Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 932 I'm talking nonsense! (add more)

Everyone was shocked by this big guy who teleported out of the field!

what's the situation? Start the boss with a face output? Kill seventy or eighty people with one knife?

Scarface, the head of the Wind Chasing Group, has been cut into two pieces, and the dead can't die any longer!

You all come in less than a minute!

Jin Hao looked pale as he looked at the corpses on the ground, the danger of the Void Sea was far beyond his imagination!

When you came up, you encountered a star-level space spirit beast?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken this job myself?

This money has life to earn, life to spend, right?

His eyes couldn't help falling on the door of the space where he came, not only Jin Hao thought so!

The same is true for all the poachers, turning their heads and running towards the space door!

However, the direction of the cyan mantis facing the space door is a slash! m.

The rapidly distorted space cut down the sturdy giant tree that ten people could not hold together like a leek!

Pieces of ancient trees were dumped, and dozens of people died!

And the cyan mantis disappeared in the field with a teleport.

When the huge body appeared again, it was already blocked at the space door!

The two mantis knives slashed in a row, and even drew a phantom, and dozens of space blades with a length of 100 meters were cut out like a storm of blades!

Shatter everything in front of you!

Jin Hao and Chen Daoer's eyes were red, and they stepped forward!

If this is not the best, the ghost knows how many people will die!

"Tiemu Congsheng! Ha!"

Chen Daoer looked ferocious, and the plants under his feet were growing wildly, and they were already towering in an instant!

The iron wood is close together, forming a thick barrier!

Jin Hao's whole body was even lit with orange flames, and he raised his hand and threw out a wall of flames, which then exploded!

"Sky curtain blast!"

The space blade slashed, smashed the iron wood barrier, and tore the blast shock wave!

Chen Daoer hurriedly protected his body with the spiritual gauze. Although he held the space blade, he was also slashed and flew out, vomiting blood!

And Jin Hao's shoulder was torn open with a wound, blood spattered!

This is worthy of blocking the strangulation of the space blade!

Zi Yuan's face turned white with fright, she grabbed Jiang Nan's waist tightly, and hid behind him, revealing half of her head!


If it wasn't for Jiangnan's use of the space wormhole to divert the attack of the space blade, I'm afraid it would be cold on my side!

Xia Yao was shocked: "Is teleportation a standard for all space-type spirit beasts? So brutal?"

Jiang Nan's heart was also throbbing. Fortunately, the 24-hour side effect time passed, and the horns shrank back. Otherwise, seeing this scene, Jiang Mad Niu should go online again!

But the same headache, no wonder there are so few space spirit beads in the world!

Teleportation is the basic innate skill of the space system, are all space-type spirit beasts born with it?

The countless spatial fluctuations I sensed just now were all caused by the teleportation of the spirit beasts?

There's no point in this, you can't even touch it, right? Not to mention killing beasts to get pearls!

However, looking at the blue mantis blocking the door, the Jiangnan Harazi are all rude!

Dimension Slash or something is so handsome!

The Lingzhu delivered to your door wow? Don't you just get the job done after finishing this vote?

(??mouth???)?"Big brother! This is the magic skill, I'm in love with him, you help me fuck him!"

Kim Ho: ? ? ?

I can't save my own life, huh? And help you do him?

If it's not good, I'm going to be chopped up with minced meat!

If it weren't for you, I would have suffered this crime?

[The resentment value from Jin Hao +1000! ]

However, this situation is not the time for trouble at all!

"Big... Big brother really can't do it!"

Gangnam: (¬д¬?) Eh~

Jin Hao: (???Benefit???)

What's your expression like? Who do you despise? There is a kind of you on?

[The resentment value from Jin Hao +1000! ]

At this moment, the blue mantis blocked the door, with a playful expression in his compound eyes!

Obviously he doesn't want to let anyone leave, even if someone wants to escape deep into the woods!

The cyan mantis will teleport over immediately, hack it to death, and then teleport back to the door to continue blocking the door!

At this moment, Chen Sen's face is also extremely ugly, let alone Jiangnan!

If you don't handle it well, you have to throw it here!

"The surname is Jin. Now that the enemy is in front of us, how about cooperation for the time being? You and I are on top!"

"Let his subordinates run away separately. Although this mantis can teleport, it cannot take into account multiple directions at the same time!"

"Do you and I get out of each other again?"

Jin Hao's eyes are bright, Chen Erye is indeed an old senior, and he is worried about what excuses he can find to cooperate, so that Jiangnan will not be suspicious!

Just about to go to bed, did the second master bring all the pillows?

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "That's the only way to do it!"

Jiangnan: (????)

I just quietly watched you two play in that pimple!

The two looked at each other and nodded immediately!



Then rush towards the cyan mantis at the same time!

And a group of poachers and Chen Jiasenwei also took this opportunity to run in all directions, fleeing towards the depths of the Void Sea!


The two and one praying mantis fought together immediately!

However, the attack power of the cyan mantis is explosive, coupled with teleport assistance!

Even in the middle of a fight with the two, you can teleport out and kill those who are about to escape!

You know, the limit distance of diamond-level teleportation is 10,000 meters!

And Xingyao reached a terrifying 30,000 meters!

