not an only child, in case something goes wrong..."

Jiang Nan's heart sank, and he turned to look at the Long Yuan soldiers in the squad!

Where his eyes swept, all the Longyuan warriors collapsed straight!

But the slightly pale face and the slightly trembling body betrayed them!

There is fear in the eyes looking at the foggy restricted area!

Long Yuan is also human, and he is also afraid!

As long as you enter the Fog Marsh Restricted Area, you can't get out, but they still come!

Now standing in front of the restricted area, ready to advance in support!

Although afraid! But also fearless!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and said loudly: "Brothers! Cheer up, I will go in with you this time too!"

"I believe that the technology behind will help us find a way to restore the mutation!"

Long Yuan all looked towards Jiangnan one after another!

Nanshen also wants to enter? I don't know why, but my heart suddenly calmed down a lot!

However, Mu Wan looked at Jiangnan in amazement, her face full of astonishment!

"You're going in too? If you don't know if you go in, you'll..."

Jiang Nan nodded: "I know! But I have to go!"

Mu Wan looked at Jiang Nan's eyes and couldn't help laughing bitterly!

And at this moment, a bearded man came running from the command camp and shook hands with Jiangnan Mu Wan!

"Wei Hai! Just call me Beard, the commander at the camp, after entering, if you have any needs, just contact me with the signal lights and flags!"

At the same time, many staff came and distributed three tubes of purple serum to each of Long Yuan!

Wei Hai said loudly, "Brothers, this is the antidote!"

"The Blood Vine of the Fog Marsh has three spiritual skills. Among them, the thorn whip is poisonous. Be careful not to be scratched by the sharp thorns!"

"Pay special attention to spore powder, it is parasitic spores, don't let the spores fall on your body!"

"There is the last one to drink blood, all the vines will suck blood and absorb vitality as long as they fall on the body!"

Jiang Nan grinned for a while, as expected to be one of the four murderers, the three spiritual skills are tricky enough!

Wei Hu continued: "The blood vine in the foggy marsh is extremely strong, and its roots are connected to its roots, so it is difficult to kill it completely!"

"The blood vines on the periphery are not high-level, mostly silver and gold!"

"The deeper you go, the higher the level, don't fight, go straight to 097!"

"Finally, I wish you all a safe journey!"

Everyone's expressions were tight, and they held the gun tightly!

Jiangnan didn't look back, he went straight to the restricted area!

"Let the big army follow me, I'll open the way, hurry up!"

"The meat tank is external, and the long-range output is in the middle of the team. Try not to let the rattan get close!"

"The earth system guards the ground, so that the blood vine root system will not attack from the ground, let's go!"

Mu Wan and the rest of Long Yuan stiffened and replied loudly, "Yes!"

The battle formation was formed quickly, and Jiangnan led people to stride into the restricted area of ​​foggy marsh!

That misty swamp blood vine like a demonic snake senses people entering the hunting range!

The thorny vines covered with barbs are drawn towards Jiangnan like a whip!

I saw Jiangnan raise his hand and hit it with a loud bang!

The foggy blood vines within 300 range in front of him were uprooted by Jiangnan and compressed into black beads!

They are all silver-level blood vines, and they can't pose a threat to Jiangnan!

Another two snaps of fingers, clearing space on the left and right sides, enough for the large army to pass!

Mu Wan's large army followed Jiangnan and entered the restricted area of ​​the foggy marsh!

Wei Hai watched Jiangnan and his party enter the restricted area with a complicated expression!

I don't know if they will be able to come back after entering, this is already the third batch of people sent in by myself!

The Longyuan Dark Nights who stayed at the camp watched the backs of the large troops going deep into the restricted area!

A silent salute!

At the beginning of the advance, with the firepower of Long Yuan, coupled with the opening of the black hole in Jiangnan, it can be said to be crushed all the way!

But not long after entering, Jiangnan felt a strong sense of suffocation!

The pungent smell makes the mouth bitter!

The icy yellow-green rain hit the body, and the feet were full of mud!

After a while, Jiang Nan couldn't help coughing, and even coughed up the slightest blood!

The same is true for the Longyuan army, even wearing a gas mask will not help!

Breathe after the coughing, the suffocation is gone, and even the unpleasant smell of chlorine can't be smelled!

Jiang Nan's expression is solemn, how long has it been since he entered?

However, Mila still covered her mouth and coughed lightly, wrinkling her little face, looking a little painful!

Jiang Nan quickly picked up Mila: "Can you still smell the chlorine gas?"

Mira nodded!

Jiang Nan was shocked, Mira is a time-based ability, and her body is different from ordinary people!

