Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 897 Don't be stubborn! There are pictures and truth

Eagle Country Slander Castle!

Lance is paralyzed on the sofa wearing glasses, looking at an ancient book intently!

The door suddenly burst open, and the housekeeper rushed in with his computer in his arms!

"Lance Lord, the big thing is not good!"

I saw Lance closing the book angrily: "What's wrong? Every day is bad! Can't there be something good?"

The housekeeper said anxiously: "Look, that guy in Jiangnan has hung up the mithril sword again, this time it costs one billion!"

Lance glared: "What? Didn't I mean Sean took the money to redeem the sword? Why did it hang up again?"

Then he grabbed the computer and looked intently, his face turned green!

[The resentment value from Lance +1001! ]

I almost didn't type Laozi's name directly, didn't it come from Jiushan?

Why are there ten handles again? Does this take into account the handle left in Lao Tzu's hand?

Have you taken all the swords in my pocket and put them up for sale? Are you crazy?

An angry Lance hammered Sean with a phone call!

"Crooked? Where's the sword I asked you to redeem?"

On the bus, Sean wiped his nosebleed and his expression froze!

"Teacher... Master? Something went wrong, don't worry, I'll get the sword back for you sooner or later!"

"The other... The other thing is, Master, can you give me the sword left in your hand? I'm still short of Jiangnan, so I have to send it to him!"

"It's unbelievable to be a man!"

Lance: (ꐦ⊙ benefit ☉ꐦ)!

"No! I didn't understand, I gave you 900 million, but you didn't get the sword back from Lao Tzu!"

"And put the only handle left in my hand? Are you trying to piss me off?"

Undercover is not as crazy as you are, right?

Sean covered his face with his hands, ashamed Nandang, I don't know what's going on, anyway, things have become like this!

"The sword made me compare... I lost the game, master! Just give me the sword, it's useless if you keep one!"

"Really... it really doesn't work, I'll spend money to buy it from you!"

[The resentment value from Lance +1000! ]

He almost didn't carry it in one breath!

"Why did you lose? After a bunch of idiots, the academic exchange lost the sword, and you don't know how to win the sword back through the competition?"

Sean: (′-﹏-` ٥)

"I...we didn't win! Jiangnan is not a human being! He is a god!"

Lance, who was lying on the sofa, spit and almost choked to death!

"Wow! What's the use of me asking you to!"

Martin, who was on the side, couldn't see it, grabbed the phone and yelled at Lance!

"You can stand up and fart with your pimples and you won't have back pain anymore. You didn't come! It's a shame! I also lost hundreds of millions!"

"I shouldn't have listened to your bullshit in the first place, and I will never contact Laozi again!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone angrily. Lance directly squeezed the phone, and his hands were shaking!

The housekeeper's face was full of sadness: "Lord Lance, is this sword still redeemable?"

Lance said angrily: "I don't want to be on the horse, there is still a face for a fart? Let him hang on it!"


At this moment, Jiang Nan, who was eating dinner, laughed at Lance's constantly refreshing resentment value!

The little money I finally earned from Lance's mobile phone was taken away by the system!

Jiang Nan always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart!

If that's the case, why don't you just take a stab at Lance!

Daotian-level powerhouse, is this a bit of wool?

The Jiangnan side is fantasizing about a happy life of 1 billion.

It's a pity that this is destined to be a beautiful dream!

It was late at night, but at this moment, the egg warehouse in the Spirit Pet Building was in full swing!

I saw Xue Lixiang sitting in the center of the egg warehouse dripping with sweat at the moment, her body was surging with spiritual energy, and she differentiated into five elements and injected it into the egg bed!

Fire-baked eggs, blistered eggs, buried eggs, wood-wrapped eggs, golden-wrapped eggs!

You have to pay attention to the temperature of the flame, the flow rate of the water, etc. At the moment, I am reading the textbook of spiritual pet learning with glasses!


With one heart and five uses, I feel like I'm about to burst!

"What kind of ghost pet learning textbook is this? It's like a bastard method? This sounds super unreliable, doesn't it?"

Shirley seriously doubted that she was not here to hatch eggs, but to cook!

After a while, the spiritual power in her body was exhausted, and Shirley opened the glass jar with disgust and ate a mouthful of durian pulp!

(꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ||) Vomit~

"Woooo~ so why am I going through all this! Damn it! Jiangnan! You bastard!"

[The resentment value from Shirley +1000! ]

But thinking of the spiritual pet promised to her, Shirley was full of anticipation again!

"The egg hatcher, the egg hatcher, and the egg hatcher are all masters! Come on!"


Although the exchange group has left Huaxia, the incident on the Internet has not subsided!

That splendid photo of Gangnam Biye laughing even made international headlines!


The world's strongest platinum is born, China Jiangnan! Godly Southerner!

