Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 834 Bought a lesson?

Jiang Nan pouted: "Then how many do you have?"

Chen Lang looked aggrieved, and he didn't even want to understand when he was beaten to death, how could Lingsha fail?

And what the hell is the Vajra finger?

Also can't do magic?

Otherwise, you will definitely win!

"Currently there are only two hundred million in liquidity, that's all!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "I thought I found a gold owner, but it turned out to be such a small amount of money?"

"Okay, okay, no matter how small the mosquito's legs are, it's still meat!"

Chen Lang spat out a mouthful of old blood!

More than two billion or mosquito legs?

What mosquito? Remember http://m. 42zw. com

However, Ma Zha's head hangs on his head, and no matter how angry Chen Lang is, he has to hide it!

I hate and sneer in my heart, even if I'm proud, there are times when you cry!

The people in the clan are already following you!

No matter how much you eat, it will make you spit it out ten times!

Chen Peng, who was saying hello, handed over his mobile phone and was about to transfer money!

Jiangnan's little hand stretched out: "Wait! I can't ask for your money for nothing!"

"I am also a principled person!"

As he spoke, he took out a cloth and spread it on the ground, and sat on the ponytail!

At this moment, not only Chen Lang was confused, but even Roland Yu Qiao was stunned!

What is he doing?

Set up... set up a stall?

Is extortion so ceremonial now?

Do you want to be so formal?

Jiangnan handed out the receipt code: ()

"I'm too embarrassed to give me so much money!"

"In this way, it is considered to be doing business with me. You give me money, and I can sell your stuff, right?"

Chen Lang: (#) (#)

You are robbing me of my money!

Are you still embarrassed? What kind of chastity archway is there when you become Bichi?

You shy ass! Excuse me, you still rob me?

Is this an effort to legitimize this?

A wave of honey juice operations made Chen Lang's face dry and dark!

"Okay, okay! What are you talking about!"

Saying that, scan the code and transfer 230 million to Jiangnan!

Jiangnan is all happy and crazy: "I hope you have a happy consumption, and welcome to come next time!"

Chen Lang: (¬yi¬(#)

Happy yarn! I don't want to have a next time in my life!

I saw Jiang Nan's little hand took a handful from his trouser pocket and handed it to Chen Lang!

()つ: "This customer, please accept the product you purchased this time!"

Chen Lang was stunned, did he really give something?

It was inevitable that I would be curious, what exactly did I spend 230 million on?

"What... what?"

Jiang Nan spread out his small hands: "Hey~ take it!"

Chen Lang's face turned even darker, because Jiang Nan had nothing in his palm!


"Are you kidding me? Is it interesting? Your palm is empty!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "I didn't tease you! Can't you see? Look closer!"

Chen Lang looked suspicious, is there really something? I can't help but put my face in front of Jiangnan's palm and watch it intently!

I saw Jiang Nan raised his hand and gave Chen Lang two big mouths!

( ) (#) 3).`.Pop!

.`.(ε(#)( ) Pop!

Chen Lang's brain was buzzing, and all his white teeth were lost!

He couldn't help covering his face and said angrily: (づづど)

"What are you doing to beat me? I gave you all the money! Did I buy two mouths for 230 million?"

Jiangnan: "Nonsense!"

(°°) "Didn't this buy you a lesson?"

[The resentment value from Chen Lang +1000! 】


God stepped on a horse and bought a lesson!

The most regretful thing I have ever done in this life is to believe in the evil of Jiangnan!

This lesson is really "unforgettable"!

Yu Qiao and Roland on the side burst out laughing!

Nanshen boss is too bad, right?

They gave you money and cheated two mouths!

Chen Lang was burning with anger, but he could see that the little Maza under Jiangnan's butt resisted the urge to do it again!

"Can I go now?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Go? Where to go?"

Chen Lang said angrily, "I already gave you the money, didn't you agree to let me go?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "I never seem to have said that I would let you go, right?"

Chen Lang: (#) Yi) "Jiangnan! You deceive people too much!"

【From Chen Lang...】

While speaking, I couldn't bear the urge to do it any longer, but in the end, Jiang Nan was pressed to the ground and smashed on the bench!

"You can leave if you want. If the training method of Lingsha is too rough, I will let you go!"

However, Chen Lang, whose face was full of blood, laughed as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world!

Looking at Jiangnan with an expression like a fool!

"You're so beautiful that your nose is bubbling? Do you also want to learn my Chen family's spiritual skills?"

"That is the inheritance left by my ancestors of the Chen family. Even if you kill me, I will not tell you!"

"Spiritual arts don't spread surnames! Do you still want to learn? I'm dying of laughter, hahaha!"

Jiangnan pouted: "You can hold back your bragging! It's only been more than twenty years since the aura recovered! Is it still passed down?"