It will always remain in its original state! Is there no way to mutate Mira in the Fog Marsh Restricted Area?

Do not! It's not that there is no way to mutate, but even if it is mutated, it will be automatically refreshed by Mira's body back to its original state!

Now that there is no oxygen in the restricted area, Mila will not die, but she has to endure the poisoning of chlorine gas and the pain of suffocation!

"I'm sorry, Mila, I'll send..."

Mila grabbed Jiang Nan's arm tightly and shook her head!

"No! No! I don't want to be separated from brother Jiangnan, Mila is not uncomfortable, it's fine!"

As he spoke, he held back his cough and looked at Jiangnan with a stubborn expression!

Jiangnan had no choice but to take out a bottle of oxygen from the alien space for Mira to breathe!

If you can't mutate Mira, you can only give her oxygen.

Mira really felt better!

Liu Mang's eyes were bright: "Mila is not affected? Can you use her time to go back and restore everyone's body to the state before the mutation?"

Jiangnan shook his head: "Using backtracking will consume Mila's telomerase. The longer the backtracking time, the greater the consumption. Will it restore so many people to the state before the mutation?"

"She will die of old age!"

Liu Mang was stunned, and then smiled bitterly. Sure enough, any power has a price!

Everyone's speed is not slow at all, and it looks like there are still more than 30 kilometers away from the 097 outpost!

The blood vines here are even more dense, and you can even see a lot of platinum-level blood vines!

Looking back, the road that came out was occupied by blood vines again!

A lot of blood vines broke out, and in less than a minute, they grew taller and thicker again!

Xia Yao scratched his head for a while: "After killing so many plants, how come you can't even deduct a Spirit Orb?"

Yang Cheng explained: "The foggy blood vine is a rooted plant, and most of what we kill are the derived roots and branches!"

"The underground root system is intricate and complicated, and the main body is not necessarily where. Just cutting the roots and branches, killing them is also a waste of killing, and effort is wasted!"

Jiang Nan's face is black, this thing is really disgusting!

At this moment, Liu Mang's eyes turned to the east!

"Four o'clock! 30,000 meters away, someone! A team of four!"

"One diamond, three platinum, not ours!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiangnan's big hand patted Wu Liang's shoulder!

Pull out the blood-drinking halberd, and teleport directly without the shadow!

The body flashed one after another in the air, and sure enough, I saw a four-person team!

Three platinums are on alert!

And the man in the shirt with curly hair was holding a cloth bag in his hand!

Take out a handful of blood-red seeds and plant them in the ground!

The rank is as high as a diamond 2!


A red glow slid across the void, and a platinum seven head swirled and flew up!

Blood spurted wildly, his eyes were full of astonishment, and he died without seeing who cut it!

[The resentment value from Kunsha +1000! ]

Jiangnan turned around again, and the blood-drinking halberd slashed out!

The platinum Bajin next to him looked terrified, and his body suddenly turned metal, trying to block with his arms!

However, the halberd slashed, and its metal arm snapped!

Jiang Nan pressed his body and punched his metalized head!

"Clang" sound!

Tie Mian was stunned by Jiang Nan's punch, and his head was smashed flat!


Fall to the ground out of breath!

The curly-haired man was furious, raised his hand and slashed towards Jiangnan at high speed with a water blade!

Jiang Nan threw out a space wormhole, reached in with his hand, and touched the curly-haired man's chest!

"Space replacement!"

In an instant, Jiang Nan and Wu Liang switched positions!

And when he patted Wu Liang's shoulder in Jiangnan, Wu Liang had already used savage collision and anti-injury armor!


The powerful water jet slashed on Wu Liang's body, knocking him back dozens of meters!

The golden light is directly filled! The curly-haired man hasn't reacted yet, so this is a different person!

And Jiangnan, who returned to the main force, has already said: "Get ready! Take on the enemy!"

"Space replacement!"

This time, Jiangnan directly replaced the curly-haired man!

The curly-haired man felt that in the blink of an eye, people had already appeared in front of the Long Yuan Army!

Looking at the more than 10,000 people in front of him, his face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground shaking!

"Oh Reichette!"

And Wu Liang, who was full of power, slammed into the last platinum nine with a brutal collision!

It smashed its upper body to pieces!

Jiang Nan threw out the Void Chain and wrapped it around Wu Liang and the three corpses!

A teleport, back to the curly-haired man!

Mu Wan stared blankly at this scene!

"7 seconds..."

It only took Jiangnan seven seconds to solve a team of diamonds and three platinums!

One prisoner, three kills!

What kind of tacit cooperation and killing speed is this?

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