At this time, you still talk about the martial arts of wool? Besides, it was Jiangnan who let us go!

We just responded, well, that's it!

The five people headed by Charles fell straight into the field, and even if Ivy was reluctant, they could only follow!

And the students in the stands were completely boiling, screaming!

This wave of Nanshen, why do you want to go to heaven?

It is said that two fists are invincible against four hands, and there are twenty hands in this game!

Xiao Zhen covered his face: "Why is a good exchange match made into a ten-player teamfight dungeon?"

Ye Xinghe smiled bitterly: "Just now, Boss Jiang wasn't enjoying himself enough to fight, and he felt that he couldn't fight? So he added a wave of difficulty to himself!"

Bunny: (ノ)ﻌ(ヾ) "Why do you feel like Charles and the others are like a group of heroes who went to attack the Demon King?"

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao couldn't stop waving and cheering, her eyes full of excitement!

"Come on, Xiaonan, and destroy them!"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly and gave them an ojbk gesture directly!

To be honest, elite monsters like Charles and the others have never tried to fight ten of them together!

Definitely a challenge!

But so what? Life is full of challenges!

That's more fun!

Jiang Nan would like to see where his limits are!

Brother Leopard directly half-beast, a pair of leopard claws will be exposed!


"Idiot talking about a dream! The signboard of the Free Glory Academy, let me shake the guard!"

"Yellow Flash!"

With a loud explosion, Brother Leopard shot out like a yellow lightning bolt!

The terrifying speed almost surpassed the limit that the naked eye can capture, rushing towards Jiangnan!

"The seventh shock door! Open!"

Jiang Nan, who was on two layers of buffs, finally fully used his combat power, and his body functions were blessed to the extreme!

"Death Claw!"

The leopard's paws lit up with purple light, and went straight to Jiangnan's head to grab it!

I saw Jiangnan moving, striding forward, and the strong arm and wrist was like a stopper, and the wheel went out!

Before Brother Leopard's claws came out, it had already stabbed his neck fiercely!


Brother Leopard was spun three times in the air by Jiang Nanguang to wash his face!

Just as he was about to move, Jiang Nan grabbed Brother Leopard's tail with both hands and let out a roar!

Brother Leopard: (Ф口Ф٥)༡~ Meow

"Yeah! Don't!"

However, the goose was already too late, and I saw Jiang Nan took Brother Leopard's tail and fell violently on the ground!

It's as brutal as Hulk smashing Thor!

At the same time, the high-speed air cannon of the thin air man has already called!

But how could Jiangnan, whose six senses have been elevated to the extreme, not notice it?

A space wormhole was thrown out, diverted the attack, and hit the unsuspecting Charles!


Charles:! ! !

"Tsk! Before his wormhole is exhausted, don't fight, just feint first!"

The air man looked apologetic: "Yes... Right..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan dragged Brother Leopard and appeared beside the Air Man!

Using Brother Leopard as a humanoid weapon, he smashed it into the air man's face!

It was stunned that it was embedded in the ground!

Charles' eyes were splitting: "Neutron Gravity!"

Three hundred times the gravity covered a 500-meter radius, sinking the earth!

However, before that, Jiangnan had teleported and disappeared, and Charles's eyes were locked on Jiangnan!

Constantly releasing the gravitational field, trying to hold Jiangnan's figure!

But he couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's movements at all. Jiangnan would never stay in the same position for more than a second!

I can only watch Jiangnan approaching me!

"Gravity Armor..."

Just halfway through the use of his spiritual skills, Charles was slammed out by a Pingqiao Tieshan in the south of the Yangtze River!

The chest was sunken, and there were even three blood holes on it, and the blood spurted wildly!

I saw that the shoulder armor of Jiangnan Glazed Glass Armor actually derived spikes, changing the original form!

The blood hole on the chest was pierced by this spike!


Charles, who had just come off the field, was smashed into the auditorium and blasted out of the giant pit!

And Jiang Nan, who had just stabilized his body, only felt the evil wind blowing behind him!

The muscular man turned into a devilish muscle man, with three strengthening spiritual skills stacked on his body, his expression was extremely hideous!

A heavy punch was swung straight at Jiangnan's head, and the air burst layer by layer!

The scene of people eating whales happened. In the eyes of everyone, this punch seemed to pass through Jiangnan's head and hit the air!

In fact, it was Jiangnan's quick teleportation to evade, and then teleportation back to the original position, which caused this poor viewing angle!

The muscular man was stunned for a while, but he didn't care about it. He stomped his thighs, stabilized the bottom plate, and let out a roar!

"Don't run if it's a man, there is a kind of confrontation with Lao Tzu, and Gatlin fights!"

The muscular man at this moment is like a giant cannon, and his two fists are like heavy artillery smashing out a phantom!


With full output, everyone thought that Jiangnan would teleport to escape!

But Jiangnan didn't, but confronted the muscular man!

The two calves were inserted into the ground like hydraulic support rods, the muscles were bulging, and the fists were smashed out like steel guns.

