Isn't this bad food?

However, Jiangnan's expression remained unchanged: "No! Listen to their nonsense! Your name is Audi!"

"What Odin, and the Lord of Light? It sounds awful!"

Odin scratches his head: ୧( ・᷄ࡇ・᷅)

"But they all said, my name is Odin! Brother, are you making fun of me?"

"And when I heard the word Audi, I was inexplicably angry?"

"Hey~ why do I think Big Brother is so angry?"

Jiangnan slowly took out his warm gloves and put them on his hands!

Odin: ୧(٥ ・᷄Ĺ̯・᷅)୨

"I seem to remember a little..."

Before the words were finished, the seven gates of Jiangnan Burning Blood were fully opened, looking back with a big mouth, and slammed it firmly on the face of God Lord Odin! Remember for a second http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom



A crisp sound echoed, and Odin's head was slapped!

Ling Feng: Poofꉂꉂ(Ŏ❥Ŏ|||)ノノ

Wangba: ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━

Not only they were dumbfounded, but everyone was dumbfounded!

That is God!

Lord of Light, an explosive existence!

Do you want to fan your mouth so casually?

Is your life given by the five blessings?

Xia Yao: "(❛ั◡❛ั∗) calm down, it's not the first time~"

Jiang Ning covered his face, it was not the first time?

He even shaved Pierce's head with a square halberd!

Going down with a big mouth, Odin's face is confused!

Jiangnan smiled brightly: (。′ٹ`。)

"What's your name?"

Odin covered his face: (ノ)・᷄Ĺ̯・᷅) "My name is Odin, I should be Light..."



"What's your name?"

"Odin?" (・᷄Ĺ̯・᷅(ヾ)


After five big mouths, Lord Odin covered his cheeks and his eyes were bright!

(づ・᷅ ꇴ・᷄ど): "My name is Audi! Brother, why are you asking me such a strange question?"

Jiang Nan put his arms around Odin's shoulders and smiled brightly: "It's okay, you are still a good brother of eldest brother!"

At this moment, Ling Feng Wang Ba and everyone shivered in shock!

Cruel Jiang Devil beats people online!

Daotian's brain has been beaten by watts, Shente Meow Audi!

Xia Yao covered her face, she lost her memory as soon as she remembered it?

I can't remember this!

After getting Odin, Jiangnan gave Ling Feng a wink when he looked back!

Although Ling Feng and the others didn't know what was going on, they still decided not to mention anything about the Lord of Light!

Otherwise, Odin is afraid that he will inevitably have a small mouth!

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "It's too late, I told everyone to gather, pack up and go home!"

"I see who dares to stop us?"

Everyone looked at Odin and then at Jiangning!

Two Daotians?

What's more than walking sideways in the abyss? This is the rhythm to fly!

Is Xingyao a dre?

Gathering Gong Lin and Tao Xinyi who were stationed in the non-mining area, they were also full of excitement after seeing Jiangnan's successful return!

Fairies are indeed fairies!

After putting all the cores of the eighth and ninth layers into his different dimension, Jiangnan turned to look at Jiangning!

"Sister Ning, you should go into the high-dimensional space and follow me!"

"Otherwise, once you show up and are seen by other forces, it's not just the core issue!"

Originally, I was thinking of giving the core directly to Jiang Ning and letting her bring it back directly to Huaxia!

But this doesn't work at all, the core is too big for her to contain!

Besides, if the core thing is brought into the four-dimensional space, there may be some problems...

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "I know, call me anytime!"

Saying that, he stepped forward and fondly touched Jiang Nan's face, and the whole person disappeared!

Watching Wang Ba and Qin Shou was stunned!

This is too good, right?


Is the charm of this southerner not limited to human beings?

Jiangnan turned to look at Xiao Niubi, Xiao Hongyan, Xiao Sanluan!

"How's it going? Can you come with me? Have a full meal, or a full meal, choose one?"

After following me all the way, there is no credit or hard work. The beetles have to take home everything they say, and they are counting on them to make steel!

The three beasts looked at Xiong Er one after another!

Xiong Er grinned: "Follow Brother Nan and it's over, hold back and hesitate!"

Little Dimple: "Let me tell you, the main silver is amazing, it is the best main silver in the world~"

"You guys don't know how to lift up!"

Cheat back only one, so that my stress can be relieved!

goose hahaha

The three tool beasts looked at each other and nodded frantically!

Xiao Zhen swallowed: "Nan Shen, are we going home, or are we going to migrate?"

Anything of value in the abyss, you give it all away?

