Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 880 The tip of the iceberg

Nova, who drank the big green stick, couldn't resist the urge to answer questions!

It's all bald

Jiangnan couldn't help but think of the previous battle between Odin and Boson's broken pants!

There are only a few people who know that the virtual nails are in their hands

Is the reason why he was targeted because he got the news from Odin's mouth?

And sent someone to explore the bottom, because you are not sure whether the virtual nail is on yourself?

According to the only information, Jiangnan constantly deduces the profile!

Then he asked: "What organization is the Holy Star? Who is the Holy Envoy who sent you?"

"Who are there in the organization? Is Li Mingshan a saint?"

Jiang Nan asked a lot of questions in one breath, Nova bit his tongue and didn't speak!

Make your face turn red!

Jiang Nan unceremoniously opened her clothes, and then poked her belly button with her middle finger!


The strong numbness made Nova twitch all over, and said uncontrollably!

"The Holy Star is a world-class organization that transcends the national system and is hidden behind the scenes of the times!"

"I don't know who is in the organization, Li Mingshan is even more unclear!"

"I only know that the holy messenger is a boson named Igor, whose strength is extremely terrifying!"

Jiang Nan was stunned. He had an impression of this name, and he even brushed his resentment points?

Angels are bosons?

Depend on! What is the origin of this holy star? Can you mobilize a boson whose strength is comparable to that of a first-rate Daotian for your own use?

What else in this world can restrain their existence?

and many more!

Is it possible that this holy star is an organization controlled by bosons?

What is the purpose of them doing this false nail in the abyss?

This is a bit terrifying!

Without saying a word, Jiang Nan continued to poke her belly button with her middle finger!

"I don't believe it! Say something more! Say it or not? If you don't say it, I'll poke it until you say it!"

"It's me who the heartless Kuangjiang devil said, but I have no conscience, so I'll tell you!"

As he spoke, Jiangnan's middle finger had already poked out a phantom, like an impact drill, poking wildly!

Nova was also tortured by paralysis and couldn't stop screaming!

??? Mouth?? Ya howl~

[The resentment value from Nova Sophia +1000! ]

From the initial scream, it gradually turned into a groan!

???~??? Hmm~

[From...+666! ]

[+233! ]

The pretty face also gradually turned red, and the body that was tied into a zongzi couldn't stop struggling, and the mantis pupa kept going up!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Isn't that right? I'm tortured by this?

Why did you give her a poke to enjoy it?

The resentment value is not brushed? Aren't you a little floating?

So Jiangnan stopped, and Nova suddenly opened his eyes!

"You... why didn't you continue to poke? In fact, your torture methods can be more diversified!"

"As a member of the Holy Star Organization, I'm mentally prepared to be severely tortured after being caught!"

"If you go over 100 million points, I might remember some more information!"

"Don't always pick a place to poke, you can change it!"

Saying that, he jumped up again, hinting wildly!

Jiang Nan's face turned black!

Have you found the real use of the paralysis ring?

A little too much? You have exposed your true inner thoughts!

I am a thug, you are a prisoner, how much respect for my identity?

"Hurry up, or I won't poke you. If I don't believe you, you know so much!"

Novabe clenched her teeth: "You have to ask something, right? Otherwise, what do you want me to say?"

Jiangnan: ??w?? ?…

"I... didn't I just ask?"

Jiangning: ¬_¬

"No, anyway, I poked her belly button when I saw you going up!"

I saw Jiang Nan cleared his throat: "Speak! What's the matter with the Bose particles in your body?"

The brutal torture begins!

It turned out that the members of the Holy Star Organization are all connected by the Holy Envoy one-way, and the members are kept secret from each other!

It is also to protect their daily identities, after all, the identities of some members are very sensitive!

And the angels in the holy star are not just Igor at all!

I even heard Nova say that there are Daotian-level powerhouses in the holy star!

Jiangnan was shocked, even some Daotian-level powerhouses joined the Saint Star Organization?

You must know that the existence of Daotian level is the mainstay of a country!

At the level of Daotian, what else can make these people betray their own country and sell their souls to join the holy star?

And this question was quickly answered in Nova's mouth!

There is only one reason, and that is boson particles!

The reason why Nova joined Saint Star was because he was stuck on the Diamond Peak!

After being injected with Bose particles, it broke through the original bottleneck and ascended to Xingyao!

And the organization also guarantees that as long as she does a good job, it is not impossible for her to go to heaven!

What about God? Why join?

Jiang Nan shuddered: "Daotian... can it be stronger?"

