Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 872 Are you going to go against the sky? (add more)

Xiao Hei on the side clenched his fists tightly, his face blue and thin!

(๑・᷅◠・᷄)و Damn!

The big brother is addicted to the handle, and he didn't hit it himself. If he had known that he had just hit it first!

Since I came to the Pioneer Academy, I haven't had a good slap!

Jiang Nan smiled and hugged Xiao Hei's shoulders.

"Don't panic, isn't there another game? There is time for you to play!"

As he said that, he raised his eyebrows at Tom and the others!


Tom Danny and the others swallowed their saliva, not knowing what to do!

At this moment, Martin Beitou and the others were all red-eyed!

"Go on, hold back! Have you forgotten the oath we made together last night? Have you forgotten that sincere agreement?"

The result of the game is not important, as long as we hit Jiang Nan in the face and swell his face, we will not lose!

The slap print on the face is the medal of our glory!

Tom looked at Jiang Nan's provocative expression, and his fists clenched!

Look back at the students on your side!

Danny's face was sallow, his cheeks were thin, and his face was full of horror!

( ›・᷄ロ・᷅‹): "No... No way, I can't beat Nanshen, and I can't deal with that Xiao Shengxian!"

After the wave came down yesterday, Danny felt that his whole body was empty!

Shirley: (⇀﹏↼‶) "I'm a girl, I don't want to be slapped!"

Brother Lightning was sweating profusely on his forehead: "Nan...Nan Shen, forget it, I don't want to be a toothless person like Charles!"

At this moment, several people failed, and Tom's face turned black!

When you first came, what about the energy of the air every second of the day?

How are you now?

At this moment, I saw Sean slowly closing the book with a calm expression on his face!

"Just leave it to me, in fact, as long as you grab the first hand of the mouth, this slap can be fanned out!"

"It's enough to win rock-paper-scissors, 50% chance, it seems like no solution, but it's not!"

"According to my analysis, I am confident that I will win the first move! Hit Jiangnan in the face!"

Tom's eyes brightened: "Oh? How do you say it?"

Sean's mouth twitched into a chuckle!

"There are many factors that determine whether a person can produce rock, scissors, or cloth!"

"The environmental factors at that time, the psychological activities of the parties, the breathing rate, the heartbeat of the eyes, the angle of the hands behind the back, the micro expressions on the face..."

"I listed 120 influencing factors. As long as the opponent makes a move and analyzes them one by one, you can predict what he wants to do!"

( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ ) "I call this method the 120 all-round index guessing analysis and pre-judgment method, or the 120-point answer prediction method for short!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field looked at Sean in confusion!

Your prejudgment's name sounds a bit ominous, doesn't it?

120 direct?

As soon as you use it, you go to the first aid directly?

Tom swallowed: "Is it reliable? Is this really what humans can do?"

Sean shrugged: "Have you forgotten my code name? Data Emperor, my strongest weapon is not my ability, but my head!"

"It's up to your brain to fight. If you don't believe me, try it!"

Tom really can't believe this evil!

Go up and start rock-paper-scissors with Sean, only to see Sean staring at every move of Tom intently!

Eyes roll around, not letting go of every detail...

An appalling thing happened!

A total of ten, Sean won seven, and the remaining three were also the result of a draw!

Tom is stunned, what the fuck? It really works!

Danny and the others also had bright eyes, and they stepped forward to compete with Sean. The result was either Sean's victory or a draw!

Now even Zhao Dezhu and Xiao Zhen can't sit still!

Rock-paper-scissors, an ancient game inherited from the Triassic period, can even be analyzed to find a way to win?

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked!

"My mother! Analyze 120 influencing factors at the moment of the shot, so as to predict what the opponent will do? Is this really what the human brain can do?"

"I'm afraid this guy isn't a living quantum computer, right? I'm a little convinced!"

"No... It's just a rock-paper-scissors piece. Do you want to be so serious? Are the analysis methods used? These people are going to show me off!"

"In order to slap Nanshen's face, it's too much painstaking effort, right? With such serious energy and spiritual head, used in cultivation, is it not a god?"

Seeing the magic of Sean, Ye Xinghe and Mo Tian couldn't help but start worrying about Jiangnan!

If he really loses, Nanshen will be beaten in the face!

Ah this...

However, Jiangnan is not panic at all, you can analyze a ghost!

Laozi's lucky little cherry's half-hour lucky time hasn't passed yet!

My Jiang Tianxuan's will is God's will!

Want to beat me? That is against God!

Sean is alright, you really want to go against the sky?


I saw Sean stepping forward, turning his left hand behind him, and pushing his glasses with his middle finger on his right hand, full of confidence!

"Jiangnan! Dare to fight me?"

Jiang Nan sneered and strode forward with a small hand behind his back!

"Why don't you dare? I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

The hearts of everyone present were raised!

