Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 802 Where is my sword?

The sky-high flames and the deafening cannon sounds echoed in layers!

It can be heard clearly even in the sea beyond the abyss!

On the Eagle Kingdom Lingwu battleship!

Captain Golden Lion hurriedly stepped forward, looking anxious: "Lord Lance, just sent back news from the city that never sleeps!"

"Hongguo Qianbenying has already sneaked into the abyss with the Scythe Shadow troops, and they will attack Jiangnan first!"

When Lance heard this, his pupils shrank!

"Damn it, that old man Yaki actually sneaked away? Nicole, come with me!"

Hurricane Nicole said anxiously: "Do you really want to go to the abyss? Can you do it? You forgot the rules set by Mi Ye?"

Lance sneered: "Heh~ rules? Who cares so much at this time? After the core is in hand, it's easy to say anything later!"

"The rules are set by the strong for the weak to obey, and I am not the weak!"

As he spoke, his thoughts surged, a mithril sword fell at his feet, and Lance stood up! Remember for a second http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom


Four consecutive voices burst together, and Lance's figure Yujian rushed out!

Plow out a big ditch on the sea, and plunge into the entrance of the abyss in a blink of an eye!

Nicole stomped her foot, waved her little hand, and the hurricane was swirling around, and she also followed!

On Phuket Island, the old man in the kimono looked at the Whisperer and the hurricane across the sky, his eyes full of anxiety!

"Damn it, why hasn't Qianben Sakura come out yet? Did the ghosts give it to you?"

At this moment, he naturally won't sit still, and he can't care about the rules at this time!


The coast was stepped out of a huge pit, and the old man in the kimono ran out of the phantom with his legs!

Running at supersonic speed on the sea, jumping down towards the entrance of the 100-kilometer abyss!


At the entrance of the camp, Jiang Nan was carrying a calf gang laughing arrogantly, shelling Qianben Sakura frantically!

I was bullied and cried!

At this moment, the Dark Night Army such as the Thin Monkey Black Crow was really dumbfounded!

Is this the legendary creature wraith weapon?

Can the maddened beetle still be used like this?

At this moment, they seem to understand that the spirit-binding weapon may have evolved like this!

The 30,000 Spirit Bound Cannons are a blast!

"Is it cool? Is this the thrill of crushing?"

"That's the fun of besieging, ruthless shelling, bullying from the Southern God!"

"The power is so terrifying, it's really taken away in one wave!"

Yao Hong on the side covered her face and couldn't bear to look directly!


It was indeed taken away in one wave, but you also took away the buildings near the camp!

Put a map cannon in the city that never sleeps?

Are we being so arrogant?

I saw that the area around the camp had turned into a lava hell, and I couldn't see a complete building at all!

And those spirit warriors who ran out from the surrounding area, fled frantically, did not dare to turn their heads back, and their faces turned white with fright!

Jiangnan is too ruthless!

At this moment, Jiangnan is still carrying the Mavericks and chasing Qianben Sakura for shelling.

The high-temperature flame column that spewed out and the spirit-bound steel block ripped apart the building and ignited a huge fire!


Buildings collapsed in rows and the fire was burning!

The arsonist said it was you!

Yao Hong shuddered, the boss of Nanshen would be spanked by Queen Mi Ye until she cried?

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan's hair stood on end!

Suddenly looking up at the sky, there is a piercing scream!

I saw a mithril cross sword pierced towards me like a falling meteor!

Jiangnan: ! ! !


In a panic, Jiangnan couldn't care less about bullying Qianben Sakura, and with a violent roar, he threw the Mavericks out like a cannonball!

Get rid of the shackles of the wraith field, and then a teleport disappears in place!

The mithril sword passed by and plunged into the ground fiercely!


There was a loud bang, like a meteor falling to the ground, and the terrifying power shattered the surrounding buildings and turned them into giant pits!

However, as soon as Jiangnan appeared, another mithril sword stabbed!

Jiangnan can only teleport again, dodge frantically, and dance on the tip of the knife every time!

Eight mithril swords in a row stabbed into the air, blasting a giant pit on the ground!

Jiang Ning went crazy: "Let me do it, I'll help you!"

But Jiang Nan shook his head firmly: "No, the situation is unknown, don't show up!"

However, in such a short time, the ninth Mithril Greatsword stabbed!

It's too late to teleport, Jiang Nan can only burn blood and open all seven doors, take out a pony and put it on his stomach!


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and Jiang Nan's body was knocked out like a cannonball!

Blast through three buildings and smashed a pit!

The arm was deformed, he vomited blood, and was directly injured, but the little Maza was safe and sound!