It's not easy to run away at all!

Faced with the teleportation and killing of the cyan mantis, the fleeing personnel had no choice at all!

If you are targeted, you will die. Whether you can escape or not depends on luck!

Ziyuan weakly said: "What should we do? Run?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "The cyan mantis is a teleport distance, and it hits me 10 times. As long as it is targeted, it can't run away!"

"I don't want to give our lives to luck, let's not run!"

"Isn't there still my eldest brother and Chen Lao Er? We can just follow along and watch the fun!"

On the side of Jin Hao and Chen Lao Er, it is the limit that they can keep up with the movement of the blue mantis and resist the attack!

After working for a long time, I didn't even touch the hair of the blue mantis! Can't hit at all!

This thing is not something they can deal with at all!

Seeing their subordinates being hacked to death, the eyes of both of them were red, and they were completely fired up!

Looking at Jiangnan and his party, they are honestly standing in place to watch the fun!

Jiangnan even took out a bag of pistachios and gave them to his teammates to eat!

[The resentment value from Jin Hao +1000! ]

[The resentment value from Chen Daoer +1000! ]

Du Te Meow came in to get you in, and we ended up fighting to death here!

Where are you watching the fun like nothing?

"Brother Jiang! You are here to help too, aren't you from the space department?"

Jiangnan: (??????) "Huh? I'm just a slag platinum slag? This is a star-level spirit beast. My legs are so frightened that I don't dare to move!"

Chen Daoer said angrily, "Bah! Then I'm still Xingyao! Why didn't you see your legs weak when you just stabbed Lao Tzu?"

Jiangnan: ╮(??~??)╭

"That's what Jiang Mad Niu did. What does it have to do with me Jiangnan?"

Kim Ho: ! ! !

"Brother! Hurry up and think of a way, if I don't survive this wave, you can't leave with this mantis!"

Jiang Nan's expression became positive: "Brother is right, I will find a way to help you!"

Said a teleport and rushed towards the battlefield!

Ziyuan everyone's faces are full of astonishment, Nanshen is really on? How dare he!

As soon as he entered the arena, Jin Hao hurriedly said: "The same is the space department, you must know what weaknesses this mantis has?"

"If it doesn't... it can restrain its body shape!"

Jiang Nan patted his chest: "Leave it to me, I can't understand its weaknesses!"

Speaking of opening the Alien Space, a roar!

Suddenly, he pulled out an off-road vehicle and threw it towards the cyan mantis with all his strength!

The cyan mantis was startled, and subconsciously used the mantis knife to cross the off-road vehicle!

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the off-road vehicle was cut into two, and a violent explosion occurred!

Jin Hao and Chen Daoer were both stunned, what did you lose?


Are you serious?

Are you sure that a star-level space spirit beast can be killed by an off-road vehicle?

However, Jiangnan didn't stop at all, grabbing the bumper of an off-road vehicle in one hand and throwing it towards the cyan mantis like a stone!

In a blink of an eye, a dozen cars were thrown out!

The cyan mantis seemed to be addicted to splitting, and two mantis knives drew a phantom in the air!

Precisely split all the off-road vehicles that smashed in half, just like cutting fruit!

Jin Hao's face turned green, he recognized it!

"That horse is our car! What are you throwing it for?"

The car was completely chopped up by the mantis, how will I go back then?

If you put it outside, it's fine, but if you bring it in, the spirit beast will be chopped up and blown up!

[The resentment value from Jin Hao +1000! ]


Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "What time is it, do you still care about the ghost off-road vehicle? Didn't you see that I was using the off-road vehicle to attract the attack of the mantis?"

"Life is more important or off-road vehicle is more important? Why don't you hurry up and fight it?"

The cyan mantis saw that Jiangnan had not lost the car, but instead hooked Jiangnan with anticipation!


Like you're saying keep going? Throw two more for my grandfather to chop and play!

Of course Jiangnan is welcome, and he threw the car towards the mantis frantically. Anyway, it wasn't his own, and he didn't feel bad!

It happens that the alien space is almost full, take the opportunity to make room, otherwise it will be difficult to pretend to be another baby!

Jin Hao and Chen Daoer were both stunned, because the blue mantis was really chopping cars, not chasing and killing those fleeing men, nor attacking himself!

"This... why is this?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Why? What education do you two have? You don't know? Because the man's arm is a car?"

Jin Hao: Σ(°Д°|||)

Chen Dao Er: (??mouth???)!!!

God's special meow is a car!

You really aren't blind to the things you learned at school, right?

The key is our car!

Is the cyan mantis really addicted to cutting?


[The resentment value from Jin Hao +1000! ]

[The resentment value from Chen Daoer +1000! ]

Chen Daoer seemed to have thought of something, and his face was shocked!

"Don't underestimate idioms, idioms are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients!"

"You must know that this is not the first time the spiritual energy has recovered. Maybe the ancients have long discovered the habits of this spiritual beast!"

"Then sum it up with idioms, and it may be passed down to future generations!"

Jiangnan: (?_?)…

I'm talking nonsense, I just want to make room for the alien space!

Then by the way, I will disgust you, and earn some resentment value Huahua!

You are very imaginative

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