Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 919: Poacher's Feast

A group of Long Yuan went to the Iron Dragon City in the dark night and went to their own defense point!

As the giant train moved slowly, the outpost's steel gates opened to the No Man's Land in Doc!

The steel dragon city whistled, and the thick whistle echoed throughout the outpost!

No matter what everyone in the base was doing, the moment they heard the flute, they all put down their work!

Because they knew that it was the Iron and Steel Dragon City that was about to enter the no-man's land!

They all got up, looked solemn, and saluted in the direction of the gate!

Every time you enter no man's land, it is a battle of life and death!

No one knows how many of these Lingwu troops who have entered will eventually come back completely!

On the train, many recruits looked nervous, and the palms holding the gun barrels were all sweaty!

The veteran patted him on the shoulder by the side!

"Don't be afraid! The brothers are all here. Besides, Nanshen will follow us this time, so we'll be covered!"

The recruit swallowed his saliva and looked up at Jiangnan, who was standing on the roof of the car facing the sunset, with a smile on his face!

I don't know why, but my heart is inexplicably calm!

"Well! Don't be afraid!"

The steel dragon city crossed the gate and plunged into the no-man's land!

The speed has increased wildly, and the radar in the cab always monitors the movements of the surrounding herds and whether the track ahead is complete!

As soon as I got in the car, Ziyuan fell asleep again!

There is still some distance from the 056 outpost. She is ready to dream again. If she can dream of other scenes, things might turn around!

And Jiangnan is standing at the railing to enjoy the scenery of no-man's land!

On both sides of the railway tracks, you can already see the grasslands, as well as the unknown trees that have grown in recent years!

The concentration of spiritual energy here even surpasses that of the general spiritual market!

The green mountains and plains are so green that it is hard to imagine that it was a barren Gobi Desert more than 20 years ago!

In the distance there is a huge white skeleton lying on the grassland, covered with moss!

There is also the water pouring down from the door of the Lingxu space, which has formed a vast lake!

I could vaguely see the traces of the spirit beasts walking, and I could hear the sound of the steel dragon city passing by, so I turned my head and ran away in fright!

Jiangnan smacked his tongue for a while and entered the Dik no-man's land. How could it feel like returning to the prehistoric era?

"呲liu ~ Qiuqiu ~"

Jiangnan scratched his head, where did the saliva come from?

Can't help but look to the side!

I saw Liu Mang standing at the railing at the moment, holding a bikini-clad girl in his arms, beating me off!

( ・᷄ 3・᷅)(ᵔεᵔ*)

Jiang Nan's eyes widened sharply: "Ah~ you don't carry anyone behind your back?"

Liu Mang smiled: "No... I'm sorry, come, Aijiang, say hello to Nanshen!"

The bikini girl wiped her mouth, smiled shyly, and waved gently towards Jiangnan!

"Hello Nanshen!"

Jiang Nan had a bright smile on his face: "Okay! Brother and sister also... eh?"

"Where did this bikini girl come from on the Iron Dragon City?"

Liu Mang snapped his fingers casually, and two bikini girls in ragged clothes suddenly appeared beside Jiang Nan, smiling sweetly!

One person hugs Jiangnan's arm!

(。·́ ◡·̀(›ಠ﹏ಠ‹ )ᵕᴗᵕ๑)

"Giggle~ I'm Bao'er, does Nanshen like it?"

"Nonsense, how could Nanshen like you like that? I'm his dish!"

Jiangnan: (›ʘ̆口ʘ̆‹ )!

What the fuck? What the hell is this sudden heaven? Is it so real?

Is it... a mental illusion? It was projected by Liu Mang?

Sure enough, Jiang Nan's whole body was shocked, and the two girls suddenly disappeared into clouds!

Liu Mang was startled: "Don't like it? I have other styles!"

Saying that, we will project out again!

Jiang Nan's face was full of horror: "You fuck me! Then the one you just kissed is also..."

Liu Mang looked happy: "My daughter-in-law? What's wrong?"

Jiang Nan's face is dark, but you can save trouble. Project the phantom characters in your mind through projection?

Don't you have to look for a daughter-in-law?

Hi yourself?

Wasn't Liu Mang talking to him just now?

The two girls before were also transformed from Liu Mang's thoughts?

Thinking of this, Jiangnan felt a chill, and looked at Liu Mang with disgust!

"Just get used to it! This thing is no longer saved!"

A voice full of magnetism came from the side, startling Jiang Nan!

Look sharply to the side!

I saw a short-haired young man standing next to him, with an unremarkable public face, without any features at all!

The kind that you can't even recognize when you're thrown into the crowd!


Jiang Nan's face was full of astonishment: "Hey~ when did you come here? There was someone next to me just now?"

[The resentment value from Zhang San +666! ]

Zhang San's face darkened: "I was standing here before you came..."

"Get to know me, Zhang San! Codenamed Extrajudicial Madman, this time I will go to the Void Sea with Sister Yuan, please take care of me!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, extrajudicial fanatic?

Is this code name more arrogant than me?

