Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 890 I haven't learned the essence! (add more)

At this moment, Nan Zhuli has undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence in the field!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes widened, he held the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands, and propped his butt up in the air without realizing it!

"Hey, hey? Lao Zhao, this is what Nan Zai'er used... is this the spiritual yarn from the Chen family?"

Zhao Dezhu has a ghostly expression on his face!

Σ(◞ʘДʘ) "Like...but not like, three meters thick? This thing is yarn? This stinky boy in Jiangnan has a city wall on his body, right?"

"Chen Daoyi's grandson didn't practice so hard?"

Where did this kid get his unique skills from?

The appearance of Lingli Shayi really shocked everyone for a hundred years!


At the same time, the detention room of the Kyoto Ryuyuan Base!

A group of spirit warriors in suits and leather shoes are locked in a special spirit binding prison! First URL htt

The sound of vomit, just like the croaking of frogs in midsummer, lasted for almost a week without stopping!

Because Chen Lang was poisoned by the pulp of the diamond durian, it still stinks to this day!

All the members of the Chen family and many younger brothers are all locked in one detention room!

It's better to die if you are smoked by the smell every day, you don't want to eat tea, you vomit 800 times a day, and you can't run even if you run, that's miserable!

Some people wake up first thing every day is to stun themselves, and then wake up and stun again, so that they don't have to be tortured by the fragrance!

The culprit, Chen Lang, was beaten several times every day by the stinky little brothers to vent the fire!

As for Chen Lang's father, why didn't Chen Sheng help?

Because he was the one who took the lead in beating his son!

Detained life is very boring. Every day is just vomiting, sleeping, and beating Chen Lang!

After a week, everyone lost weight!

(›′ཀ(›′ཀ(›′ཀ`‹ )ཀ`‹ )ཀ`‹ )…

Chen Lang is different. Chen Lang is fat, but the swelling has never disappeared!

(#)༎ຶД༎ຶ(#) "Father, I am your own son, why did you take the lead in beating me?"

Chen Sheng was angry!

(ꐦ›°᷄yi°᷅‹) "You bastard, I'm not as stinky as you are!"

The only consolation is the small TV hanging on the wall of the detention room!

But Long Yuan, who is wearing a biochemical suit to guard the detention room, is still a fan of Nanshen, and he has been watching the exchange competition for the past two days!

They can always see Jiangnan, Chen Sheng, who can't change channels, are even more angry!

But even so, you can only follow along, and you can't always beat your son?

Just now, they saw the three-meter-thick spiritual gauze on Jiang Nan's body!

One by one, they were holding onto the iron railings, and their eyes were about to pop out!


"This... This is the spirit yarn of our Chen family!"

"Sana Fabichi, how come he is three meters thick? Didn't he only measure more than one meter last time?"

And without moving, it blocked Sean's intense attack?

This defense is more than one level ahead of us?

At this moment in the prison cell, no one can sit still, and they all look at the small TV, their eyes are red!

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! ]


At this moment, Mo Ling in the arena stands suddenly came alive, his eyes were bright, and he shouted to his heart's content!

I finally met one that I will!

(๐·̀ꇴ·́)⋋“Look! Everyone, look at it~”

"Nan Shen actually used his spiritual power to defend against Sean's rain-like attack! It's so terrifying!"

"As far as I know, it's called Lingsha. Glazed Jacket. It's a defensive magic technique created by Nanshen, and its defensive power is almost useless!"

"Now let's learn about this trick with Nanshen in detail!"

I saw Jiangnan's eyes bright, Chen Sheng brushing his grievance? They are indeed watching!

Jie Jie Jie~

So the waist is forked, and the face is full of arrogance!

"Then look, I'm just standing here and letting Sean fight, can he break my defense? Not at all!"

Sean's steel teeth are about to shatter!

"You bastard, who are you looking down on? I can't beat you to death!"

[The resentment value from Sean +1000! ]

Go to his tactical arrangement, plan and plan, I must rub you on the ground today!


"Over. Overload!"

Sean's eyes lit up with red light, his face was flushed red, white smoke was coming from his forehead, and his nosebleed was mad!

The strength of the mind power once again broke the limit, and the infinite mind power cone was like a thousand arrows, shooting wildly towards Jiangnan!

The nine-handed great sword was more like going crazy, slashing at the glazed jacket again and again!

The roar is endless!

I saw that the colored glaze jacket was deformed by the beating, and even a lot of pieces were missing from the blast!

But it was quickly replenished and restored by the huge amount of spiritual energy escaping from Jiangnan's body!