And everyone in the live room was super speechless!

"Hey hey hey! If I don't know, I really think it's a battle of the century, a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City!"

"As a result, these two people are going to ask for rock-paper-scissors..."

But he also became nervous. After all, if Jiangnan lost, he would be slapped in the face!

The moment the two of them stood still, Sean's eyes watched Jiang Nan's every movement and demeanor!

The brain is running fast, frantically analyzing what Jiangnan wants to do!

I saw Jiangnan smiling brightly!

(๑ˉิٹˉิ) "I'm going to get a stone later!"

Everyone was stunned, Nanshen told Sean everything he wanted to do?

Sean was shocked and analyzed wildly!

out of stone?

According to my analysis, Jiangnan is quite confident, and especially likes to destroy things and modify the map!

Subconsciously, the probability of scissors should be around 68%!

Jiang Nan said that, did he want to make a false move?

Lie me out to cover him? Actually kill me with scissors?

Then I'll rock out and kill his scissors!

Do not! Jiangnan absolutely cannot be such a superficial person!

It must be shaking me, telling me about the stone, and trying to deceive me out of the stone, trying to cover me with a cloth!

it is good! Well calculated! It turns out that Jiangnan is on the next floor?

Then I'll get the scissors!


If he really hits a rock, don't I lose?

Is everything just to cover this step?

wild ambition! Do you think I can't see it?

Ha ha! That old man is out!

Do not! No, just when Jiang Nan said that he was going to get out of the stone, his eyes shifted to the left by 0.7 microseconds, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his heart rate was a little abnormal!

In the psychology of microexpressions, this is a form of lying!

He must be trying to seduce me out of the cloth and kill me with scissors!

Then I'm out of stone!

Um? A man as cautious as Jiang Nan, who does everything flawlessly, how can he reveal his micro-expressions when he lies?

He...he showed it to me on purpose!

Just to make me think he's lying?

Not really? sky! Is Jiangnan actually in the lower layers?

This is the master of the master!

I'm out!

No, what I thought was not what I thought! Is it what Jiangnan wants to make me think?

man, so...

Sean clenched his teeth tightly, his head was overclocked, a white eye appeared on his forehead, and his face flushed red!

A wisp of nosebleed flowed out from the nostrils and fell to the ground, looking extremely ferocious!


"Good calculation! What a deep city, you are so scheming!"

Gangnam: ୧(๑・᷄ࡇ・᷅)?

no! What are you doing, brother?

My nose bleeds before I slap you?

Why is the city deep, and the mind is heavy!

Isn't it rock paper scissors? What are you struggling with in there?

At this moment, Ye Xinghe and Xiao Zhen all looked at Jiangnan in horror!

what the hell? Nan Shen just said one sentence, why did you make Sean's nose bleed?

This water-cooled CPU is obviously about to be burned out. The cerebrospinal fluid is about to boil, right?

At this moment, Sean's eyes were blood red, his steel teeth were about to shatter, and his head was oozing white smoke!

(ꐦ ͡⚆ ͡⚆ꐦ) Wrong! Fraud!

Jiangnan: "Master Zhu, hurry up and start, or Sean is going to crash!"

Sean was surprised!

Why did Jiangnan urge to start? Is he anxious, afraid that I will see his true intentions?

I'm out! Do not! No, he must have acted for me!

I heard for a long time that Jiangnan's acting skills are at the level of movie stars, so...

Zhao Dezhu was also stunned!

"Three two one! Come out!"

The two made an instant shot!


୧( ‧̣̥̇꒪Д꒪)✄❍(・᷄ٹ・᷅๑)۶

At this moment, Sean was completely stunned!

Jiangnan didn't pick up the blind at all, but he made rocks, and he made scissors...

The scissors were cut without any accident!


Sean took two steps back in horror, covering his head in disbelief!

"No...Impossible! Tell me, what are you down to? I analyzed tens of thousands of floors, countless probabilities, and possibilities!"

"How could you have a stone! This is not right! Is your wave in the center of the earth?"

Gangnam: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭

"Didn't I tell you that I'm going to get a stone? You won't win if you get a cloth?"

"Analyze a der? Look at you poor, don't even give you a chance!"

"Deliberately lose to me? You are so beautiful!"

Sean: Poofꉂꉂ(꒪ͦε꒪ͦ ‧̣̥̇)

Sean squirted straight out of one mouthful!

You actually came out of the stone!

I just ~%?…;# *’☆\u0026!

Thanks to my analysis so much, billions of brain cells were killed!

[The resentment value from Sean +1000! ]


And Jiangnan is so happy!

Lucky little cherry is worthy of being an artifact, tell others that you can win anything you do?

In fact, Jiang Nan really just wanted to experiment to see how lucky he was, but he didn't think about anything...

Then win!

I am so lucky!

Sean failed against the sky!

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