In other words, when such a big living person stood beside him for so long, he didn't even notice?

Liu Mang glared: "Zhang San! What do you mean? Who can't be saved? Did I break the law or what?"

"You are not allowed to look down on my Ai-chan, please apologize to Ai-chan!"

Zhang San rolled his eyes at Liu Mang, ignoring him at all!

Liu Mang grinned: "Sister Yuan's dream has always been accurate, Nanshen! I don't have much time left to see you!"

"As a brother, if you have any unfulfilled dreams, just tell me!"

"I will definitely try my best to satisfy you. When you really experience the fun, you will realize that the only thing that limits your happiness is your imagination!"

Jiangnan's face is extremely dark!

What kind of shit doesn't have much time left? Can't you pick up something nice to say?

At this moment, several modified off-road vehicles sprang out from the jungle on both sides of the Iron Dragon City!

There are also explosively modified stunt motorcycles with many spirit warriors sitting on them!

The grades are not low, most of them are platinum, and diamonds are also available!

At the moment, I am sitting on the roof of the car, whistling towards the Iron Dragon City, screaming! I even took a picture with my phone!

Long Yuan Ye didn't care at all, he just watched from the sidelines!

Jiang Nan frowned: "Who are these people? Are there still spiritual warriors in the no-man's land?"

Zhang San sneered: "It's a poacher, a bunch of guys who only have money in their eyes! You don't want to die if you want money! It's annoying!"

Jiang Nan was shocked!

‼ (·'mouth'· ۶)۶ "Fuck! Who is talking?"

Zhang San: ╮(¬_¬)╭

[The resentment value from Zhang San +666! ]

Jiang Nan expressed his shock to Zhang San who "suddenly" appeared beside him!

I was also secretly stunned, why did Laozi always ignore his existence inexplicably and regard it as an air background board?

Zhang San seems to be used to being ignored.

"These are free spirit warriors who sneaked into Dike's no-man's land, in order to hunt the spirit beads of rare spirit beasts!"

"These spirit beads can be sold at high prices on the black market, and they usually sneak in from the minefield power grid arranged on the edge of the no-man's land! If you don't, dig tunnels!"

"The big servant destroys the border set by the post. There have been many times before that the herd broke out of the no-man's land because the border was destroyed by poachers!"

"The activities of poachers also make the movement of the herds in the no-man's land unstable, which greatly increases the difficulty for the outposts to defend against the herds!"

Jiang Nan frowned deeply: "Is there no way to manage it?"

Zhang San smiled bitterly: "No-man's land is more than one million square kilometers, how long is the boundary line? I can't control it!"

"In addition, these poachers have formed a complete underground industry chain! There are so many tricks!"

"Look? It's starting to work again. Every time the Iron Dragon City enters the no-man's land, it is a feast for the poachers!"

In front of the Iron Dragon City, a diamond-ranked warrior with several platinum-ranked spirit warriors was running fast on the grassland!

There is a huge group of rock-devouring rats hanging behind them, at least thousands!

And more than a dozen off-road motorcycles used magic skills to drive away the rats!

Go straight to the railroad tracks of the Steel Armored Dragon City!

In the blink of an eye, the rails were already covered with dense rock-eating rats!

On the Iron Dragon City, the alarm sounded instantly!

"Prepare for impact, everyone is in place! Fasten the safety rope to prevent being thrown off the car!

"In order to ensure the smooth passage of the Dragon City, please kill the spirit beasts as much as possible! Prevent the Dragon City from being hit and derailed!"

After the notification, the Iron Dragon City accelerated again, and the incantations on the armor lit up!

Liu Mang reluctantly said: "Nan Shen! It's better to block it a little bit, you have to wash it later if it splashes all over!"

As soon as the words were finished, the Iron Dragon City directly accelerated and slammed into it!


The spirit-binding steel shovel in front of the car shoveled the rock-eating rat, which was 20 to 30 meters tall, and smashed it into pieces!

Shovel all the way! Everything flying in the sky is red and chirping, and the scene cannot be described in words!

With its huge kinetic energy and inertia, the Iron Dragon City just hit a bloody road among the beasts!

And the rock-devouring rat near Longcheng even had red eyes, and rammed into the carriage regardless of it!

But they are met with ruthless shelling!

"Boom boom boom!"

Armor-piercing spirit-binding cannons, steel barrages fired frantically, smashing the rock-devouring rats that rushed up!

And Long Yuan, who was standing at the fence, also shot in the dark night, killing the rock-eating rat who was trying to overturn the carriage!

At this moment, a group of poachers stood by from a distance watching the excitement, cheering, whistling, and excited!

When you see a spirit beast that has been killed, rush up to buckle the spirit bead and get a bargain!

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes: "It's quite slippery to play! Relying on Long Yuan's dark night, you don't have the same knowledge as you, and if you don't have time to pay attention to you, you can bully it hard, right?"

"Life-saving supplies and equipment! If it really goes off the rails, who can afford it?"

"Still picking it up? I'll see you pick up a dre later?"

Speaking of a teleportation, he disappeared on the Dragon City!

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