Every time the nine-handed sword slashed, it slid away as if it had been slashed on butter.

No matter how powerful Sean's super attack is, he still can't attack the Jiangnan body at the very center!

But Sean didn't give up, and attacked desperately!

And Jiangnan is also leisurely eating durian pulp!


༼ (๐ˉٹˉิ)੭ ༽←


"Why are you angry, I'm just stating the facts!"

Sean: (ꐦ☉yi⊙ꐦ)!

"It's too much to deceive silver!"

"Boom boom boom!"

This scene really stunned everyone, and Sean couldn't break the defense even if he stood up?

Was it really just playing with Sean before co-authoring?

Is Nanshen so strong?

Mo Ling excitedly said: "This glazed jacket is so strong, how did you practice Nanshen?"

After eating Jiangnan's candy, it is natural to do things for him. This is what Jiangnan explained before!

I saw Jiang Nan's expression is straight: "That's a good chat, the essence of this glazed jacket is actually the special way of spiritual power in the body!"

"After my painstaking research and hard work day and night, I finally became this unique skill!"

"I wanted to spread this unique skill to benefit the society and let it flourish, so I found someone to teach it!"

"It's a pity, they don't seem to have learned the essence! My big padded jacket made them become little vests... eh~ I'm so worried!"

Mo Ling looked pity: "That's so stupid!"

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo and Zhao Dezhu are both going crazy!

Don't think about it, it must be the spirit yarn of the Chen family! Why did you let this kid do it?

Turn people's small vests into big padded jackets?

This is clearly due to inaction during the time when the Chen Jialing calamity was swept away!

As an old pioneer who has experienced the turmoil of spiritual disasters, I can't understand the bad things that happened during that period!

I don't know what Chen Dao's expression will be when he sees Jiangnan's big padded jacket!

Sean is about to cry, how much respect for Laozi!

Don't be interviewed while eating snacks during a life-and-death confrontation, okay?

"I'm fighting with you! Ahhhh~"

For a time, Sean's attack was even more violent!

At this moment, in the detention room, Chen Sheng's eyes were all red, and they yelled at the TV, spitting out stars more than ten meters away!

"Lai Lai's legs! You thief, Lingsha is clearly my Chen family's spiritual art, you are not the one who taught us!"

"Bah! We're not little vests, no!"

"It's over, how can this be done? Grandpa will definitely have high blood pressure when he sees it!"

"I strangled him! After this broadcast, everyone will definitely say that our Chen family learned from Jiangnan!"

There was a lot of excitement in the detention room at the moment, and the two guards in biochemical suits, Long Yuan, looked disgusted!

"Isn't it? You are too, how did you learn? It's rare that Nanshen has taught you unique skills! What a great opportunity!"

"I haven't learned the essence yet? The tattered vest still looks like a treasure, but it's really finished! Baixiao Nanshen is so kind!"

Chen Sheng: (ꐦಥyiಥ) Fart!

"Jiangnan created something out of nothing! Bloody mouth! Telling lies! He learned from us!"

Biochemical suit Long Yuan: (¬д¬.) Huh?

"Nonsense! Just your little vest-level spirit yarn? Can you teach a padded jacket like Nanshen?"

"You can hold back the bragging and criticize it!"

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1001! ]

His face turned green, the ghost knows how Jiangnan did it?

This is simply inexplicable, I have nothing to say!

The angry Chen Sheng paced back and forth in place, and when he glanced away, he saw Chen Lang curled up in the corner and got fat!

"It's all up to you, but filial piety kills me, hammer him for me!"

Speaking of which, he was the first to rush to Crazy Hammer Chen Lang, and a group of younger brothers also followed to vent the fire!

Chen Lang covered his head and curled up on the ground, tears streaming down his face!


"You are really my father!"

[From Chen Sheng…]

The resentment value has been maxed out at this moment, Jiangnan music is broken, and it is good for you to see!

Sean was still attacking over there, Jiang Nan sighed in the sky!

(๑ớ กờ): "Isn't it blind? It seems... I can only find someone else to teach this unique skill!"

As soon as these words came out, the students immediately fried the pot and raised their hands frantically!

"Pass it on! Pass it on to me, I'm so smart, I will definitely learn the essence!"

"I-I-I! I copy clams, Nan Shen, can you teach me?"

But anyone can see the value of this unique skill, the defense is simply terrifying!

If you learn it, the improvement in combat power will be more than a little bit!

Tom swallowed and spit. In fact, he really wanted to learn...

And at this moment, in the detention room, Chen Sheng, who heard Jiang Nan's words, was really panicked!

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