Seeing Jiangnan's confident smile, Sean also sneered to himself and flew into the arena!

I fought hard until dawn last night, wrote three notebooks, and deduced hundreds of possibilities!

All of Jiangnan's spiritual skills and means have been well known, and they have made a countermeasure to solve them!

No one is perfect!

With big data analysis, there is no unwinnable battle!

Is this game enough? Overwhelm yourself with everything!

In the dilapidated arena, the two faced each other from a distance, and the atmosphere immediately became tense!

Mo Ling in the stand held the microphone and was busy explaining!

(๐˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅)⋋ "Finally! It's Nanshen's turn to play!"

"His opponent is Sean from Eagle Country, a platinum six-star, who is under the tutelage of Lance the Whisperer!"

"Famous in the world very early, due to his unique fighting style, good at analyzing the situation and opponent's weaknesses, he was dubbed the title of data emperor!" Remember the website m.42zw.\\ncom

"Linger frantically checked the data last night. Since the data emperor Sean debuted, he has recorded 887 actual combat records! There is no defeat!"

"Even more than one person has killed a diamond-level powerhouse by leaps and bounds!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. What the hell is this immortal record?

Even Nanshen dare not say that he has never lost, this Sean is a bit mysterious, isn't it?

Tom sneered for a while, the reason why he brought Sean this time is to deal with Jiangnan!

The previous competition in various aspects may have suffered some losses, but it did not allow Sean to show his true strength!

Tom can be said to have witnessed Sean's growth, and he is even more confident about this game!

Seeing Jiang Nan's indifferent expression, Tom sneered!

Even if you don't take Sean seriously, you'll pay for your carelessness!

Mo Ling continued: "Obviously, with his own psychic power and super brain!"

"No matter what situation or opponent you face, Sean will make the best solution!"

"Whether it is Sean adding another piece to his glorious record or Nanshen continuing to write his own legend in this powerful duel, the answer will be revealed soon!"

It has to be said that Mo Ling does have the ability to host. Those brothers who just blew up the screen and shattered the keyboard are already watching it on their mobile phones!

"Ah, ah~ the Nanshen that I'm thinking of has finally appeared! I know how strong Nanshen is now, who always goes abroad to show off!"

"Platinum-level Nanshen, I haven't seen him on TV for a long time!"

"I remember the last time I went to teach? If nothing else, just look at his teammates. Now Nanshen is definitely not weak!"

"Don't underestimate Sean, the psychic power is very difficult to deal with, you can't see it, you can't touch it, I hope Nanshen won't be careless!"

Everything was said on the barrage, and Sean also raised his eyebrows: "Don't let your spiritual pet play together? Yes, I don't mind!"

Jiangnan: (๐・᷄Д・᷅) Huh?

"Do you want me to bring that little dimple, little Hongyan, little three rounds, little bulls, and those 30,000 beetles over to beat you together?"

"Isn't that bullying you too much? It's unfair! I'm a principled person!"

Sean: (̿▀̿◠▀̿٥ ̿)̄…

You are so principled, and you still want to pull those 30,000 beetles?

You know it's bullying too?

[The resentment value from Sean +1000! ]

I just want Xiao Dimple to end, so I can catch Jiang Nan after the fight starts!

Although shameless, it is useful. It is a plan that Sean thought up before!

But obviously it died before it was implemented. Jiangnan didn't follow his own routine at all!

"Then... then forget it, you deserve my all-out effort, and I hope you don't hold back this time too! It's no fun to get the victory that's at your fingertips!"

Jiangnan: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅) Oh~ that's fine!


With a bang, Jiangnan's spiritual energy fluctuated like a bottomless black hole, stunned to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy!

Involve the aura vortex!

The breath is a bit more powerful, and the level is literally from platinum two to platinum three!

Sean: ∑(❍ฺд❍ฺlll) Damn!

Tom: Σ (ŐдŐ๑) Wang Defa?

The effort to put a fart is... a breakthrough? One star?

Suddenly, suddenly? Does it flow like water?

However, Xiao Zhen, Ye Xinghe and others have already taken it seriously. Isn't this the basic exercise of Nanshen?

His gold and platinum are all in the binding field!

Your show, we are well aware of it!

It's just a breakthrough before the war, don't make a fuss!

Sean at the moment has a bad look on his face, that's what I said!

Want to highlight your style, but you really broke through?

This time it's even harder to fight, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be rude!

[The resentment value from Sean +1000! ]

I saw Jiang Nan smiling brightly: "Is that okay? Do you want me to take some more medicine or something?"

Sean is in a hurry, where can I say more, the nine-handed swords around him are driven by psychic power and make a piercing scream!

Breaking through the air at extreme speed, slashing towards Jiangnan from different angles!

It went straight to the point!

Jiangnan stood still, and six void barriers emerged, preventing six great swords stabbing from different angles!

The blade smashed into the barrier and got stuck!

The remaining three handles crossed a strange arc and stabbed straight towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan released another pair of space wormholes, and a big sword plunged into the wormholes!

And the moment Sean released the wormhole in Jiangnan, he was already vigilant!

