Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 838 Really! Blood spurting people!

as predicted!

It didn't take long for Alpha vans to stop under the Dandelion headquarters building!

More than 20 brawny men in suits and sunglasses get off in one car!

Thousands of people were crowded at the entrance of the building!


The number of people alone caused absolute suppression, and the warehouse and delivery station were surrounded by water!

Chen Lang swallowed his saliva and hid behind the crowd weakly. Only in this way can he find some sense of security!

But Chen Sheng looked gloomy!


With a sound of explosion, the spiritual yarn like cyan flames came out through the body!

Smashed the steel access control of the building to shreds! Remember http://m. 42zw. com

(mouth) "Jiangnan! Get out of here!"

The roar echoed, shattering the glass of the building!

Jiang Nan walked out of the building with a cup of Bo Bo milk tea, his face relaxed!

"I do the math, 231 windows, no one worth 1.8 million? And access control, huh?"

"Now I can make a lot of money again!"

Chen Sheng's forehead can't help but burst into blue veins!

"Don't give Lao Tzu those useless farts, did I let you take the training method of Chen Jialingsha?"

"Hurry up and bring it back to us! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"If you can't move you, don't think about Dandelion! I have a way to make you feel uncomfortable!"

Jiang Nan's face was full of anger, and he pointed at Chen Sheng's nose, his hands trembling with anger!

(Benefits): "You thief!"

"It's clear that your Chen family stole the spiritual gauze that I have devoted myself to researching!"

"Also licked a lot of faces and said it was your ancestors! You are obviously the wicked person to complain first, bite back, gossip, and spit people!"

"You are shameless!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, and even Roland Yu Qiao looked at Jiangnan in amazement!

Eh? Is that the case?

If we hadn't just watched you beat Chen Langqu into a trick with our own eyes, we would have believed it!

Chen Sheng: Σ (mouth---)?

Chen Lang: ('ω)?

Who is shameless!

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! 】

Are you using all the idioms you know?

The wicked complained first, and it was clearly you who took a bite back?

Chen Sheng stared: (☉Yi☉)

"The big joke in the world! Who doesn't know that Lingsha is the secret secret of my Chen family?"

"Learn from you? Where's the evidence? This is clearly researched by my ancestors of the Chen family!"

Gangnam: ╮ ( ω ) ╭

"You said yes? Did your ancestor apply for a patent?"

Chen Shenggang clenched his teeth: "Apply for a ghost's patent! Clear records in family history..."

Jiangnan pouted: (whew. wheeze) "I don't believe it! Would you show me the family history?"

Chen Sheng: (beneficially) You are riding a horse...

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! 】

Jiangnan: (ˉˉ) "Did you see it? If you can't say anything about me, I started to scold Yin!"

"This is clearly an expression of anger and anger when I expose the lie!"

【From Chen Sheng...】

Chen Sheng's face turned green, and he said savagely: "Okay! You said that the Chen family learned from you Lingsha?"

"Bring out the evidence, why do you say..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a "bang", and the spiritual pressure turned into a strong wind, even forcing the person to take a few steps back!

I saw that Jiangnan was covered with a layer of spiritual yarn that was one meter thick! Like a glass-colored flame!


Chen Sheng: Σ()Д(ヽ) Dig a canal!

All the younger brothers: ━Σ (Д---)━

This... how is this possible!

The stinky son and sister are blind, this is really one meter thick!

Is this really Lingya?

Did you make a mistake?

At this moment, Chen Sheng's face was pale, and his own spiritual yarn could not reach this level!

They rubbed our ancestors on the ground!

Jiangnan raised his eyebrows: ()

"What? You said that your Chen family didn't learn from me? You are sophistry!"

"It's not bad that I don't care about you. It's good to be cheap when you get it? What kind of money is this?"

Chen Sheng said anxiously: "Not at all, you... he... me!"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "It's okay for you to learn, you haven't learned the essence, you've practiced wrong!"

"Look at your thin gauze! It's like a little vest, you're too embarrassed to let it out?"

"I'm an authentic spirit yarn, but it's a down jacket military coat level!"

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! 】

(Yi): " talk nonsense! Ahhhh!"

"Learn from my Chen Jialingsha, the clan will not let you go!"

"I will make you pay the price of blood today! Give it to me and kill the dandelion!"

With an order, those men in suits and sunglasses burst into aura!

Squeeze your arms and roll up your sleeves, and you are about to go up and rush to kill!

However, the frightened faces of all the Dandelion members turned pale!

Screaming in shock, he squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and shivered, with a pitiful look on his face!

Roland Yu Qiao even hid behind Jiang Nan with a frightened expression!

-﹏) Hmm~

-~) Afraid~

Chen Sheng: ? ? ?

What is this doing? After all, it is also an underground organization. What bloody scenes have you never seen before?

Aren't you afraid of being like this? Don't you resist?

You admit defeat before you even start a fight?

Before he could figure out what was going on, he saw troop transport trucks whizzing by!

It stopped in front of the building with bursts of sudden braking!

