At this moment, Ziyuan's whole body is flaky!

God, Jiangnan is so handsome that he fouls, okay?

Why didn't you find him so attractive just now?

I thought I was an old cow and couldn't eat the tender grass!

But who knows, it still smells of tender grass!

Ziyuan felt that her eyes couldn't be separated from Jiang Nan's face for a second!

A "goose box box" laughter came out of his mouth, and two small hands unconsciously touched Jiang Nan's face!

Pursuing beautiful things is human instinct!

And Jiangnan at this moment is a beautiful thing that all living things cannot refuse!

Looking at the little hand that Ziyuan touched, Jiang Nan smiled brightly!

It really works! remember for a second

But can Ziyuan succeed so easily?

Not at all!

I saw Jiangnan step back and sit on the dining chair!

"Don't do anything? It's not good, just watch it!"

What you can't get is the best, so you will think about it in your heart and read it!

Ziyuan wiped her nosebleed: "Humph! If you entered my house, then I can't help you! Sister, I just want to eat tender grass today!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Jiangnan, but Jiangnan raised his hand and released a void barrier!


Ziyuan hit a solid, just as the lynx said!

Although it was Xing Yaoyi, the weaker group was easily tied up by Jiang Nan with the Void Chain and placed across from the dining table!

"Don't eat it! Brother is a southerner that you will never get, you can only watch it from a distance, but don't play with it!"

Ziyuan struggled for a long time and didn't struggle, she just struggled!

But honestly sitting across from Jiangnan!

A pair of purple pupils have become heart-shaped, looking like a nympho, laughing non-stop!


The nosebleed dripped on the dining table incessantly, and after a while, it flowed into a large pool, and then flowed from the dining table to the pajama pants!

Totally hooked!

At this moment, that fat orange actually followed from the conference room and looked in from the window!

When she saw Ziyuan, who was tied into a zongzi, with a nosebleed, she couldn't help but shuddered, her back was blown up!

In the blink of an eye, his eyes fell on Jiang Nan!

The first time I saw it, I was forgotten to the back of my head!

The fat face was directly attached to the glass, making a soft "meow~" sound, and the cat's claws kept clawing at the glass, obviously wanting to come in!


Jiang Nan was attracted by the sound and turned his head to look, his eyes brightened!

"Haha, can't even the orange cat be able to compete with the charm of the Nanren? Now let's see if you will let me lick it?"

Speaking of a space wormhole, he took the orange cat in!

The orange cat nestled in Jiangnan's arms, rubbing like a coquettish coquettish for a while, and the fierce appearance before was completely gone!

Jiangnan moved his hands up and down, twisted left and right, straightened static electricity for the orange cat, and rubbed the cat 360 feet up and down without dead ends!

The orange cat made a comfortable purr, and with a melted expression, it had turned into a liquid cat!

And Zi Yuan, who was watching this scene, was even more intoxicated, completely immersed in it!

Jiangnan laughed, and for better results, he hugged the orange cat and walked towards the bathroom!

I poured a bathtub full of Vigor 2.0 inwards, and jumped into the bathtub after stripping!

Ziyuan in the living room widened her eyes, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, how could she hold back?

Struggle like crazy!

"I want to see, can you rub your back? Would you like my sister to rub it for you?"

Jiangnan: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "I have a wormhole, I can get there without your help!"

At this moment, the orange cat squatted on the edge of the bathtub, turned his face to the side, and peeked...(?????)

Jiang Nan hugged Fat Orange: "Come on! Let's wash it off together, you..."

Just as I put the orange cat in the bathtub, Jiangnan was a shock!

If you put it in, won't you lose your hair? Can't let it go!

However, when I looked down, the orange cat's tail had already dipped into the water!

When I took it out again, the tail had become bald, and there was not a single cat left on it!

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, and when he looked at the orange cat again, he had already surrendered to his own charm!

Didn't notice the tail at all!

Jiangnan swallowed, it... it shouldn't mind, right?

After taking a shower, it was already late at night!

Ziyuan was lying on the table with a bloodless face, and she didn't know whether she fell asleep or fainted because of excessive blood loss!

After watching it for so long, you should be able to dream of me, right?

While speaking, he carried Ziyuan into the bedroom, closed the door, and stood by the bed with anticipation!

At the dining table, the orange cat woke up faintly, arched up and stretched a lazy waist!

His eyes were a little dazed, and then he seemed to remember something, and his eyes were full of anger!

Did I just get mad?

How could that nasty human touch me? Every part of the body has not been spared!


And... also looked at the human body?

Pooh! nausea!

There are tears in the corners of Fat Orange's eyes, I'm not clean anymore! woo~

I don't know why, I was very annoying at first, but I couldn't help but want to get closer when I saw it!

I feel very happy when being touched, my head is dizzy!

It's quite comfortable... Seeing the fat orange on his tail, his expression froze!

The hair on my tail?