Drift to the left sharply to prevent the wormhole from diverting the attack, and use the big sword to hurt yourself!

It turns out that Sean thinks too much!

That silver sword was indeed transferred, but Jiang Nan used it to chop off another silver sword!

And the last handle has come, Jiangnan has no means of defense!

Sean's eyes are bright!

However, I saw Jiang Nan's right golden middle finger lightly swiped, straight to the blade, and the last silver sword was pulled aside by Jiang Nan!

Sean's expression stiffened and he blocked my silver sword with his fingers?

I~%?…;# !

However, Jiang Nan's body, which blocked all of Sean's attacks, suddenly disappeared!

The next moment, only to hear the sound of "Boom"!

Where Jiangnan used to stand, a giant pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters collapsed!

As if being hit by a giant force invisibly, the pit is densely packed with small holes, shooting the earth like a sieve!

If this is stuck on people, the consequences can be imagined!

Sean's face sank, can this make Jiang Nan hide?

Is your sense of smell too sharp for danger?

Before the nine swords attacked together, including the surprise, success, and astonishment on the face, all of them were played by Sean!

Everything is a feint attack, in order to clear all the protection methods in Jiangnan, the key point is to use the invisible power to fall to the lore!

But was avoided by Jiangnan?

"Damn it, mind power is invisible, how did you notice it?"

Jiang Nan's indifferent voice appeared behind Sean: "Mind power is not invisible, it will arouse airflow when passing through. The air flow rate above my head was abnormal just now, so..."

Sean: ! ! !

He couldn't help turning his head sharply, but Jiang Nan had already punched Sean's head hard!

Simple and straightforward, yet impeccable!

Wrapped in the rolling killing intent, it seems that if you hit it with a punch, you will die!

It's not like greeting a fist, it's like greeting death!

Sean's face turned pale!


The turbulent thought force burst out of his mind, like a monstrous flood!

Push everything around your body outwards!

Jiangnan's fist was blocked by thought force, and finally slowed down, almost stationary!

Jiujian returned to help, pulled out the cold light, and it was about to be slashed at Jiangnan!

However, Jiangnan's figure disappeared again, and the nine swords were cut into the air and stuck on the ground!

Sean turned back sharply, behind him!

But it's too late, Jiangnan's side kick has been kicked out, and the air blast is harsh!

Sean didn't have time to fight back, and his thoughts gathered frantically around his body to form armor!


Sean was kicked into a C° shape, and flew out backwards, falling hundreds of meters, but he stabilized his body in the air and landed smoothly!

Covering the side of the chest, the color is blue!

Two ribs were broken, and they didn't poke into the lobe of the lung, so it didn't matter much!

But as soon as Sean landed, a void black hole appeared beside him, and the infinite suction burst out!

As soon as it appeared, two silver swords crossed and slashed, like scissors, slicing the unformed black bead in half!

However, Jiangnan snapped his fingers, and the void black holes appeared one after another!

The big sword continuously destroys the black beads in the air, preventing them from taking shape!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's body suddenly disappeared again and appeared three hundred meters away!

There was a bloodstain on his cheek, the blood was flowing, and there was obvious confusion in his eyes!

Sean took a deep breath, but still spit out a mouthful of blood, with a gloomy expression: "Not all thought power can cause airflow fluctuations!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It seems that you have done a lot of tactics against me, a little surprise!"

"Just spend a few rounds with you!"

Said the body disappeared again!

And at this moment, in the stands, everyone could hardly catch Jiang Nan's figure, let alone what Sean was doing, his mind power was invisible!

You can see that the venues in the arena are constantly being destroyed, and big pits appear!

And Sean sometimes flew out inexplicably backwards, and the nine-handed swords flew everywhere, poking on the ground from time to time!

Qi Yu was stunned!

"This... I don't understand this horse? I can't catch the figure? Xiaolongren, which one of them has the upper hand?"

Ye Xinghe covered his face: "How does Laozi know? These two people don't call the name of spiritual skills when they make a move, let's fight!"

Xiao Zhen shook his head: "It's not necessary for them to call names, but it will let the other party know their intentions!"

"Even if they say it, they won't believe it. Instead, they will think that it is a means to confuse themselves, thus affecting their judgment!"

"Can you knock out the blood of Nanshen? Sean didn't give it for nothing, he's a veteran of the battlefield!"

At this moment, Mo Tian took the microphone and stared at the arena with wide eyes!

( ๐・᷅ꇴ・᷄)⋋ "As you can see, the game is very fierce at the moment!"

(。・᷄~・᷅)⋋ “Oh huh? Sean used it… um… um… this…”

"Yeah! Look! Nanshen has appeared! Huh? He disappeared again!"

"Oh my god! The earth... There is a big hole on the ground, is it Sean? No! It's Nan Shen? He used it... uh~"

⋌(☍﹏⁰.) "I don't know who hit it, well... what a big pit!"

Mo Ling was about to cry during the commentary. Forgive me for not commenting on such a game scene!

How can I say this? I can't catch the figure, and I can't see the trick clearly, so give me some hints, let me say something!

It can't be fixed for me!

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