Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 974 It's your first move! (add more)

And the dragging dragon loach, who was facing off against Wang Dalei Jiangnan and the others, also slammed into the east!

The complexion is gloomy like water, and another extremely strong spatial fluctuation?

If the delay goes on, there will be more and more human beings, and it is impossible to regain the silver ring!

You forced me!

"Warp speed..."

However, where would Jiangnan, who has been staring at the Drake Dragon Loach, give him this opportunity?

Without further ado, a tiger roar came out!

(??????)? "Wow~"

The skill of dragging the virtual dragon loach was interrupted, and he knelt on the ground again!

At this moment, Li Mingshan in a Tang suit suddenly appeared in the field!

"You can leave, pay here..." Remember for a second

Before he finished speaking, Li Mingshan's heart trembled, his legs softened, and he knelt down in front of Jiang Nan with a click!


The unfinished words were like fishbone stuck in his throat.

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, and the face was extremely black!

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1000! ]

Wang Dalei, who was kneeling beside him, greeted Li Mingshan with a smile!

(????)? "Yo~ Uncle Li! Are you kneeling?"

Li Mingshan: ! ! !

I just teleported over, why did I kneel on the ground?

Looking at the audience again, except for Jiangnan, no one was standing!

The king character on the top of his head, even if he glanced at it, his heart trembled!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao are going crazy, what kind of evil is this?

Did Daotian line up to kneel toward Xiaonan? Kneeling for a while!

Jiangnan smiled awkwardly!

?(??????) "Brother Li! Good... long time no see, why don't you say a word here?"

"Just shake hands, no need to kneel!"

I really didn't do it on purpose, it was you who moved first!

Li Mingshan: (???Benefits??)

Who wants to kneel?



In an instant, Li Mingshan's heart was pierced, and there were more than a dozen blood holes in his body, and the blood was wild!

The speed of the warp bubble is so fast that no one can react!

I saw the moment when the Drake Void Dragon Loach appeared, and threw out the space bubble and imprisoned Mila!

Immediately, he took two teleports with Mila and made a distance of 60,000 meters!

A set of little tricks is extremely silky!

The dragon loach stared at Li Mingshan with blood red eyes!

"Old boss! You also have today, I see how you are still living!"

Li Mingshan fell in a pool of blood, staring at Jiangnan, vomiting blood!

"You are killing me!"

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1001! ]

Jiangnan: ! ! !

This warp speed bubble is too fierce, even Li Mingshan is given for nothing?

This... is this saved?

Otherwise, Huaxia would have no space to be a Daotian!

"Big nephew! Break the ball! Quick! Whoa!"

There was another tiger roar, and the dragging virtual dragon loach just stabilized its figure and knelt down on the spot!

Without Jiangnan's reminder, Wang Dalei flashed lightning all over his body and rushed out on his knees!

Li Mingshan, who fell in a pool of blood with only one breath left, used all his strength to hold his body to death!

Kneeling towards Jiangnan!

Li Mingshan: (??????) "I just ~%?...;#!"

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1000! ]

At this moment, Wang Dalei has rushed to the front of the dragon loach, and the thunder pool is released, covering the audience!

Just as Drake Void Dragon Loach was about to take Mira to teleport away, the Thunder Spear had plunged into the space ball, breaking the confined space!

Jiangnan instantly sensed the mark on Mila's body, and immediately launched a replacement!

He entered the space ball, and Mira was able to escape!

Immediately, he cast the beam of recovery light toward Li Mingshan, pulling him back from the death line!

Li Mingshan's face was gloomy, without saying a word, a teleportation caught up with the Dragging Void Dragon Loach!

"Space cracks!"

A big hole suddenly opened in the void, and infinite suction burst out from it!

Dragging the virtual dragon loach and flicking its tail, a broken world traverses in front of the space crack, blocking the suction as much as possible!

Immediately, he will retreat with the Jiangnan teleportation in the space ball!

Li Mingshan squinted: "Space ball!"

The same space ball was released, imprisoning the dragging virtual dragon loach!

"Where do you run to? I'm going to set your warp speed!"

Dragging the virtual dragon loach full of resentment: "Beheading my family, I didn't leave you in the void sea, and now you want my warp speed bubble?"

"I'll give it to you!"

Speaking of lengthening his body, the warp bubble smashed through the space ball! Li Mingshan was shocked!

With a single stroke, the boundary will be used up, and even the rocks and mountains on the side will be used for one or two!

But the boundary wall was also pierced, and in the blink of an eye, there was a blood hole in Li Mingshan's waist!

Jiangnan in the space ball was shocked!

Li Mingshan also has a boundary and a space ball? Did you get it from another dragon loach?

good guy! He killed at least two dragon loach!

No wonder Drift Dragon Loach hates Li Mingshan so much!

And this time, he came to the warp speed? Didn't he already know what to do?

What else do you need to do with dexterity?

You want it, what can I use? I'm quite in love with it!

"Grandpa Li! Your warp bubble must have been prepared for me in advance, right?"

"Although I am moved, my body is still important!"

"But if you insist on calling me, I'm embarrassed not to. Wait for me! I'll help you right now!"

