Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 808: The Darkness of the Mingxiu Plank Road is Chencang! (add more)

Jiang Nan stared: "Hurry up and eat! Don't you want to become as strong as your big brother?"

Odin: (๑◔﹏◔ิ๑) I eat~

( ・᷄ ꇴ・᷅)つ҉̛༽̨҉҉(˃᷄口˂᷅°๑)

A mouthful of ginseng dipped in the sauce, Odin's eyes widened, his face shocked!

The nostrils were gushing blood, and the total amount of spiritual energy was 150%, and the body was burning with flaming flames!

"Big brother! This thing is so awesome!"

Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the little ginseng did not cure Odin Watt's head!

Another whole jar of durian pulp stuffed into Odin!

Then he took out a paralyzing gold ring and put it on Odin's middle finger!

I saw that Odin was holding a durian jar in his left hand, and his right golden middle pointed to the sky!

"When your spiritual power is exhausted, just take a bite of the durian pulp and eat it, okay?"

Odin couldn't stop nodding, his face full of excitement!

I am so strong now!

Mi Ye frowned slightly on the side, and now the breath emanating from Odin made him a little jealous!

What did Jiangnan feed him?

Mi Ye wanted to try it himself, but seeing Odin's ghostly appearance, Mi Ye shuddered violently!

just forget it!

I saw Jiang Nan clapped his little hands with a satisfied face, such an Odin should be able to bear it!

"Okay, now it's the last step, everyone close your eyes!"

When everyone heard this, they all shuddered fiercely!

Nanshen is indeed a devil!

All bonuses are for this last step!

She hurriedly closed her eyes, and in order to prevent Mi Ye from having sex with Odin, Jiang Nan specially stood in front of her!

He took out a forgiveness cap and put it on Odin's head, and immediately took it off!

I saw a grass growing on Odin's bald head, which was pulled off by Jiangnan!

(๐˃᷄ٹ˂᷅)つr -`( ·︠ࡇ·︡ )୨

"Okay, brother, now you are half as strong as your elder brother!"

"Go, fly to the sky, let everyone see your figure, and remember your strength!"

"Don't think about anything, just put a supernova on it and you're done!"

"Remember! It's not the scumbags you want to blow up, it's the sky that you want to blow up!"

The fighting spirit in Odin's eyes was burning: "Brother! I want to do the sky, I'm ready!"

At this moment, it was six o'clock in the morning, and Jiang Nan turned around and nodded towards Mi Ye!

Mi Ye raised his hand to manipulate the core, and the space door opened wide!

Without saying a word, Odin rushed out and came to a height of 10,000 meters!

At this moment, Yang Jian and the others on the Heilong giant ship remembered Jiangnan's warning and closed their eyes!


However, Lance, Pierce, they are different!

The moment the space door opened, their eyes subconsciously stared at it!

Everyone looked up at the sky, and they were stunned when they saw Odin rushing up!

I saw Odin bursting with muscles, dazzling bald head, and wearing the Son of the Sun briefs!

Durian pulp in one hand, pointing to the sky in the other! -

` ҉̛ԅ(。・᷅口・᷄。)convex′-

"Feel the true meaning of light! Kang busy, scumbags!"

A violent roar made everyone's expressions froze!

"Oh my r, what kind of look are you in? It's very chic! Who do you look down on?"

"Why does he fly so high? You look at his arrogant expression? I'm so mad at me!"

"How dare you give me the middle finger? Is Daotian great? I'll do it!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, every cell in my body is angry!"

In an instant, Mi Yinghong's six Daotians exploded with rage, and killed Odin with red eyes!

And the Lingwu troops on those battleships rushed to kill together!

The Feitian aircraft carrier and the two giant ships of the Eagle Country fired together!

At this moment, Odin was besieged by someone!

And the magician on the icebreaker saw Odin, his eyes brightened, did the boss finally come out?

However, his expression was stiff and disgusting!

"My God, what is the boss dressed in? It's so ugly, isn't it?"

"As the leading big brother, you appear in front of everyone like this, and you have lost all the face of the Illuminati!"

"Why did I follow such a derelict boss? I'm mad at me!"

As he spoke, the magician teleported and rushed out, joining the large team of crusade against Odin!

Victoria: ? ? ?

"Huh? Are you going to beat the boss? Didn't you say you wanted to come to support?"

Andre glared: "Fire! Shoot me!"

Some of his men shivered and said, "That's our God Lord, open... open a cannon? This is not good!"

Andre said angrily: "Are you afraid of shit? With so many shells, can he tell who shot it? Give me a blast!"

So the icebreaker also launched a ruthless blow to Odin!

