Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 942 Dare to say it! one dares to believe

In the dark night, Xia Yao's eyes glowed like a hungry wolf!

As soon as the little hand pinched it, it moved closer to Jiangnan!

ԅ(·̀ ꇴ ·́ԅ)~ෆ

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva and quickly warned: "You have to be gentle, I am very precious!"

Xia Yao smiled: "Oh! Don't worry, I will be very gentle and careful!"

Jiangnan Steel clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, as if you were here!

Of course Xia Yao will not be polite, she stretches out her little hand!

Immediately look satisfied!

There is nothing in life that makes people happier than picking peaches!

( ૢ⁼̴ ◡ ⁼̴)ᓄ(˃᷄~˂᷅ ๐)

Xia Yao doesn't give up, the opportunity is rare, and you have to enjoy the addiction to survive the side effects!

But he didn't dare to exert himself, for fear of hurting Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan bit his lower lip tightly, grabbing the edge of the pillow with his big hand!

I swear to myself, I must hold back, wow, what is this level?

What big scene have you not seen?

In the watery night, it was very quiet, Jiang Nan and Xia Yao didn't speak, and they could even hear each other's heartbeat!

A few minutes passed, Xia Yaoqiao's face was full of astonishment, and she looked at Jiangnan!

"Xiao Nan? You..."

Jiang Nan blushed and pulled over the pillow, covered his face, and muffled his voice.

"This is something that can't be helped? It's force majeure! Who... Who can withstand this!"

Xia Yao: (❛ั◡❛ั∗) Hee~

The next moment, Jiang Nan's body froze suddenly, pulled away the pillow and looked at Xia Yao!

"You don't..."

Before the words were finished, Xia Yao put a finger on Jiang Nan's lips!

(๐ớ ₃ờ)Shh~

"This is a side effect of biscuits, and there is no way to do it, right?"

"I'm still doing it for the cookies you eat, so it's normal for you to be responsible, right?"

"Leave it to me~ darling!"

Seeing the light in Xia Yao's big eyes, Jiang Nan's heart was beating wildly, and he only felt that he could fry an egg on his face!

Finally gave up the resistance!

I think Big Wolf is right!

I'm just giving her the side effect of eliminating the biscuits, not doing anything weird?

Yep! That's it!

Time passed by minute by minute, but at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came!

Ziyuan in white rabbit pajamas rushed into the RV, opened the door, and was about to speak!

Seeing Xia Yao sitting next to Jiangnan, her hands are still eliminating side effects...

Seeing Ziyuan come in, Xia Yao, like a thief, shrank his hands to his back like lightning and hid!

Ziyuan's face turned red: "No... I'm sorry, I didn't know the two of you were discussing issues, I... I'll come back later!"

Said to run out!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and hurriedly greeted: "Qiudou sacks ~ what the hell is this discussion? I'm just helping her to eliminate the side effects of monkey cookies!"

Saying that, he hit Xia Yao with his elbow!

Xia Yao can't stop nodding!

(๐・̀◠・́) "That's right! It's just like this, not what you think it is!"

Ziyuan rolled her eyes, I believe you two ghosts!

But now Ziyuan has no time to take care of this matter, she quickly said with a horrified expression:

"You don't know, I just laid an egg!"

Jiang Nan lay on the bed with a calm face!

∠(≖‸≖ 」∠)_

"Um~ then what?"

Ziyuan stared, what the hell? You shouldn't be super shocked, should you?

"You don't believe it, do you? Look it up? It's still hot!"

As he spoke, he took out a large egg from the pocket of his pajamas!


Jiang Nan just rolled his eyes: "Che~ is this big? It's not as big as my eggs!"

Purple kite: ∑(°mouth°๑)

"What rice? How fat four! Are you laying eggs too?"

Jiang Nan returned his hand and took out the egg he just laid in the alien space!

"Hey~ Isn't that what? People lay eggs? What's the fuss about this?"

Ziyuan was stunned, and hurriedly ran over to take the eggs laid by Jiangnan and kept watching!

It's really the same as what I put down, I didn't fool myself!

"You are talking nonsense! How can humans lay eggs? We are all mammals, don't bully me for reading less! There must be something wrong!"

Jiangnan Hands: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭

"My Jiang Daigou never lies, okay? Humans will lay three eggs in their lives, one each for youth, middle age, and old age!"

"When you lay an egg in your twilight years, you are not far from death, so that egg is also called finished!"

Ziyuan's eyes widened, her face stunned: "Really...really? Then why have I never heard anyone talk about laying eggs?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Isn't this nonsense? Who would tell others about something as private as laying eggs?"

"And through the state of the egg, it is possible to reflect a person's current physical condition!"