Jiang Ning nodded: "Before Xiao Chuihuo broke through to Daotian, the limit of human beings is Xingyao!"

"Xiao Chuihuo broke this limit, so there is Daotian!"

"And where is the limit of your human beings, this depends on your human beings. I can tell you with certainty that the end of human beings will not be Daotian!"

Jiangnan got goosebumps. Bose particles actually help break through the bottleneck?

Why is this?

"Then in my body, the colorful Bose particles given by the Creation Beast..."

Jiang Ning looked solemn: "You have to seize the opportunity, this thing is not something that everyone can get!"

"The moment your body can successfully store boson particles, you have the possibility to break the limits of human beings!"

"And the creation particle is the key to the door of mankind! You have to cherish it!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, the Creation Beast really gave him a big treasure!

Nova's pretty face turned pale: "Don't talk about it, you two, carry me behind your back when you talk about this kind of thing!"

She knew that the more she heard, the faster she died!

If the two of them don't carry their own backs, it means they have murderous intentions!

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes and smiled brilliantly: "Don't you want to know if the virtual nail is in my hands? I'll tell you now!"

Nova struggles like crazy!

"No! I don't listen, you hold back, can you not kill me?"

"The Holy Star Organization is eyeing you, I can be your eyeliner, and I can give false information to the Holy Envoy!"

"If you want, you can ask me to be your woman, and I can! I can stand it like yesterday! Please!"

Nova looked at Jiangnan pleadingly, and kept leaning towards Jiangnan, trying to arouse his interest!

Jiang Nan pouted: "Yesterday's kind? You can't possibly do it, I won't play with you!"

You take one, I take one, you old American girl can fart?

Nova said anxiously: "I really know it! Better than that little girl yesterday, can you try it?"

Jiangnan will not do it!

The little hand pulled the fishing line, and saw Nova's face uncomfortable, and the bound spirit bead that was swallowed by her was pulled out by Jiangnan again!

I wiped it on her clothes, put it in the iron box, and put it in the alien space!

Recycle and reuse, no waste at all!

Jiang Ning frowned slightly: "What are you going to do with her? The shark is gone! It's not reliable to make eyeliner for you!"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "I can't kill it, wouldn't I admit that I took it if I killed it? I, Jiang Nan, didn't take a virtual nail at all, and I am not afraid of the shadow!"

"Nova is a bait, and that boson named Igor is the one who fishes!"

"The foundation of the holy star is too thick, and the organization is huge, and now it has only revealed the tip of the iceberg. Where can I cause this slag platinum gold?"

"Of course, it is to let Nova successfully complete his task, and go back and give Igor an answer!"

Jiang Ning: What?

Are you slag platinum? But now you are deciding the life and death of a Xingyao!

Everyone has been arrested, how can she let her complete the task smoothly?

I think you just want to play with her. You take a picture, I take a picture!

Jiang Nan grinned and took out his fiery gloves!

"Saucy people have their own tricks!"

As he spoke, he stood in front of Nova!

At this moment, Nova's mood is fluctuating, isn't he shark himself?

That is to agree to take yourself as eyeliner?

Thinking of this, Nova blushed!

Southerners are all ghosts, they say no, but they are honest in their hearts!

Didn't expect you to join last night's battle group so quickly?

I saw Jiang Nan's brows raised: "I don't even shark you, and you don't know how to take the initiative?"

Saying that, he hooked his finger at Nova!

Nova's eyebrows are shy, and the chains can't be undone? So exciting?

But he still struggled to get up and kneel on the ground. After all, whether or not he can live depends on this wave!

After thinking about it, I came to Jiangnan, just about to make a move!

I saw Jiang Nan Lun rounded his arms and a big mouth, and threw it on Nova's face!



The moment Nova was beaten, his head was stunned!

All the doubts in my heart turned into a big question mark!

Why did he hit me in the mouth?

Didn't mean to play last night's game with me!

Are you having fun?

Why did you get your mouth shut? Could it be that they weren't applauding for love last night? But slapped the mouth all night?

Just to practice for the previous slapping contest?

I said how can Jiangnan be so good at fanning!

~%?…;# ’!

[The resentment value from Nova Sophia +1000! ]

After this mouth, she doesn't remember it!

But is one enough?

One is not enough, Jiang Nan will directly fan her back to the state before she acted!

Jiang Ning: ?﹏ヾ

Good one, you take a shot, I'll take a shot!

Is this the slut's own trick?

Where did you shoot it! Nova only gets photographed

How cruel!

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