Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 98 This girl beats me

[The resentment value from Luo Tianhong +666! ]

[The resentment value from An Ning +333! ]

[The resentment value from Su Rui is +333! ]



The belt of my own pants is not in vain!

But under the eyes of the lynx about to kill, in the end it still didn't take off.

But he took off his shirt!

Revealing a well-proportioned but not bloated muscle!

The edges and corners are as sharp as a knife and axe!

Jiangnan in the sun is refreshing and handsome, and there is always a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Let the hearts of the girls in the field speed up, and the deer smash!

Jiangnan slowly walked into the arena.

He stood on the spot extremely relaxed, and said lightly, "Come on! Face me!"

Wang Tie's face was solemn, and his eyes were full of sharpness.

Jiangnan just stood there so casually, without even raising his fist!

But still can't find any flaw in him!

This made Wang Tie feel a sense of oppression that was enough to suffocate!

But it can't handle that much!

Step forward! Pingqiao Iron Horse!

Wang Tie's fist smashed like a cannonball, and even brought out a little cracking sound.

Jiang Nan refused to hide, and his fist was about to hit him in the face!

Everyone's hearts were raised!

Could it be that Nanshen is just a sleight of hand?


But at this moment, Jiangnan moved!

Lifting one foot lightly, he kicked Wang Tie's slightly bent knee!

Wang Tie lost his focus in an instant!

The fist rubbed Jiang Nan's cheek and passed!

Lean forward, almost to fall!

In horror, he saw Jiangnan's fist!

Hook like a sea dragon!

quick! allow! ruthless!


With a muffled sound, his fist hit Wang Tie's stomach!

Wang Tie, who was rushing with huge force, left the ground!

Bow like a prawn!

Kneel down and cover your stomach! His eyes were staring, and they were all red blood.

I struggled several times, but I couldn't get up!

At this moment, the audience is silent!

Su Rui opened her mouth wide and looked at Jiangnan in disbelief!

How powerful Wang Tie is for all to see!

But Jiangnan only used one kick and one punch?

Easy to write! And in the eyes of everyone!

Wang Tie, who lost his balance, was more like he slammed into Jiangnan's fist!

how can that be!

Instructor Chen Li's eyes lit up, and this punch and kick made him a lot more knowledgeable!

A king iron! I can't even test the strength of Jiangnan!

How strong is this young man?

He wants to see!

"Give it all to me! Who brings down Jiangnan! Free three days of physical training!"

As soon as this is said!

Whether it is a veteran or a recruit, his eyes are instantly red!

One by one, they rushed like a tiger coming out of its cage!

"Grass! Fuck him!"

"There are so many of us, can't we let Nanshen go?"

"Today the Southern God will not fall, don't say we are in the dark night!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?


"Old man! You spit out the piece of watermelon you ate from me!"

Don't play like this?

Jiangnan was about to run!

Lynx: "Xiao Rui! Release the domain!"

Jiangnan exploded directly!

Depend on!

How do you feel that the lynx recruited this girl to the dark night just to kill itself!

"I tell you! You can't beat me!"

The veterans were angry.

"It's broken for you! Are you floating, or am I unable to hold the knife?"

"If you can't beat you, I will stand upside down and fly!"

"Teach you to be a man! Look at me...Ow!"

The veteran didn't finish his sentence, and was directly punched by Jiangnan!

Rolling his eyes, he lay straight on the ground!

I saw Jiangnan, who was topless, flying through the crowd!

Punch to the flesh! Eyes filled with excitement!

One punch, one big baby!

The veterans thought that Jiangnan would face a situation where two fists can't beat four hands!

But in fact, Jiangnan erupted like a moving volcano!

Fist is very heavy! Getting hit with a punch is like getting hit by a truck!

The movement is terrifying, and the skills are even more amazing!

Grapple, Sanda, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, the styles are varied!

I can't catch Jiangnan's figure at all!

Even if the fist hit Jiang Nan's body, it felt as if it hit the steel plate!

The shaking hands hurt!

Can withstand the Mercedes-Benz big g flying more than 30 meters, and the physical fitness is unscathed!

How can it be knocked down with one punch and two punches?

15 minutes later! A bunch of people are lying on the ground!

Jiang Nan leaned on his thighs, gasping for breath!

Crystal beads of sweat dripped down the chin, and the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water!

"The brother who said he stood upside down and pulled Xiang, called me when he went to the toilet!"

Chen Chen cried: "Nan Shen! I was so wrong!"

Chen Li couldn't sit still!

Take down 70 Night Army in 15 minutes!

Even had the strength to joke!

What kind of terrifying fighting skill is this horse riding?

Chinese God of War?

He has been in the army for so many years, and he has never seen such a young age, so fierce!

Su Rui has been stunned!

She finally knew why the lynx wanted to capture Jiangnan in person and came back!

Otherwise, I am afraid that no one can handle Jiangnan!

There is already a bit of admiration in his eyes!

powerful! It was so powerful that it exploded!

at this time!

I saw the lynx stick out his scarlet tongue and lick his lips!

The eyes are full of excitement!

Take off your uniform! Tie the ponytail tight!

Luo Tianhong, who is wearing a tactical vest, has clear muscles!

Eight-pack abs fried! The terrifying height of 1.9 meters makes her more oppressive than ordinary male soldiers!

"Beat me! You don't have to participate in any future training!"

As soon as this is said!

The people who were lying on the ground quickly got up!

Eyes full of excitement!

Captain Bobcats to take action?

Luo Tianhong!

A name that makes the Huaxia Dark Night Army tremble three times!

Even in the Huaxia Longyuan Army, there are rumors!

Enough to see her power and terror!

I can't help but look at Jiangnan with pity!

Nan Shen is afraid that he will be cleaned up today.

Jiangnan was also shocked.

No one knows the horror of the lynx better than you!

Did she fight herself?

for real?

"Don't use abilities! How can I count as a winner?"

Jiangnan said this.

Everyone is stunned! Really want to draw twice?

Jiangnan probably doesn't know why the flowers are so red!

The lynx twisted its neck: "until one of them admits defeat!"


With a loud bang!

The hard earth and stone ground was slammed into a hole by Jiangnan!

The body shoots like an arrow!

It's almost as fast as it's blurry!

Everyone was terrified!

It actually worked!

And it was still at the moment when the voice of the lynx just fell! Get started!

Spin and kick!


The vamp kicked the lynx in the jaws hard!

The scary thing is that the lynx just tilted its head slightly!

At this moment, her hands had already grabbed Jiang Nan's legs!

He grabbed his whole body, like throwing a sandbag, and slammed to the ground!

The wind whistled in his ears, and Jiang Nan supported the ground with his hands to dissolve the power!

Immediately, he bowed and stepped forward, carrying a huge centrifugal force! An elbow hit the lynx's temple hard.

But at the same time!

The lynx's knee is also like an ice-breaking giant axe!


Jiangnan's body was knocked off by more than 5 meters!

"Hey~ it hurts!"

I saw the lynx put up a fist and jumped!

Eyes full of excitement!

It's really been a long, long time since no one excites himself this much!


You are simply amazing!

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