Xia Yao on the side is going crazy, can you be any worse, Xiao Nan?

Really one dares to say, one dares to believe!

Immediately, he helped Nanwei and said: "Well~ I haven't laid eggs yet, and I'm almost laying eggs, so I'm looking forward to it!"

Ziyuan's worldview is broken, it turns out that human beings really can lay eggs!

"Then... Then show me how my eggs are? How are you?"

Jiangnan took the egg and observed it for a long time!

"Well~ the eggshell is hard and complete, not a soft egg, the egg white and yolk are distinct, not a bastard, the fresh one is fresh, and it is not a bad egg!"

"Look at the lustrous color of phosgene, the weight of your hand, and the small size of the egg... This is most likely a stupid egg!"

"Take it back and treasure it well!"

Ziyuan frowned: "Stupid egg! Stupid... stupid?"

[The resentment value from Ziyuan +1000! ]

Her voice suddenly rose an octave, her teeth were grinding, she went up and grabbed Jiang Nan's neck and shook wildly!

"You're just an idiot! Did you fool me? I just believed you just now!"

"I strangled you? Tell me what the hell is going on?"

Jiang Nan was pinched and rolled his eyes!

"Cough~ I'm not kidding you! It's a side effect of chicken biscuits!"

Ziyuan gritted her teeth for a while, what kind of broken biscuits are these? Does the old lady get nervous?

Saying that, he grabbed the pillow and threw it out along the window!

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, and he went out to grab the pillow in a teleport...

"Don't want to sleep tonight, I'll kill you!"

[The resentment value from Ziyuan +1000! ]


The Jiangnan side is very comfortable at night, but the hunter group is in a completely different situation!

On a giant floating island, there are only more than 500 poachers left to meet together!

All of them were disgraced and embarrassed, many of them sat by the trees, gnawed grass roots, and ate wild fruits, making them like savages!

Others just fell asleep on the ground, covered with Zhang Dashu leaves, and shivered from the cold!

There was also a huge silver sable corpse next to it. It was charred black and only had 5 diamonds, but it slaughtered dozens of poachers!

Jin Hao was seriously injured before killing him!

At this moment, many poachers are watching the corpse of the silver sable flow laughing!

"What grassroots and wild fruits do you eat? Isn't it delicious to eat a silver mink alive with fire?"

"A shithole? Aren't you afraid of attracting other spirit beasts? As soon as the smell of meat comes out, who can stand a space-type spirit beast?"

"Damn it! All the supplies were taken by that little bastard in Jiangnan, and there are more than ten days before they can go out! It's going to kill people!"

"I knew that the Void Sea was so dangerous, and I didn't bring it to my death!"

[The resentment value from Wu Hui +1000! ]

[From Liu Shitake Mushrooms…]

The people above are chatting, and there are many civil engineering departments digging holes there!

After being busy for a long time, a giant pit with a diameter of several kilometers has been dug!

I saw that the pit was a disfigured ruin that had collapsed and damaged, occupying a huge area and buried deep in the soil!

Through the building fragments, you can vaguely see the different architectural styles, which are completely unlike the products of Blue Star!

It is made of an unknown grey and white stone, and the texture is extremely hard. Even if a platinum-level spiritual warrior is bombarded with all his strength, it will not leave a trace!

I don't know how it collapsed like this!

At this moment, many poachers are digging non-stop, and their faces are full of excitement!

This relic was exposed when Jin Hao and the silver sable were fighting with the top layer of floating soil!

"Boss! I found another shard!"

Jin Hao was sitting on a rock, wrapped in bandages, and two recovery poachers were treating his wounds!

I couldn't help laughing when I heard it: "Send it here! I'll give you the money back!"

The poacher ran over with a fragment of a stone tablet the size of a human head!

On the ground in front of Jin Hao, there were already more than thirty pieces of crystal stone tablets!

Still can't make a complete stone tablet, and only about a third of it has been found!

The crystal stele is engraved with tiny characters, all complex incantations, and even intricate drawings!

Jin Hao put the crystal stone tablet he just dug into it!

Eyes full of excitement!

"Riding on a horse! It's really a shit luck! Post it! Post it!"

"Although I don't know what the hell it is, things with spells engraved on them are very valuable!"

"If you sell it abroad, the price of a piece of debris is a string of astronomical figures!"

"This material alone is very animal. I can't break it?"

If Jiangnan is here, you will be able to recognize that this stone tablet is made of the same material as the virtual nail!

At this moment, Zhang San just stood beside the stone tablet and observed it carefully!

From time to time, I took out my phone, turned on the flash, and zoomed in to take pictures...

Jin Hao on the side turned a blind eye!

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