Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 978 Absolute forbidden area

Jiang Nan's heart clenched fiercely, and subconsciously touched the copper bell on his wrist!

Grabbing Ziyuan, he came to Liu Mang's room with a teleport!

The black light was blinding, and after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, and only when the light was turned on did Liu Mang get up from the bed!

Ai-chan screamed, grabbed the quilt and covered herself tightly!

"Yeah~ I hate it!"

Jiang Nan's face is speechless, why are you playing so much every day?

"Wait a while, you'll be lingering again, first help cast a shadow!"

Liu Mang was startled: "What's the situation? What did Sister Yuan dream about again?"

Ziyuan didn't have time to explain, and put her hand directly on Liu Mang's head!

Colorful clouds and mist appeared, and the whole room became the appearance of a combat command room!

During the projection, Wang Dalei was looking gloomily at the holographic sand table! m.

Jiangnan with blood-red eyes suddenly appeared in the field!

His big hand slammed on the table, and he asked with a trembling voice, "I ask you! Where's the lynx? I want real people!"

"Not a blood-stained team badge!"

The Dark Night Medal belonging to the Lynx lay quietly on the table with dried blood on it!

Wang Dalei looked difficult: "Sacrificed, when the body was found... ah~"

"It was cremated on the spot, you wouldn't want to see her body!"

With red eyes, Jiang Nan grabbed Wang Dalei by the collar!

"Why didn't you tell me when something happened?"

"Who did it! I want everyone to be buried with her! All die! All!"

Wang Dalei held Jiang Nan's hand tightly: "Is it useful for me to tell you? Will you be included?"

"You should have heard about the situation over there. How did you get out?"

"There is no solution at all. If you go in, you can't come out. I'm going to pick up someone in 097!"

"You also want your name to be engraved on the square tablet when you step on the horse?"

Jiangnan's fists creaked and roared!

"I'll take care of him! 097! Brahma Kingdom, right? Wait for Lao Tzu!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed the team logo of the Bobcats on the table, killing intent in his eyes!

Turn around and leave the command room!

Wang Dalei said angrily: "Don't go! Do you want to destroy your future? Stop for me!"

"You are a soldier! Soldiers are bound to obey orders!"

Jiangnan paused, took out his military ID card and slapped it on the table!

"I don't care about the future! I only know that the lynx is dead! I must make them pay in blood!"

"Don't stop me! No one can stop me!"

Saying that a teleportation disappeared, Wang Dalei said anxiously: "You dare!"

With the sound of "Boom", the entire combat command room was blown up, and Wang Dalei turned into a lightning bolt and went straight to Jiangnan to chase after him!

The picture ends abruptly here!

Jiangnan's face in the room was as gloomy as water, and the air in the room seemed to condense along with it!

A teleport disappeared!

Liu Mang's face was ugly: "Sister Yuan? Something happened to the lynx? What's going on at 097!"

I have never seen Nanshen with such a cold expression, not even when facing a life-and-death crisis in the Void Sea!

Ziyuan said anxiously: "How do I know! Go and call Sister Xue and the others!"

"I'm afraid that Jiangnan will be completely out of control, and I will kill myself to 097! They can talk! Hurry up!"

Where did Liu Mang dare to delay, he ran out of the room quickly: "I'll go now!"

Ziyuan also hurried out to chase Jiangnan!

In the combat command room, Wang Dalei was looking down at the report sent over!

The sudden appearance of Jiangnan, the expression is cold and scary!

"What happened to 097? What about the Lynx people? Don't hide it from me!"

Wang Dalei was startled by the sudden appearance of Jiangnan, and then his face turned bitter!

"Who told you? Don't worry, the situation is complicated, I..."

Jiang Nan's eyes were red: "How can I not be in a hurry? In Zi Yuan's dream, the Lynx came back with a team badge!"

"What the hell is going on! What mission did she go to 097 to perform?"

Jiangnan is now afraid of death, and he has never been so afraid!

The lynx lent me the copper bell that keeps me safe, but something happened to me?

Now Jiangnan's head is full of the shy expression when the lynx stuffed the bell to him!

Jiangnan definitely didn't want that to be the last time he saw the Lynx!

Wang Dalei's heart sank, was it predicted in Ziyuan's dream?

Damn it!

"Calm me! The Lynx team sneaked into the Sanskrit no-man's land three days ago to carry out an investigation mission and disappeared!"

"At present, additional personnel have been sent to look for it, and it has not yet been determined that something really happened, and I am still waiting for news..."

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: "Give me the information and I'll find her! It will be too late when the results come out!"

The scene in Ziyuan's dream obviously happened after the search team found it!

The body was found, and only the team logo came back!

At this moment, Ziyuan Zhong Yingxue and the others rushed into the command room in a hurry!