Pentagon Warrior! 1v10 victory, everyone don't be stubborn, there are pictures and the truth!


In the picture, Sean Charles and the others were lying on the ground, Jiang Nan was the only one standing in the field!

As soon as this picture came out, there was mourning in the Lingwu circle of Miying and the two countries!

"This... it's not cured. I was originally looking for confidence. Who would have thought that my heart would be broken after a visit!"

"Hehe, it's fortunate that our Landis Academy has the foresight, and we didn't follow along to join in the fun, otherwise there would be 15 lying on the ground!"

"Jiangnan is only platinum three, doesn't that mean that he is always breaking the world's strongest platinum record?"

"Please comment rationally, hold back, Jiangnan wins, but it's not that easy!"

(Inset) .jap!

As soon as this picture came out, it was topped by the water friends at that time!

This picture is Jiangnan Biye vomiting blood, I don't know how many people are below @南神!

"Giggle~ famous scene, collect it!"

"The real purpose of Nanshen's spitting blood is to not embarrass Sean and the others, and to give them the least comfort in their hearts, right?"

"In order to exchange the face of the hungry group, and for the relationship between the big countries, Nanshen has also worked very hard!"

Nanshen: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅) "Don't talk nonsense, Sean Charles and the others are very hardworking and a group of admirable opponents!"

"Most of the reason I won this game is due to luck, I'm just a million points stronger than them!"

As soon as the reply came out, netizens all exploded!

"Damn! Even the reply is so official, the bloody diplomacy is a real hammer!"

Pulling the phone, Jiangnan laughed and remembered his platinum skills!

If you have platinum skills in this game, you may win even more smoothly!

So I gave Yang Jianham a call!

As soon as it was connected, I heard a creaking sound coming from the phone!

With a face full of gossip, Jiang Nan quickly turned on the speakerphone, put it at the loudest, and listened carefully!

(˵ಡ .̮ಡ˵)ຈꉂꉂ[]

I can hear the voice of the voice lowered!

"Wait...wait, I'll take a call!"

"Umm~ no! Why do you have to answer this time? mua~"

"Don't make trouble, Jiangnan! You..."

Jiangnan: (⌒﹏⌒٥)…

So wisely hung up the phone!

At one o'clock in the morning, the call came back!

"Crooked? Brother Jian? Are you...are you at home?"

Yang Jian stared: "Bullshit! Where can I go without being at home? You kid too!"

"Bring three catties of leeks? Do you know how I got here in the past two weeks? I eat a box of leeks every day for dinner, and I still have half a pocket left!"

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "Isn't this for the sake of my unborn nephew!"

"I sent back the exchange meeting here. If there is nothing else, I will go to Xijiang in the next two days!"

Yang Jian was stunned, then smiled: "Good boy, I saw the photo, this slap is loud enough!"

"In the case of the Void Sea, the level of danger is not a joke with you, it is basically in a state of undeveloped wasteland, and there is no security guarantee!"

"If you go, I'll ask Li Mingshan to come with you!"

"At least it can guarantee your safety, I'm afraid you will lose it..."

Jiangnan was shocked, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley!

Just sent Nova away, Li Mingshan is coming again?

He also has boson particles in his body, so...

"Grandpa Li proposed to come over by himself?"

Yang Jian was surprised: "I haven't told him yet, but if I mention it to him, he will agree!"

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't ask for it himself!

If this is the case, then it is almost certain that Li Mingshan is a saint!

However, under the premise of unknown circumstances, Jiangnan still did not dare to let Li Mingshan accompany him!

Once it's what I think, I don't know how to die in the void sea!

"Forget it, when Grandpa Li moves, the country is on first-level alert again!"

"Don't you know what I'm capable of? It's just a void sea, I'll get the spiritual bead that I like, and I'll do it!"

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment: "Okay! There is Dalei's boundary over there. If something happens, he can come and help!"

"I'll say hello to you from the dean!"

After settling on the Void Sea, Jiang Nan also breathed a sigh of relief!

I couldn't help but find Lynx's WeChat and sent a message to the past!

Nanshen: "Are you still at the outpost? I'll go to Western Xinjiang in a few days!"

Luo Tianhong: Oh~

Gangnam: ( ・᷄~・᷅ )

It's pretty quick to go back, but oh well, it's over in one go?

Two thumbs are typing fast on the screen!

"Don't think about me? You are so ruthless, cruel, and indifferent! You have changed, you are no longer the same..."

Before I could finish typing, another message popped out!

Luo Tianhong: I think about it~

Gangnam: (๑・̀ꇴ・́)و

Rolling on the bed with my phone in my arms!

٩(。⁼̴ ꇴ ⁼̴)۶٩( ゙)۶٩(。˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅。)۶

Nanshen: How much do you think?

Luo Tianhong: Get out!

Gangnam: ಠ╭╮ಠ

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