Li Mingshan's face is even darker!

who called you? Could your face be any bigger?

Doesn't this give me eye drops?

Brother Li just now, and now I will call you Master?

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1000! ]

Jiang Nan was startled, this guy really came from playing warp speed for himself!

Is Li Mingshan preparing for his breakthrough to the heaven?

Hiss~ is he so fierce?

Jiang Nan's big eyes turned around in a groaning manner!

"Grandpa Li! I found a silver giant ring in the void sea. Do you know what it is for?"

After he finished speaking, his golden pupils bloomed, staring at Li Mingshan!

Li Mingshan was shocked!

What the hell!

Do you dare to take the star gate left by the ancient holy star ruins in the void sea?

Is this kid a bandit?

If Igor finds out, he will be mad again!

But the star gate can't be used without the star map and key, and it should be broken, right?

no! Can't tell him!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be exposing that he is a saint?

"What silver ring? I don't know! The battle is important! Go back and study it!"

Under the golden eyes of Jiangnan, Li Mingshan's psychological activities were clearly seen!

Now, on Jiangnan, the time of Niu, Monkey and Tiger has not expired. With mind reading, Li Mingshan can't hide it if he thinks about it!

At this moment, Jiangnan's scalp was numb, and his heart sank to the bottom!

Li Mingshan is actually a saint?

It's too deep!

Damn, what kind of organization is this holy star?

The ruins in the Void Sea turned out to be the things of Ancient Saint Star?

Was it left over from the last time when the aura was revived? Was there a saint at that time?

Jiang Nan's expression remained unchanged, and he couldn't see the slightest abnormality!

But he secretly made up his mind that no matter what, this warp bubble can never be given to Li Mingshan!

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will spoil the dish!

"Grandpa Li is panicking! I'm here to help you!"

At this moment, Wang Dalei cut the space ball in half with one shot!

Jiangnan out of trouble!

At this moment, the spiritual power of the dragging dragon loach has bottomed out again, and it can no longer use the warp speed bubble!

Li Mingshan slashed out of a broken world, and the dragging dragon loach couldn't escape!

There was a blood cut on his body!

Seeing that Li Mingshan is about to be imprisoned with a space ball!

Jiangnan said nothing, a tiger roared out!

Li Mingshan knelt on the ground face to face with the dragging dragon loach, his expression extremely stiff!

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1000! ]

However, when the battle has just reached the fierce moment, there is no need to care so much!

One person and one beast got up quickly, and seeing that the situation was not right, the dragging dragon loach roared at the mantis and the others!

Let them take the opportunity to withdraw to the Void Sea!

Just as Li Mingshan was about to start here, there was another tiger roar in Jiangnan!


Li Mingshan knelt on the ground with Drew Xulong Loach again!

[From Li Mingshan…]

I saw two blue veins collapsed on Li Mingshan's forehead, struggled to get up, and rushed towards the dragging virtual dragon loach!


Before Zhao'er was released, Jiang Nan shouted again!

One person and one loach knelt against each other, and their faces are almost pasted!

Li Mingshan was furious: "Can you stop roaring? You have nothing to do with your throat!"

"Don't interrupt! I'll solve it myself!"

I have knelt down three times in a while, but I am still kneeling against it!

Those who knew it thought it was a fight, and those who didn't knew it thought that I was worshipping with the dragging virtual dragon loach!

One worships the heavens and the earth, the other worships the high hall, and the husband and wife worship each other!

Kneel again and you will be sent to the bridal chamber!

Jiangnan: (??~??) Huh? I... I'm not thinking about it, I'm afraid that Grandpa Li will suffer! "

Li Mingshan glared: "I'm at a loss! I don't need you... poof!"

The dragging virtual dragon loach flicked its tail, slapped it on Li Mingshan's face, and smashed it and flew out!


Immediately teleport away!

Jiang Nan was shocked: "Not good! It's going to run! Watch me yell at it! Whoa!"

However, this voice roared out, but it had no effect. Dragging the Void Dragon Loach knew that it was invincible, and teleported wildly towards the Void Sea!

And Jiangnan was surprised!

Cookie time is up?

He couldn't help looking up at the sky, looking at Li Mingshan, who was flying away, his eyes fixed on the blood hole at the waist of Li Mingshan!

The eyes were blood red, and a teleport rushed to the sky!

Li Mingshan had just stabilized his body and was sensing the location of the Drake Void Dragon Loach!

I felt a gust of wind blowing under me, and I couldn't help but look down!

"Huh? What..."

The two horns in Jiangnan that appeared in the teleportation stabbed Li Mingshan's waist fiercely!

The repelling effect broke out, and it was stunned that it flew more than a thousand meters to the top!

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1000! ]

"Jiang! Nan! Are you crazy? What are you doing against me? Why don't I just say something to you?"

Li Mingshan, who was full of anger, had to say it again, only to see the wormhole unfolding in the space under his crotch!

A sinful little hand came in, and shoved Li Mingshan's peach fiercely!

(????)?(???????lll) "Yah hoo hoo~"

[The resentment value from Li Mingshan +1001! ]

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