What is the plucking of wild goose?

Nanshen took all the geese in his pockets!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't worry about him! Leave it to Brother Jian to worry about it, I will drag the baby at home, he can't be happy!"

At this moment, I only heard a roar from the opposite side of the space door!

Feito roared: "Have you scolded again, what about the shrunken tortoise in Jiangnan?"

"If there is a seed, I will hack you to death in minutes!"

Odin: (˘·口·˘。)☛ "Big brother, someone scolds you!"

Jiang Nan shook his head and sighed: "A little guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky, always coming to provoke the majesty of the big brother!"

"I don't want to make a move, it's too low. After all, bullying scumbags, I really can't be interested!"

Wang Ba and the others stared blankly at Jiangnan!


Is that you, King Jiangbei?

When it comes to filling the cup, no one will accept the bully and help you!

Odin said angrily: "Brother! I'll help you teach him a lesson! I'm not afraid of losing my share!"

"Brother's majesty! Let me defend it!"

Jiang Nan said with a serious face: "Well, don't go too far, after all, brother is a kind person!"

"It's over if you go up and beat to death, forget about cramping and peeling skin or something!"

Odin: (。・̀ ◠・́)و Leave it to me!

Ling Feng shivered violently!

are you kind?

Are you good at keeping others cool?

Fitto is poised to go, thinking about the word today!

I saw the space gate fluctuate, and Jiang Nan walked over with his little hands behind his back!

Fitto: (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

"You... you dare to come up? You are not afraid of me..."

This time, it was Feito's turn to be stunned. I didn't scold me, why did I come up?

Is this for sending someone's head? Or is it a bait to seduce me?

Jiangnan's small waist is forked, and the corner of his mouth evokes an evil and charming arc!

(๑ˉิ √ ˉิ): "I'm standing right in front of you! Look how much I look like before!"

Feito stared: "I think you are courting death!"

Jiangnan pouted: "The world of flowers is charming, and the little star shines!"

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

"I'm going to have a face match today!"

At this moment, Feito is angry, so who cares if it is a conspiracy or not?

Watch Lao Tzu blow your head off with one punch!

I saw Feito rushing like a tiger, punching like a siege cannon, and blasting out three loud explosions!

He slammed into Jiang Nan's face fiercely!

However, Jiang Nan did not move, and looked calmly at Feito's fist!

Feito was stunned, didn't he hide? Are you looking down on my father?

With a ferocious look, his hands are getting harder and harder!

Seeing that he was about to hit Jiang Nan in the face, at this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from the space door!

It was so easy to catch Feito's fist!

The fist wind blows across the face, Jiang Nan's face is indifferent!

Fitto: ? ? ?

I saw Odin walking out of the space door, his eyes narrowed slightly: "You dare to challenge the majesty of my eldest brother? Don't you know how powerful he is?"

Feito's eyes widened, and his face instantly turned white!

Odin? God!

How did he show up here?

And you still call Jiangnan big brother? When did they wear a pair of pants?

Is the world so crazy now?

Feito: "O..."

Jiangnan: "Kill him!"

Odin squeezed hard, and saw that Feito's right fist was directly crushed!

No matter how perverted Feito's physique is, there is no perverted Odin!

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a scream!

I saw Odin rushing forward and punching out, directly hitting Feito's chin!


With a loud bang, Feito's body was directly smashed into the air, and because his fist was still grabbed by Odin, it was directly torn off!

Feito, who fell to the ground, coughed up blood!

Lao Tzu's right arm just grew out a few days ago, and it's gone again!

[The resentment value from Feito +1001! ]

How could Odin help Jiangnan?

This unscientific!

Feito, who didn't even think about it, glanced at Jiangnan angrily, turned around and ran!

Against Feito, even in the spirit-binding force field, he has no chance of winning!

Odin lost his arm and frowned: "Can't use abilities? It's really troublesome!"

"I'm going to shark him, big brother wait for me!"

Said the body rushed away!

Jiang Nan then turned around and greeted: "It's resolved, come here!"

Only then did Ling Feng's large army pass through the space gate and return to the eighth floor!

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In just over ten seconds, Feito, the stumbling block, knelt down!

Your little brother is too strong!

At this moment, Jiang Ning's voice suddenly came from his ear!

"Do you want me to take action? My abilities are not limited in the binding field!"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "Don't do it first, you are my trump card and the last insurance!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan's eyes fell on the seven or eight explorers left in the field!

With a bright smile: "Three seconds, give me a reason not to hack you to death!"

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