How can you be bald?

Did that human make me bald while I was sleeping?

Bald-tailed cats are so ugly!

Kill him!

Must be killed wow!

Looking at the door of the room, Fat Orange's eyes were full of cold light, and a burst of claws!

But he still held back, and dexterously scurried out of the office building!

Under the cover of night, rush out of the outpost and run all the way to the depths of the no-man's land!

The speed is as fast as lightning, after completely running out of the monitoring range of the outpost!

Finally, I no longer suppressed my own breath, and the ferocious spiritual energy suddenly erupted!

The chubby body suddenly became huge, and turned into a colorful tiger with a height of over 100 meters, surrounded by white clouds!

Mighty and fierce, with a roar of a tiger, all beasts crawl!

The spiritual pressure belonging to Daotian-level spirit beasts spread out, and I don’t know how many spirit beasts were shivering in fright!

Fat Orange looked back at his tail with an uneasy heart!

Damn it!

It's all turned into its original shape, why hasn't the hair on the tail grown?

How can I go back to see my buddies and subordinates?

I don't want to be ashamed?

Smelly human! you wait for me! Kill you sooner or later!

But thinking of the action plan I heard in the war room during the day, no matter how embarrassing it is, I have to go back!

The current habitat of the tribe is no longer safe, and the three hell wolves are moving towards the habitat!

There are also poachers gathering there, and we need to inform everyone to hurry up and move!


in the room!

A muscular iron bull sits on the bed and pulls his braids!

"Honey, you've been in the bathroom for hours without coming out!"

"Don't you say you want to show me new unique skills? Come on!"

"A spring night is worth a thousand dollars! How much money have you wasted?"

At this moment, Wu Liang was hiding in the bathroom, frantically poking his nose with a feather!

They're going crazy!

I didn't hit one of the six sneezes. If this happened in the battle, the iron bull would tear me apart!

no! Gotta blow the sneeze out and fight!


Wu Liang shuddered fiercely, who suffers from this?

At this moment, after all, longing overcomes reason, no matter what!

"Hey! I'll come back after all the money is gone. It's over if I don't give enough energy today!"

Open up!

Seeing Wu Liang coming out, Tie Niu's eyes brightened, the two hugged each other, their eyes were facing each other, and the air gradually became anxious!

But right at this moment, Wu Liang looked at Tie Niu's face, his nose itch, and suddenly he felt it!

"Ah~ Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha~"


The violent nuclear energy sneeze was not wasted at all. After holding it for so long, six came out in a row!

Not even time to catch your breath!

There were six roars, the flames splashed, and the room was bombed to pieces!

The load-bearing walls of the dormitory building were broken!

Tie Niu's face was blown black, his braids collapsed, and blue smoke was coming from his head!

"Pff~cough! Miaomiao, listen to my explanation, I..."

"Are you still laughing? Open the mountain and heavy artillery!"


With a loud bang, Wu Liang's body flew out in response, blasting a huge hole in the wall!

"I'll hammer you to death!"

Saying that, he jumped out of the dormitory building and chased Wu Liang!

The roar is endless!

Long Yuan, who was watching the night, was startled, and he was on guard!

"Enemy... enemy attack? Listen to this sound, penetrating bomb?"

Just as he was about to play the siren, he saw Tie Niu beat Wu Liang violently!

"That's how you hand in your homework? Still crashing me? Say it! Do you not love me anymore?"

The big fist of the casserole randomly smashed Wu Liang's face...

Jiang Nan was shivering while looking at the window, would he be beaten if he couldn't turn in his homework?

Is this the pain of love?

The frightened Jiangnan quickly built a space barrier to surround the room and soundproof, so don't wake up Ziyuan again!

Still waiting for her to tell me my fortune!

Jiang Nan just waited by the bed all night without doing anything!

After Ziyuan fell asleep, it was even more terrifying than the big wolf!

If it wasn't for a space barrier blocking it, I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to go!

In the early morning, Zi Yuan, who was lying on the bed, frowned deeply, her expression was painful, and her forehead was covered in cold sweat!

The pretty face has no color, and the mouth is chanting words of unknown meaning!

Jiang Nan was a little worried. He didn't know what was wrong with her, so he wanted to wake her up!

However, as soon as she stretched out her hand, Zi Yuan suddenly opened her eyes, sat up from the bed, and grabbed Jiang Nan's arm!

"do not!"

Because of too much force, Jiang Nan's arm even turned blue!

It seems that he is still immersed in a dream and has not fully woken up, and there are even tears in the corners of his eyes!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "What... what's wrong? Had a nightmare?"

Ziyuan was covered in cold sweat and sat on the bed for a long time before she recovered!

"It is indeed a nightmare! Void Sea, do you have to go?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: "Of course, where else would I go to get Lingzhu?"

Ziyuan looked at Jiangnan seriously, with a serious face: "You died in the void sea!"

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