Jiangnan hurriedly put a small ginseng, and the injury recovered quickly!

I saw Lance the Whisperer stepping on a mithril sword, with a terrifying breath all over his body and a condescending look on his face!

"Young man, do you know now? If I want to kill you, I will kill you!"

"What about the space system? It's just platinum, if it weren't for you to keep it useful, the sword just now..."

Before Lance could finish speaking, Jiang Nan wiped the blood from his face!

Pull out the mithril sword that was inserted beside him, and stuff it into the alien dimension without saying a word!

Jiangnan: (ꐦ・᷅口・᷄) "Brother! There is another younger generation to provoke the majesty of the elder brother!"

"Big brother doesn't want to know him in general, you can do it yourself!"

Run away after a teleport!

Lance: ? ? ?

You... did you just pretend to take away Lao Tzu's sword?

I ride a horse!

[The resentment value from Lance +1000! ]

The Mithril Greatsword was put into the Alien Space by Jiangnan, and his psychic power couldn't be contacted at all!

The core is not in hand, so take a sword and go in first?

Lance was about to speak when he saw a dazzling light from the side!

Odin said nothing, a flare kicked in!

"My eldest brother, do you dare to move? I don't know if he doesn't want to have the same knowledge as you?"

Lance's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of fear!

Lord of Light?

He... how did he call Jiangnan big brother?

How could Odin's powerful Lance not know? Don't be lazy at all!

He raised his hand and said, "Think of the shield!"

Infinite thought power is gathered in front of him, and it has even reached the level of substantiation!


There was an explosion, and the terrifying energy burst out like a solar flare!

The psychic shield was smashed mercilessly after carrying it, and kicked Lance in the face!


Lance was kicked in a spin and flew out, smashing a building!

The cheeks were visibly swollen, and a tooth was spit out!

Lance's face was full of resentment, and he said angrily: "I really thought I was afraid of you, didn't I?"

"Sword! Come!"

Infinite mind power fluctuations spread out, summoning the mithril sword that just hit Jiangnan and stabbed to the ground!

However, this summon came with a handle, and it was the handle that was first stepped on!

The rest of the der did not summon!

Lance: (#)・᷄ࡇ・᷅)ˀ̣ˀ̣

I couldn't help but look at the surrounding sword pits!

And in such a short time, Jiangnan teleported frantically and visited all the sword pits!

Pull out the mithril sword inserted in the soil, and put it all into your own alien dimension!

Seeing Lance looking at him, Jiang Nan quickly turned his eyes to the side, whistling with his little hands behind his back!

(๑◔ε◔ิ๑) Shhhh~

It looks like it has nothing to do with me!

Lance: (#)ಠyiಠꐦ)! ! !

"Where's my sword?"

Even if you take a handle!

I didn't take care of my fuss, and you put all my nine mithril great swords away?

For so many years, this is the first time I have seen you do this!

Gangnam: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅)

"I know you're cheap! You don't have to stress this over and over again, okay?"

"Didn't I see you being too cheap? So I kindly help you restrain yourself, so you don't need to thank me!"

"This is what I should do!"

[The resentment value from Lance +1000! ]

(#)ʘ̆yiʘ̆ꐦ): "Fart! Do you want a face?"

Jiangnan: (๑・᷄ก・᷅) Ah la la~

"I don't want my face, my brother has always done a serious business of beating, smashing, looting and burning!"

"I've never done anything like selling human organs, you're so cruel!"

[The resentment value from Lance +1000! ]

(ꐦಥ dishಥ) Asi!

You are so shameless!

"You wait for me, I can't take my things if anyone wants to take them!"

"I have one sword left, enough to deal with!"

As he spoke, he held the Mithril Greatsword in both hands: "Mind Power Sword Gang!"

As he spoke, a hazy silver light burst out from the mithril sword in his hand, and infinite thought power poured into it!

It stretched out unexpectedly, forming a great sword of thought power with a length of more than forty meters!


With a flick of the sword, the building next to it was cut in half like corn!

Gangnam: ٩(๑¥﹃¥๑٩)

It seems to be!

All nine handles have been obtained, and this is the last one. If I don't get it, I will feel bad!

Odin roars: (。˘·mouth·˘)

"Do you think you're the only one who can know the sword? I can too! And it's bigger than your sword!"

"Tianchen lightsaber!


In an instant, an extremely dazzling light bloomed, and the lightsaber extending from Odin's hand didn't know how long!

Even poked out the entrance to the abyss!

Lance swallowed, looked at Odin's, then at his own, and couldn't help but feel guilty!

"You are so cheap!"

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