Fighting the muscle man at high speed, he even chose to punch him!

I saw that on the glass armor, there were spikes everywhere, and even the punches were strengthened with spiritual power, and the glass cones grew!

Fighting each other head-on, punching to the flesh!

The "bang bang" sound of the fist hitting the opponent's body reverberated in the audience, and the surrounding air was blasted!

Just the sound of it makes your blood boil!

The ground rolled back, and the blood splattered little by little like splashing ink!

I saw that the muscular man's fist was bloody, and it was pierced by spikes!

The glass armor was cracked several times, but it was quickly healed every time!

And the muscular man's body is full of wounds smashed by Jiangnan Iron Fist!


With a muffled sound, the muscular man's sternum cracked and he vomited a mouthful of blood!

With disbelief all over his face, he fought each other head-on, how could he have never worked in Jiangnan?

I saw Jiang Nan stepped forward and hit the muscular man's head with a hammer, and his majestic body fell to the ground like a hill!

Jiangnan's glazed armor is soaked in blood, of course, most of them are muscular men!

At this moment, I heard a hysterical roar from the big pit in the auditorium!

Charles: (#)ᵒ̌口ᵒ̌#)

"Wow! Jiangnan! I'll fight it for you, gravitational slingshot!"

While speaking, a strong gravitational field enveloped half of the arena!

The sound of "bang rumbling" sounded, and bursts of exclamations came!

I saw that the marble that constituted the auditorium of the arena actually cracked, and was lifted up by an overwhelming force, shattering into seven or eight pieces in the air!

Each piece is hundreds of meters in size and has an amazing weight. It just floats in the air and rotates with Charles as the center!

Half of the arena was lifted by Charles!

The floating arena walls are casting shadows!

Everyone looked at this scene with shock, and Jiang Nan was also full of stunned faces!

Is it necessary to play so big?

I saw Charles' face flushed red and his nose bleeds wildly!

The huge arena fragments turned faster and faster, and then slammed into Jiangnan!

"I can't kill you! Neutron gravity!"

The smashed arena fragments were then blessed by three hundred times the gravitational force and slammed down at an astonishing speed!

The weight is terrifying, and when it comes down, it is no less than a meteorite falling!

However, Jiangnan didn't avoid it, and he snapped his fingers and beat him in the face of the smashed arena!

The black hole in the void kept releasing, and the powerful suction burst out, continuously gnawing at the smashed arena fragments!

A black hole can devour matter within a radius of 300 meters!

In a blink of an eye, all the smashed arena fragments were eaten up and turned into black beads!

Then Jiang Nan grabbed it in his hand, raised his legs and swung his arms, and threw it violently towards Charles, making a harsh air explosion!

Charles, who was gasping for breath, had a grim expression on his face. He could handle it. Can you be a person?

Facing the smashed black beads, Charles only had time to use the force field to drop seven of them, but the remaining three were smashed and flew out!

"Ivy! Blast him!"

I saw Ivy clenching her teeth and closing her eyes, she was already very close to Jiangnan!

"Taste the pain! Biofield..."

Before she could finish speaking, a crystal-clear void chain wrapped around her waist!

Jiang Nan took her and teleported directly to the gift of the tree god Shirley, and returned to the realm!

At this moment, the five of Sean are replying inside, and Jiang Nan and Ivy suddenly appeared in the center of the five!

After leaving Ivy, Jiangnan lost his shadow in a teleport!

Ivy: ⁽⁽٩(๐˃᷄~˂᷅๐)۶⁾⁾

"Biological force field! Super! Heaven's repulsion!"

At this moment, all five of Sean Shirley's faces turned black. Is this all right?


An extremely strong repulsive force directly hit Sean and the other five!

The injuries of the few people who had just recovered were severely injured again, and their bodies vomited blood like a broken sack and were blasted out all the way!

The tree god phantom was directly crushed, and with Ivy as the center, all the substances within a radius of one kilometer were pushed away!

Sean got up tremblingly, his face full of blood!

Who are you going to make to taste the pain? Almost killed us!

Sean wiped the blood on his face: "Don't be reckless, you have to cooperate! Otherwise, if you don't have a chance, listen to my command, and my mind power can be positioned..."


Jiang Nan's figure suddenly appeared, and a football kick hit Sean's temple hard!

The powerful force even kicked him out of the arena directly and fell into a coma on the spot!

Xue Li, who was about to perform a reply, had not released her spiritual skill, and a space wormhole appeared behind her!

A hand knife slashed fiercely on the back of her neck, and her body was lying on the ground in a big shape!

Jiangnan landed, his feet staggered, and the glass armor covering his head turned into a spiritual flame and dissipated!

I saw Jiang Nan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face was blushing strangely!

But the smile on his face is still bright!

"Make it clear! It's not ten of you beating me up! It's me, Jiangnan, who is beating ten of you!"

"Oh? No! There are only seven left!"

Charles struggled to get up, his face full of bitterness, and finally realized the difficulty of Sean!

Gangnam! The world's first platinum, really strong!

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