The 3,000-strong Long Yuan Army, armed with live ammunition and fully equipped, entered the arena with neat steps under the leadership of the Red Dragon!

After seeing Jiangnan, they all stood at attention and saluted!

"I've seen Colonel Jiang!"

"Red Dragon, the captain of the Kyoto Longyuan Base, led three thousand Longyuan elites to report!"

"Stand by at any time, obey the command of the commander!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I am surrounded by Lao Tzu!"

In an instant, the soldiers of the Long Yuan Army surrounded the people brought by Chen Sheng to a watershed!

The muzzle of the black hole is directed at everyone!

The red dragon shouted: "Warning, I advise everyone not to resist!"

"Hold your head with your hands, put your feet together, and lie on the ground! Execute!"

At this moment, Chen Sheng's face is not to mention ugly!

The stinging dragon talisman I gave you just in the afternoon, did you use it at night?

And the above hasn't stopped him, so he really allowed Long Yuan to come and surround the Chen family?

Chen Sheng sneered. He just couldn't find a reason to mess with you. He didn't expect that someone would bring a pillow when he was about to go to bed?

He couldn't help but said angrily, "Why do you surround us? We didn't do anything against the law!"

"Could it be that if there is a dragon talisman, can military power be abused?"

"Believe it or not, I'll sue the military when I look back? Colonel Jiangnan Jiang abused his power!"

"Jie Shi, you, the big colony, have come to an end!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "What did you do? You illegally gathered a crowd to make trouble, threatening to drink ordinary people and disrupt public order! Endangering city security!"

"Chu Chou scared these little girls? They were all scared to cry!"

Saying that, the little hand poked Roland Yu Qiao!

The eyes of the two sisters lit up, and then their pretty faces twitched together, crying!

-mouth) Woohoo~

-mouth) o·Some bad people want to hit me, Qiao Qiao is so pitiful~

Not only did the two of them cry, but many girls from Dandelion hugged and cried together. Isn't the girl's tears just coming?

That's a poor one

Red Dragon: (ˉ~ˉ) "Do you have anything else to say? Please come back with us and be investigated!"

Chen Sheng's eyes are red, what I said!

Good you Jiangnan, where are you waiting for Lao Tzu?

"She... they all act, I didn't bully them at all!"

"We didn't gather a crowd to make trouble, we just came to go shopping! Yes, we came to go shopping!"

Jiang Nan took out his mobile phone directly from his trouser pocket, called up a piece of audio, and clicked the play button!

Chen Sheng's voice came from the phone!

"Today, I will make you pay the price of blood..."

At this moment, Chen Sheng's face was as ugly as eating a fly!

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! 】

recording? Did you record it in advance?

Ashley! Can you be any more shady?

However, before Chen Sheng could speak, Jiang Nan's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood!

Σ (--3) puff~

"Hey~ Chen Sheng's Reiki pressure is so strong, and that shock just gave me a serious internal injury, pow wow~"

Jiangnan vomited blood, and members of Dandelion also vomited blood!

There is even a small face pale, lying directly on the ground in a coma, unconscious!

Chen Sheng: ∑ (°mouth°)? ? ?

"Actors! A group of actors! God stepped on a horse and caused internal injuries. I didn't even know I was so strong!"

"You guys are really bloody!"

The red dragon pinched his thighs, forcing himself not to laugh. Brother Jiangnan is too good, right?

Still keeping a cold face: "Do you have anything else to say now?"

"A gang of little girls who are powerless! You can do it too! Scum!"

Chen Sheng exploded with anger: "They! They are not good people!"

"Dandelion! Underground organizations, it's not much better, why don't you arrest them?"

The red dragon's face did not change: "I know! But they are regular underground organizations with different natures!"

During the battle for the abyss, Dandelion helped a lot. What did they do?

Besides, Dandelion has been providing free intelligence information to military bases across the country!

Some news that Long Yuan could not inquire about, Dandelion can get it from the underground, and the cooperation has always been very pleasant!

Chen Sheng: (mouth) Huh?

Are there still formal underground organizations?

What the hell!

At this moment, Roland Yu Qiao also had a weak expression: "Boss Nanshen! Are we very formal?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Of course! I'm still thinking about getting a business license or something..."

Yu Qiao was stunned, can this still have a business license?

Can an underground organization do this?

Chen Sheng was angry again, but he couldn't resist when he faced the Long Yuan Army with guns and live ammunition!

Unless you don't want to mix in China!

"Jiangnan! You wait for Lao Tzu. After learning from my Chen Jialingsha, the clan will definitely ask you for an explanation!"

"Today, I've confessed! But what can I do? I'll hold you to my death for a few days! Wait for me to come out!"

Jiangnan: (3) "Also! They came in a van!"

"Seven people are loaded, and they have 23 people in one car! It's a serious overload! Dangerous driving!"

"You have to detain for a few more days and investigate carefully!"

The red dragon grinned: "Don't worry, sir!"

[The resentment value from Chen Sheng +1000! 】

【From... 】

Do you care about overloading? Ahhh!

(mouth): "Jiangnan! I~%...;#!"

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