Only the Huaxia side is standing still!

Wang Dalei listened to the roar of artillery fire from the outside world, shouting and killing the sky, and it was a stab in his heart!

What is the situation now? The army was beaten?

I'll just take a look, take a look at the head office, right?


"Oh shit! No one has ever dared to give me the middle finger, you are used to it!"


Wang Dalei, who was roaring with thunder, went straight to Odin and killed him!

At this moment, Odin seems to have become the public enemy of the whole people!

Gangnam Roar: ٩(˃᷄口˂᷅。)و

"It's now! The Tianniu fighter group, the vector rocket engine is on fire!"

"Everyone! Rush for Lao Tzu~"

In an instant, 30,000 days of bullshit burst into flames!

Thousands of blue tail flames erupted one after another, and a terrifying thrust acted on the beetle!

The whole group pulled out a deafening sonic boom in the air at a terrifying speed four times the speed of sound!

Go straight to the black dragon ship!

Jiangnan is a crazy teleportation in the air without looking back!

However, on the way, Jiangnan saw Wang Dalei who was rushing towards Odin!

The eyes of the two of them crossed briefly in the air!

All eyes are full of astonishment!


Jiangnan covered his face!

Don't stop talking about Uncle Jiang, the loss is in front of you!

Like you are not obedient? Have you opened your eyes?

You will collapse, Dalei's nephew walks slowly without giving it away!

Under the thrust of the vector engine, the Tianniu group quickly left the Daotian battlefield!

The speed of Jiangnan's teleportation can't keep up!

Instead, he was left behind!

Nowadays, most people's eyes are attracted to Odin, and even some fish who slip through the net notice that Jiangnan and his party took the opportunity to escape!

But the extreme speed of the herd of beetles made them fundamentally deal with it!

At this moment, in the sky, the six great roads, countless artillery fire, plus countless Lingwu troops are all attacking Odin!

Odin remembers the teachings of Jiangnan!

Not much to say, big move to destroy him!

"Optical drive. Supernova!"

In an instant, a ray of light that was several times more intense than usual burst out!

Everyone's face turned white!

"I drop a mother-in-law wow!"

I saw a light ball with a diameter of nearly 100,000 meters suddenly appearing at sea!

The amazing energy bursts wildly in an unstoppable gesture!

Even Mi Ye was horrified and took a deep breath!

"What the hell!"

Frightened and quickly closed the entrance to the abyss!

The infinite rays of light engulfed all those who rushed over!

The sea water was evaporated, boiled, and even set off a wave nearly 100 meters high!

The nearest Yingguo Lingwu battleship was overturned by a giant wave!

Was directly shot in half by the prodigal!

Although the beetles escaped from the affected area, they were still swept away by the air waves!

And Jiangnan, who fell at the end, was not so lucky!

Looking at the terrifying energy that collapsed in front of him, his face turned white with fright!

The usual spread is about 30,000 meters, but this special cat is more than three times stronger?

Is it the role of the big green stick?

This little brother is a little bit stronger!

The frightened Jiang Nan quickly took out the ground cloth to wrap himself, and plunged into the sea!

Immediately it was engulfed by the light!

Wait until the energy fluctuations pass!

I saw that the sea water under Odin's feet was boiling, and the Lingwu troops that had just rushed over were all vaporized!

Wang Dalei was collapsed into darkness, and the rest of Daotian were also embarrassed!

How can it be so strong? It's impossible to get close at all!

The magician was blown up and vomited blood, his face turned pale with fright, is the Lord going to heaven?

Why so fierce?

He quickly shouted: "Boss! I'm here to help you, my own person, don't bomb it!"

However, when everyone looked at Odin again, his anger rose again, wiped the blood on his face, and rushed to Odin again!

Odin stared: "Optical drive. Supernova!"

The rays of light are mixed with the roar of the weather!

"Are you coming back on a horse?"


Odin: "Super! Super! Super! Nova!"

On the sea, the 100,000-meter ball of light kept blooming, and even created a tsunami!

Since Odin had no grass on his head, Lance and the others used their strength to interpret what a moth to a flame is!

Martin wiped the blood from his face and looked back!

I saw that the Tianniu group had already landed on the black dragon ship with a large team!

Leaving the battlefield without losing a single person!

And Jiangnan struggled, but it can be regarded as emerging from the sea!

"Don't worry about Odin! Jiangnan is going to run!"

Lance shouted: "Everyone don't look at Odin, this group used taunting skills!"

Pierce gritted his teeth: "It's a good idea to repair the plank road and darken Chencang, don't even think about leaving!"

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