Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 868 Is he sick too?

After teleporting all the way to the playground, Jiangnan couldn't help but be stunned. Didn't he say that he wanted academic exchanges?

Why is there no one here?

Jiang Nan was wondering, but he saw a lot of people in the training room, and even Hu Shuo's live broadcast car was there!

Quickly squeezed past!

I saw Guan Hu and Zhao Dezhu were arguing with Martin Tom!

Spit stars are flying all over the sky!

Guan Hu stared: "You fart, compared to defense, compared to the physical training room? You can't use spiritual power, what is it? Who is more resistant to beatings?"

Zhao Dezhu said angrily: "You want to win and want to go crazy? No way!"

But Tom tried his best to argue: "Compared with defense, of course, compared with the most primitive defense!"

"When a spiritual warrior is fighting, he may encounter any situation, and it is not uncommon to encounter the situation of the binding force field. The only reliable thing at this time is his own defense!"

Martin sneered: "Why? Don't you dare? We are not afraid, the highest school in China, don't you even have the courage?"

Zhao Dezhu pouted: "You can pull today's down, will you be afraid of you? You lost two games yesterday, how dare you say it?"

Both sides are red-faced!

Jiangnan was also a little stunned. I didn't expect Martin and the others to be so extreme. They wanted to be more defensive in a spirit-bound state?

In this way, I will only become stronger, Guo Jianglong's name is not for nothing!

But the strength of the rest of the academy students has been greatly weakened!

In the face of Tom and the others who are prepared, they will definitely suffer...

However, Jiangnan didn't pay attention to the debate, and his eyes fell on Nova!

I saw her standing in the crowd as if nothing had happened at the moment, with huge dark circles under her eyes and a listless face!

When I saw Jiangnan and Xia Yao, I couldn't help grinding my teeth!

Looking at the small dimple on Zhong Yingxue's head, Nova's face turned even darker!

Starting to figure it out again...

[From Nova…]

As if feeling Jiangnan's sight, Nova quickly looked away!

Jiang Nan laughed and asked quietly, "How is it?"

At this moment, Jiang Ning and Jiang Jing are all hidden in the void, observing Nova!

A voice echoes in my head!

"There are indeed boson particles in Nova's body, and the size is very small. If it is not very close and carefully observed, it will not be found at all!"

"And the way the boson particles in her body are stored like... as if they were forced in..."

"Yours belongs to a symbiotic relationship, while hers is similar to parasitism!"

Jiang Nan frowned deeply, and his heart sank!

Good guy, there is really a problem with this grievance value Ji!

There are also boson particles in the body, which means that you have been in contact with bosons!

Choose this time to be yourself, rushing to come with the crystal nails?

Are the researchers at the U.S. Dirk Lab all "them" people?

This energy is not ordinary!

and many more!

Jiang Nan suddenly remembered that Li Mingshan also had Bose particles in his body!

He doesn't have a problem, does he?

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan's face turned white!

As a Daotian-level space department of Huaxia, if there is really a problem and want to do something, it is too easy!

But now it is not too early to draw conclusions, after all, I still know too little.

Jiang Ning: "Do you need to erase her? I'll help you!"

Jiang Nan shook his head.

Nova can't move, let's not talk about how troublesome it is to kill Nova during the academic exchange, after all, he came on behalf of the United States!

If Nova really came for the nails and killed her, wouldn't she admit that the nails were in her hands in disguise?

That will only cause you more trouble!

You can't do it, you have to follow her!

And this is also a good opportunity, maybe you can find out who is behind Nova!

Jiangnan laughed.

Calculate Laozi? See if I don't dig out where your ancestors' graves are buried!


The phone vibrated violently, Jiang Nan took it out and took a look!

Big Lei's nephew:

"Uncle, what the hell! You can play a few more days in that exchange meeting, cough~"

"It's hard to communicate, you communicate more deeply, the opportunity can't be wasted, come on!"

Jiangnan: (≖ᴗ≖๑) Oh?

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to Nicole, only to see her pretty blushing flushed, her cheeks flushed, and her tender cheeks seemed to drip out of water!

At this moment, leaning against the wall, my legs can't help trembling...

Seeing Jiangnan looking over, Nicole looked shy.

(⸝⸝·◡·⸝) “Uncle…”

Before she finished speaking, she gave her an ok gesture when they met!

On the other side, Guan Hu and Tom are still fighting. The two of them are holding each other's neck collars and squirting in their faces!

Almost done!

Xiao Chuihuo pushed the wheelchair and came in, with a light face!