The first time I saw Jiangnan with blood red eyes, I couldn't help but worry!

Step forward and grab Jiang Nan's arm!

Wu Liang was sweating anxiously: "What happened to Miaomiao and the others?"

You know, Tie Niu also followed the mission!

Wang Dalei took a deep breath: "097 None of you can go, if you go, you won't be able to come back!"

"The situation over there is getting out of control!"

Jiangnan's heart was raised, and before he went to the Void Sea, he heard that there was trouble in 097!

I didn't expect the situation to develop to this point!

"What's going on with 097? Why can't I go?"

Wang Dalei got up and called up the satellite image of the entire Dik no-man's land on the holographic map!

Everyone looked intently, only to see Post 097 and the large area around it! All covered by thick black-gray rain clouds!

And the no-man’s land in the Brahma Kingdom bordering the 097 outpost is almost completely covered by the vortex of clouds!

Jiang Nan frowned: "What is this black cloud?"

Wang Dalei's face was solemn: "This is the reason, you should know the blood vine in the fog marsh, right?"

Zhong Yingxue nodded: "A rare plant-type spirit beast, one of the four evils, what does the blood vine have to do with this black cloud?"

Wang Dalei pointed to the rain cloud: "In all places covered by the rain cloud, the atmospheric structure inside has been changed, and it operates independently!"

"There is no oxygen in it, most of it is chlorine gas. Chlorine gas is a highly toxic gas to humans!"

"And the culprit responsible for all this is the foggy swamp blood vine!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Change the structure of the atmosphere? Such a large range? Are you kidding me?"

"If there is no oxygen and it is all chlorine, can there still be living people here? Wouldn't they all be poisoned to death?"

Wang Dalei grinned and said: "Wrong, not only did he not die, but mutated! The problem is not an ordinary tricky one, you come with me!"

Under the leadership of Wang Dalei, everyone came directly to the laboratory of the outpost!

I saw here, many people are wearing airtight biochemical suits!

In the tempered glass cabin deep in the laboratory, Jiangnan saw a huge vine-like plant!

The whole body is dark green, with a slight blood-red light!

The sturdy rattan is covered with thorns covered with barbs, like thorns, and is now wanton stretching its branches!

There are even purple flowers blooming on the vines, which are bright and beautiful!

And the purple flower quickly withered, spewing yellow dust spores, rinsed and fell!

Zhong Yingxue covered her mouth: "This is the foggy blood vine? Why is it different from what I saw in the book?"

I saw a petite girl with braces, thick spectacles, two braids, and a pretty face full of freckles came over!

Wearing a white lab coat and holding a stack of documents in his arms!

"This is the mutated foggy blood vine, a sample brought back from 097!"

"The photosynthesis of normal foggy blood vine is no different from that of ordinary plants!"

"And this mutant can absorb all the components in the atmosphere and emit chlorine, hydrogen, etc.!"

"One plant may be nothing, but if it is everywhere, it will be terrible!"

Wang Dalei rubbed his eyebrows: "Xiaocheng, tell Jiangnan about the situation over there!"

Yang Cheng turned his head towards Jiangnan and smiled sweetly: "Hello Nanshen!"

However, Jiang Nan was very anxious at the moment: "What if it's all chlorine gas? Can I bring an oxygen bottle?"

Yang Cheng shook his head: "The problem is not here!"

"The normal atmospheric composition is 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and some noble gases!"

"And after the change of the foggy blood vine, the atmospheric composition becomes 49% chlorine, 17% hydrogen, and argon and nitrogen! The oxygen content is almost zero!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of confusion, how could he analyze the atmosphere for himself?

"So why can't I enter with an oxygen cylinder?"

Yang Cheng still shook his head: "Under normal circumstances, in this atmospheric environment, human beings are bound to die and cannot survive at all!"

"But the problem is that the bodies of the Longyuan Dark Nights in the rain cloud have also mutated, and it is useless to wear protective clothing!"

"After the mutation, even in a highly toxic atmosphere, it can still survive!"

"The hemoglobin, which was originally responsible for transporting oxygen molecules in the body, has mutated into a special protein that transports chlorine gas!"

Jiang Nan stared: "People... people have also been mutated?"

Wang Dalei sighed, "Do you know why you weren't allowed in?"

"Anyone who enters the range of the rain cloud will also mutate their bodies and become mainly breathing chlorine gas!"

"The savagely growing blood vines seem to have formed a special fog marsh force field!"

Yang Cheng nodded: "Once the body mutates and returns to the normal atmosphere, it will suffocate and die!"

"Because after the mutation, oxygen is extremely poisonous to you!"

"The scope of activity is limited to the range of rain clouds, where there are foggy swamp blood vines!"

"So far, no solution has been developed!"

Jiangnan's face is ugly, how could such a thing appear

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