"Pull Jin'er down!"

Chen Lang sneered: "Twenty years? What do you know?"

"Do you think this is really the first aura recovery on Blue Star?"

"Everything recorded in the historical documents is true? The frog at the bottom of the well!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan's head couldn't help but be stunned, and was deeply shocked!

What's the meaning!

This time is not the first time in the history of Blue Star that the spiritual energy has recovered?

Hundreds, even thousands of years ago, there were spiritual ruins on the Blue Star, were they of spiritual beasts?

Is this spiritual yarn of the Chen family the skill that the people in the clan tinkered with when the spiritual energy was revived last time?

And then it has spread to this day?

What the hell!

This is the first time I have heard of Xinmi Jiangnan!

Since there was a spiritual qi recovery in ancient times, why did the spiritual qi disappear after the spiritual market?

Jiangnan's eyes are full of confusion!

Seeing that Jiang Nan was shocked by himself, Chen Lang couldn't help sneering!

"Ignorance! Now do you know the background of our Chen family?"

"Returning the pioneers? Leading the entire era? Joke! Our starting line is higher than you!"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and smashed it down!

"It's bad for you! Isn't it just a little bit of the light of the ancestors?"

"Lingsha's cultivation method, can you tell me?"

Chen Lang was hard-hearted: "I want Lao Tzu to speak? Even if the sun hits the west side, it's impossible!"

Jiang Nan stared: "Yo? You're still angry!"

While speaking, he took out a bottle of big green sticks, raised his hand, opened the bottle cap, and poured it into Chen Lang!

Chen Lang covered his mouth and coughed for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Why did he drink alcohol?

Eh? Why don't I have pain?

Pain reliever too? Jiangnan is so kind?

Before he could figure it out, a green stick in Jiangnan gave Chen Lang a scoop!

Immediately teleported out of the cage!

When Chen Lang woke up, he saw Jiang Nan smiling at him with his little hands behind his back!

"Let me out! Even if I die, I won't be a traitor to the Chen family!"

Jiangnan showed soft (evil) and (demon) smiles!

( ° °): "That's the real hell you haven't seen!"

Open the space wormhole while talking, take out a big diamond durian and throw it into the cage!

The next moment, the diamond durian exploded violently!

Countless diamond spikes mixed with golden pulp filled the entire cage!

Broken Chen Lang into a little yellow man!

Inside, there is a billowing white smoke that fills the garden with fragrance!

Chen Lang: (‖) Vomit~


He was vomited at that time, and knelt on the ground for a while retching!

Although it doesn't hurt! But it stinks!

[The resentment value from Chen Lang +1001! 】

【From... 】

"What is this riding on a horse! You actually threw me with Baba, and I'll fight with you! Ahhhh!"

Chen Lang rolled his eyes in disgust, madly attacking the space barrier!

The cracks were all over the place, but they were immediately repaired by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Next! I throw one in every three seconds! Until you speak!"

While talking, I threw another durian into it!


Chen Lang: Σ_("∠) Vomit!

"Devil! You are the devil, there is a kind of you who shark me! I will ~%...;# *!"


Chen Lang was insane, lying on the ground rolling his eyes and foaming!

No one can resist the stink attack of durian, especially Chen Lang's first experience!

The air in the cage is not circulating at all, causing the white smoke inside to become thicker and thicker, and people can no longer be seen!

Three minutes later, Chen Lang was leaning on the space barrier with both hands, and his eyes were full of red blood!

( )

"I said! I said it! Don't lose it anymore, this is hell! I'm sorry~"

Jiang Nan grinned and took out his own notebook to write it down!

Chen Peng on the side was anxious: "Brother Lang! You can't say it! I can't bear this torture!"

"Are you still my stubborn Chen Jiaerlang?"

Chen Lang said angrily, "You don't have back pain when you fart when you're standing! It's not you who is stinking! Come in and try? Vomit~"

As soon as he spoke, he explained the cultivation method of Lingsha in a tiring manner!

Jiangnan's little hands have written phantoms in the book, and their eyes are full of excitement!

Chen Lang drank the big green stick, and was not afraid that he would deceive himself!

"Go on! What are you thinking about?"

I saw Chen Lang paralyzed on the ground at the moment, his eyes were empty, and he had a broken expression!

"I will be so much, and the house in the back hasn't been shown to me yet!"

Chen Peng's face was full of anxiety: "Why did you really tell him? If Lingsha is learned by someone with a foreign surname, the clan will be finished if they know it!"

Chen Lang gritted his teeth: "Fart! Where is it so easy to learn?"

"It took me six years to train to this level, and it was only under the guidance of my elders!"

"So what if Jiangnan found out? Does he practice well?"

Jiangnan: ( ) Huh? Is it that difficult?

Chen Lang sneered: "What do you think? Why don't you let me out?"

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