"What are you arguing about? They can compare what they want!"

"Will our cub be cowardly?"

As soon as Xiao Chuihuo made a sound, the field suddenly became quiet!

Martin looked at Xiao Chuihuo and chuckled softly!

"Old Vulcan is domineering enough, so many years have passed, and his demeanor is still the same!"

Xiao Chuihuo sneered: "Humph! He's just a crippled old man!"

"Now it's your young people's world!"

Everyone looked at Dean Xiao!

Vulcan? Is this the dean's international code name?

There are not many in the world that can use the word "God" in the code name!

Jiangnan is also one of them!

The dean has spoken, so naturally there is no need to fight!

"Then it's better to compare in the physical training room, let's talk, how to compare!"

Tom grinned with confidence!

"Slap each other! Whoever can't hold it will lose!"

As soon as a sentence came out, the air was suddenly silent, and everyone's eyes widened!

What the fuck?

This is more rude than arm wrestling. Isn't there any normal project for this exchange meeting?

When Guan Hu heard this, he couldn't help but stunned fiercely, his eyes were full of horror!

At that time, he squatted on the ground with his face covered!

୧( ‧̣̥̇˃᷄口˂᷅ ‧̣̥̇)୨

"No... No! Hold back... hold back the fan, don't come here on horseback!"

At this moment, not only Tom and the others are dumbfounded, even Qin Shu and the others are dumbfounded!

Don't you just slap your mouth? Why did Director Tiger frighten him like this?

Is there any psychological trauma?

Zhao Dezhu kicked Guan Hu several times with a black face!

"What are you doing? Get up, are you embarrassed? What about the live broadcast!"

However, Guan Hu couldn't wake up at all, squatting on the ground and muttering non-stop!

"I know your enthusiasm, so don't come over to say hello one by one! I'll kneel down on the horse for you, okay?"

Danny was stunned: "Damn? Isn't this the post-war traumatic stress response syndrome I got?"

"Stress for short!"

Shirley: (⇀‸↼‶)…

So is that why you always go into sage mode yesterday?

Can you just call it abbreviation?

After the abbreviation, this disease sounds strange!

In fact, this is not to blame Guan Hu!

He has 32 teeth in one bite! Except the two front teeth were knocked out by Jiangnan!

The remaining thirty were all buried in the Sahara Desert!

Even now, I often have nightmares, thinking of that tragic experience!

Jiang Nan hurried over and held Guan Hu's shoulder: "Brother Hu! You have to calm down! This is Huaxia, the academy, not the Kabu family!"

Guan Hu swallowed his saliva and calmed down a little, but there was still a cold sweat on his forehead!

It seems to be slowing down for a while!

Martin and Tom looked at each other with confidence in their hearts!

Last night's tactical sister Bai discussed!

This time, they really gave up!

Even if this game still ends in failure, at least it can hit Jiang Nan in the face!

It's a real slap in the face!

With a slap, Jiangnan's face will be swollen even if he resists the slap!

No matter how much he is, let's beat Jiangnan first!

Otherwise, the fire in my heart can't be vented, and I'm really going to be out of anger!

The reason why I chose to compete in the physical training room is to prevent Jiangnan from using wormhole barriers and the like to avoid attacks!

With this slap, you have to slap Jiang Nan in the face!

In order to be able to hit Jiangnan, Martin Tom has already begun to be a human being!

Looking at Jiangnan at this moment, they all showed savage smiles!

The game can be lost, Jiangnan must fight!

Jiang Nan was also agitated, how could he not see their intentions?

This is to slap his own face!

Have you given up?

In order to hit yourself, can you fight a little more?

When it comes to fanning mouths, he is an expert among experts!

This thing pays attention to a cruel word!

If you slap each other's mouths, you must kill with one hit, and slap your head directly!

You must not give your opponent a chance to get up, in that case, you will be slapped!

However, Danny and the others are really not for nothing!

Each one's physical fitness is extremely outstanding!

Charles' physical fitness is not much worse than his own!

In the case of not being able to use supernatural power, Jiang Nan felt a little out of his mind when he sent it into his soul!

But the most important thing is to get started!

If someone takes the lead, then you will be beaten up!

Seeing Jiangnan's delay in responding, Charles raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter? Cowardly! Don't you dare?"

Jiang Nan wiped his nose: "How will you decide who goes first?"

Martin shrugged: "Rock paper scissors, whoever wins will go first, you're okay with that, right?"

Jiangnan: (΄◞ิʖ̫◟ิ‵) Oh

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